‘Dana’ Story


글레이시아를 넘어 대륙 최고의 연구소라 불리던 ‘글라스부르크 연구소’. 수석 연구원 ‘다나’가 바람 생성기 연구에 성공하여 휘몰아치는 눈과 추위를 바람으로 멀리 보낼 수 있게 되면서 글라스부르크는 추위에서 벗어날 수 있었다.

이 소문을 듣고 글레이시아의 많은 도시에서 바람생성기를 원했지만 글라스부르크를 통치하는 ‘슈나이더’는 자신의 영지만 생각하는 냉정한 사람이었다.

“글라스부르크가 아닌 곳에는 바람생성기를 줄 수 없다.”

사람들을 추위에서 구하고 싶었던 다나는 슈나이더의 명령이 불만스러웠지만, 그녀가 할 수 있는 것은 없었다.

그러던 어느 날, 연구소로 두 소녀가 찾아왔다.

“이 도시가 다른 곳보다 따뜻한 건 연구소 덕분이라고 해서 찾아왔어요.

“저희에게도 바람생성기를 빌려주실 수 있으신가요?”

“미안해요. 글라스부르크가 아니면 바람생성기를 줄 수 없어요…”

설아와 밤비나는 다나를 설득하려 애썼다.

“저희는 얼어붙은 글레이시아를 구하기 위해 아우로라님을 만나러 가요.”

“그곳이 글레이시아에서 가장 추운 곳이라 저희는 바람 생성기가 꼭 필요해요.”

“글레이시아의 원래 모습을 되찾을 수 있다고요…?” 소녀들의 눈에서 진심을 본 다나는 흔들리기 시작했다.

“더 이상 모두가 취위에 떨지 않아도 된다니…”

“그럼요! 저는 꼭 따뜻한 글레이시아를 되찾고 말 거에요!” 설아의 강한 의지를 본 다나는 결국 슈나이더의 명령을 어기고 두 소녀를 지켜줄 작은 바람 생성기를 빌려주며 말했다.

“어디서든 바람이 당신을 지켜줄 거예요.”

소녀들이 떠난 후, 다나는 슈나이더 몰래 바람 생성기를 챙겨 글라스부르크 연구소를 떠나며 다짐한다.

“따뜻한 글레이시아가 될 때까지. 난 더 많은 사람들을 지키겠어!”


Institut Glasburg dikenal jauh di luar Glacia sebagai pusat penelitian terbaik di benua ini. Ketika kepala peneliti, Dana, berhasil menciptakan generator angin yang dapat menerbangkan salju dan udara dingin, Glasburg dapat terbebas dari hawa dingin.

Banyak kota di Glacia yang mendengar desas-desus tersebut dan menginginkan generator angin tersebut, namun penguasa Glasburg, Schneider, adalah seorang yang dingin dan hanya peduli dengan wilayah kekuasaannya.

“Saya tidak bisa memberikan generator angin ke tempat lain selain Glasburg.”

Dana, yang ingin menyelamatkan orang-orang dari hawa dingin, merasa frustrasi dengan perintah Schneider, tetapi tidak ada yang bisa dia lakukan.

Lalu suatu hari, dua orang gadis datang ke laboratorium.

“Mereka mengatakan bahwa karena lab inilah kota ini lebih hangat daripada tempat lain,” kata Dana.

“Apakah Anda bisa meminjamkan salah satu generator angin Anda kepada kami?”

“Maaf, kami tidak bisa meminjamkan generator angin kecuali jika Anda berada di Glasburg…”

Seolah dan Bambina mencoba meyakinkan Dana.

“Kami akan pergi ke Aurora untuk menyelamatkan Glacia yang membeku.”

“Itu adalah tempat terdingin di Glacia, dan kami sangat membutuhkan generator angin.”

“Maksudmu, kamu bisa mengembalikan Glacia ke kondisi semula…?” Melihat ketulusan di mata para gadis itu, Dana mulai goyah.

“Kita semua tidak perlu menggigil kedinginan lagi…”

“Tentu saja! Aku akan mendapatkan Glacia-ku yang hangat kembali!” kata Dana, melihat tekad Seul, dan akhirnya melanggar perintah Schneider, ia meminjamkan kedua gadis itu generator angin kecil untuk membuat mereka tetap hangat.

“Ke mana pun kamu pergi, angin akan melindungimu.”

Setelah kedua gadis itu pergi, Dana mengambil generator angin tersebut tanpa sepengetahuan Schneider dan meninggalkan laboratorium Glasburg dengan penuh tekad.

“Hingga Glacia menjadi lebih hangat. Aku akan melindungi lebih banyak orang!”


The Glasburg Institute was known far beyond Glacia as the best research center on the continent. When the chief researcher, Dana, succeeded in creating a wind generator that could blow the snow and cold away from the city, Glasburg was able to escape the cold.

Many of Glacia’s cities heard the rumors and wanted the wind generator, but the ruler of Glasburg, Schneider, was a cold hearted person who only cared about his fiefdom.

“I cannot give wind generators to anyone outside of Glasburg.”

Dana, who wanted to save people from the cold, was frustrated by Schneider’s orders, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Then one day, two girls came to the lab.

“They told us that it’s because of the lab that this city is warmer than other places,” says Dana.

“Do you think you could lend us one of your wind generators?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t give you a wind generator unless you’re in Glasburg…”

Seol-Ah and Bambina tried to convince Dana.

“We’re going to Aurora to save frozen Glacia.”

“That’s the coldest place on Glacia, and we really need the wind generator.”

“You mean you can restore Glacia to its original form…?” Seeing the sincerity in the girls’ eyes, Dana began to shake.

“We won’t all have to shiver in the cold anymore…”

“Of course, I’m going to get my warm Glacia back!” said Dana, seeing Seol-Ah’s determination, eventually breaking Schneider’s orders and lending the two girls a small wind generator to protect them.

“Wherever you go, the wind will protect you.”

After the girls leave, Dana grabs the wind generator without Schneider’s knowledge and leaves the Glasburg lab with a determination.

“Until I become a warm Glacia. I’ll protect more people!”

MINI Play Cube Contents

MINI Play Cube Lv. 4

Play Cube Lv. 4



Persentase Kemunculan (Tanpa Mystic Powder)

Appearance Rate (Without Mystic Powder)

Persentase Kemunculan (Dengan Mystic Powder)

Appearance Rate (With Mystic Powder)

  • Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket

  • B [Material Light] ×1

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] ×1 or S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box



  • Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket

  • B [Material Light] ×1

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] ×1 or S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×1 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×1



  • Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket

  • B [Material Light] ×1

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] ×1 or S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×1 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×1

  • Diamond



  • Character Card Pack ×2 or Pendant Ticket ×2

  • B [Material Light] ×1

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] ×1 or S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box



  • Character Card Pack ×2 or Pendant Ticket ×2

  • B [Material Light] ×1

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] ×1 or S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×1 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×1



  • Character Card Pack ×2 or Pendant Ticket ×2

  • B [Material Light] ×1

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] ×1 or S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×1 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×1

  • Diamond



Character Card Pack or Pendant Gacha

Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket (MINI Play Cube Lv. 4)

Nama (Tanpa Mystic Powder)

Name (Without Mystic Powder)

Nama (Dengan Mystic Powder)

Name (With Mystic Powder)

Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Premium Card Pack [+10]


Premium Pendant Ticket [+5]

Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]


Premium Card Pack [+10]

Premium Card Pack [+20]


Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]

Premium Pendant Ticket [+20]


Premium Card Pack [+15]

Premium Card Pack [+30]


Super Premium Card Pack [+3]

Super Premium Card Pack [+6]


Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+3]

Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+6]


Super Premium Card Pack [+5

Super Premium Card Pack [+10]


Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+5]

Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]


Super Premium Card Pack [+10]

Super Premium Card Pack [+20]


Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]

Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+20]


S Character Selection Box

S Character Selection Box (MINI Play Cube Lv. 4~5)





S Yoonrang

S Han Chaeryeong

S Ragon

Pilih salah satu

Choose one

S Artemis

S Fey

S Asha

S Ellony

S Ciel

S Saho

S Ava

S Elise

S Mnemion

S Gon

S Gaia

S Haryeong

S Lily

S Kimun

S Jewol

S Greta

S Yeomra

S Nike

S Meriel

S Ellin

S Hilda

S Destruction Death

S Chaos Death

S Crow

S Prill

S Janus

S Manwol

S Sandy

S Carmen

S Blossom

S Chaemin

S Iris

S Horus

S Summer

S Nari

S Spica

S Sirius

S Aurora

S Hopeful Seol-Ah

S Wishful Seol-Ah

S Cecil

S Bambina

S Melissa

S Schneider

S Dana

S Chrony

S Garam

S Harmony

S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] or S+ Character

S [EXP×2 Lv. 10] or S+ Character



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

S [EXP×2 Lv. 10]


S+ Yoonrang


S+ Han Chaeryeong


S+ Ragon


S+ Artemis


S+ Fey


S+ Asha


S+ Ellony


S+ Ciel


S+ Saho


S+ Ava


S+ Elisé


S+ Mnemion


S+ Gon


S+ Gaia


S+ Haryeong


S+ Lily


S+ Kimun


S+ Jewol


S+ Greta


S+ Yeomra


S+ Nike


S+ Meriel


S+ Ellin


S+ Hilda


S+ Destruction Death


S+ Chaos Death


S+ Crow


S+ Prill


S+ Janus


S+ Manwol


S+ Sandy


S+ Carmen


S+ Blossom


S+ Chaemin


S+ Iris


S+ Horus


S+ Summer


S+ Nari


S+ Spica


S+ Sirius


S+ Aurora


S+ Hopeful Seol-Ah


S+ Wishful Seol-Ah


S+ Cecil


S+ Bambina


S+ Melissa


S+ Schneider


S Dawn Light ×1 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×1

S Dawn Light ×1 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×1



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

S Dawn Light ×1


S [Special] Dawn Light ×1



Diamond (MINI Play Cube Lv. 4)



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

250 Diamond


400 Diamond


700 Diamond


1500 Diamond


MINI Play Cube Lv. 5

MINI Play Cube Lv. 5



Persentase Kemunculan (Tanpa Mystic Powder)

Appearance Rate (Without Mystic Powder)

Persentase Kemunculan (Dengan Mystic Powder)

Appearance Rate (With Mystic Powder)

  • Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket

  • B [Material Light] ×2

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box



  • Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket

  • B [Material Light] ×2

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box ×1

  • S Dawn Light ×5 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×5



  • Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket

  • B [Material Light] ×2

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×5 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×5

  • Diamond



  • Character Card Pack ×2 or Pendant Ticket ×2

  • B [Material Light] ×2

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box



  • Character Card Pack ×2 or Pendant Ticket ×2

  • B [Material Light] ×2

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×5 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×5



  • Character Card Pack ×2 or Pendant Ticket ×2

  • B [Material Light] ×2

  • S [EXP×2] ×1

  • S+ Character ×1

  • S Evolvable Character Selection Box

  • S Dawn Light ×5 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×5

  • Diamond



Character Card Pack or Pendant Gacha

Character Card Pack or Pendant Ticket (MINI Play Cube Lv. 5)

Nama (Tanpa Mystic Powder)

Name (Without Mystic Powder)

Nama (Dengan Mystic Powder)

Name (With Mystic Powder)

Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

Super Premium Card Pack [+3]

Super Premium Card Pack [+6]


Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+3]

Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+6]


Super Premium Card Pack [+5

Super Premium Card Pack [+10]


Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+5]

Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]


Super Premium Card Pack [+10]

Super Premium Card Pack [+20]


Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]

Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+20]


S Character Selection Box

S Character Selection Box (MINI Play Cube Lv. 4~5)





S Yoonrang

S Han Chaeryeong

S Ragon

Pilih salah satu

Choose one

S Artemis

S Fey

S Asha

S Ellony

S Ciel

S Saho

S Ava

S Elise

S Mnemion

S Gon

S Gaia

S Haryeong

S Lily

S Kimun

S Jewol

S Greta

S Yeomra

S Nike

S Meriel

S Ellin

S Hilda

S Destruction Death

S Chaos Death

S Crow

S Prill

S Janus

S Manwol

S Sandy

S Carmen

S Blossom

S Chaemin

S Iris

S Horus

S Summer

S Nari

S Spica

S Sirius

S Aurora

S Hopeful Seol-Ah

S Wishful Seol-Ah

S Cecil

S Bambina

S Melissa

S Schneider

S Dana

S Chrony

S Garam

S Harmony

S+ Character

S+ Character



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

S+ Yoonrang


S+ Han Chaeryeong


S+ Ragon


S+ Artemis


S+ Fey


S+ Asha


S+ Ellony


S+ Ciel


S+ Saho


S+ Ava


S+ Elisé


S+ Mnemion


S+ Gon


S+ Gaia


S+ Haryeong


S+ Lily


S+ Kimun


S+ Jewol


S+ Greta


S+ Yeomra


S+ Nike


S+ Meriel


S+ Ellin


S+ Hilda


S+ Destruction Death


S+ Chaos Death


S+ Crow


S+ Prill


S+ Janus


S+ Manwol


S+ Sandy


S+ Carmen


S+ Blossom


S+ Chaemin


S+ Iris


S+ Horus


S+ Summer


S+ Nari


S+ Spica


S+ Sirius


S+ Aurora


S+ Hopeful Seol-Ah


S+ Wishful Seol-Ah


S+ Cecil


S+ Bambina


S+ Melissa


S+ Schneider


S+ Dana


S+ Chrony


S Dawn Light ×5 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×5

S Dawn Light ×5 or S [Special] Dawn Light ×5



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

S Dawn Light ×5


S [Special] Dawn Light ×5



Diamond (MINI Play Cube Lv. 5)



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

500 Diamond


800 Diamond


1000 Diamond


1300 Diamond


‘Schneider’ Story


설아와 밤비나는 다시 글레이시아의 접경지대에 있는 도시 글라스부르크 근처에 다다랐다. 하지만, 모르는 사이 멜리사의 망령 ‘미스트’들이 그녀들을 추격하고 있었다.

“내 마을을 망친 저 녀석들을 잡아 이 몸 앞에 대령하라.”

멜리사의 명령에 따라 미스트들이 설아와 밤비나를 찾기 위해 글라스부르크 를 헤집었다. 그리고, 중심부 어두운 한 저택에서 어떤 여자가 그 사실을 보고받고 있었다.

“뭐…? 어디서 검은 개들이 몰려와서 도시를 헤집고 있다고? 어떤 겁없는 녀석이 나의 영지에 개들을 푼 거지?”

소식을 듣고 불쾌하다는 듯이 그녀는 고개를 까딱거리며 되물었다.

“네, 수나이더님… ‘멜리사’라는 망령의 지휘를 받고 있는 검은 개들이 몰려와 날뛰고 있다고 합니다.”

글라스부르크는 ‘채찍 여제’ 슈나이더의 조직인 ‘패밀리’의 통치를 받는 지역이였다.

슈나이더는 냉정한 사람이었지만, 패밀리를 최우선으로 생각하고 지키기 위해 항상 노력하였다.

메리사는 그런 그녀가 다스리고 있는 영지와 패밀리를 건드린 샘이었다.

“내 영지에 속해 있는 선량한 모두는 나의 패밀리로 간주하지만, 누구든 어떤 이유에서건 내 패밀리를 건드린 녀석에겐 끝까지 북수한다.”

슈나이더는 분노를 잠시 역누르며 눈을 감고 생각한 후 다시 말했다.

“다만, 우선 영지의 주민들을 먼저 보호하도록. 멜리사인지 뭔지가 더 날뛰게 하면 안돼.”

수나이더의 명령을 받은 패밀리의 몇몇 단원들이 구호 장비를 챙겨 부하를 이끌고 뛰어나갔다.

갑자기 망령과 개들이 도시를 엉망진창으로 만드는 것에 슈나이더는 의문이 들었지만, 그것보다 그녀에게 더 중요한 것은 지금 도시에 침입한 적ㄷㄹ이 있다는 사실이었다.

“멜리사… 저 녀석과 타협하면 모두 배신자로 취급하겠다. 모두 기억하도록, 항상 눈이 내리는 도시의 차가움을 잊지 못하게 해줄 테니…”

슈나이더는 패밀리의 행동대장들과 채찍을 들고 영지를 뒤엎은 자들을 잡기 위해 걸어 나갔다. 그녀가 사랑하는 이 도시와 패밀리를 건드린 자들에게 어떤 잘못을 하였는지 깨닫게 해주기 위해서.


Seol-Ah dan Bambina sekali lagi berada di dekat kota Glassburg, di perbatasan Glacia. Namun, tanpa sepengetahuan mereka, hantu Melissa, para Mist, mengejar mereka.

“Tangkap mereka yang menghancurkan desaku dan bawa mereka ke hadapanku.”

Atas perintah Melissa, para Mist mengobrak-abrik Glassburg untuk mencari Sulia dan Bambina, dan di sebuah rumah besar yang gelap di pusat kota, seorang wanita sedang diinterogasi.

“Apa…? Anjing-anjing hitam berbondong-bondong mengobrak-abrik kota? Orang bodoh pengecut mana yang melepaskan mereka ke tanah milikku?”

Dia menggelengkan kepalanya dengan jijik mendengar berita itu.

“Ya, Schneider… mereka mengatakan bahwa sekawanan anjing hitam, di bawah komando hantu bernama ‘Melissa’, sedang berkeliaran.”

Glasburg diperintah oleh ‘Family’, organisasi dari ‘Nyonya Cambuk’ Schneider.

Schneider adalah orang yang berhati dingin, tetapi dia selalu mengutamakan Family dan bekerja keras untuk melindunginya.

Merissa telah merusak kekuasaannya dan Keluarga.

“Semua orang baik di wilayah kekuasaanku dianggap sebagai keluargaku, tetapi siapa pun yang melanggar keluargaku dengan alasan apa pun akan ditindak tegas sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku.”

Schneider menahan amarahnya sejenak, memejamkan mata untuk berpikir, lalu berbicara lagi.

“Tapi pertama-tama, lindungi orang-orang di kawasan ini. Kita tidak boleh membiarkan Melissa atau siapa pun untuk berkeliaran lebih jauh.”

Di bawah perintah Snyder, beberapa anggota Keluarga mengambil peralatan bantuan mereka dan bergegas keluar dengan anak buah mereka.

Schneider tiba-tiba mempertanyakan tentang hantu dan anjing yang mengobrak-abrik kota, tapi yang lebih penting baginya adalah fakta bahwa sekarang ada musuh di kota.

“Melissa… Jika kalian berkompromi dengannya, aku akan menganggap kalian semua sebagai pengkhianat. Biarkan mereka semua ingat, biarkan mereka tidak pernah melupakan dinginnya kota yang selalu bersalju…”

Schneider berjalan dengan cambuk di tangan, bersama para kapten aksi keluarganya, untuk memburu mereka yang telah mengganggu kawasan tersebut, untuk membuat mereka menyadari apa yang telah mereka lakukan pada kota yang ia cintai dan keluarganya.


Seol-Ah and Bambina are once again approaching the city of Glassburg, on the border of Glacia. Unbeknownst to them, however, Melissa’s ghosts, the Mists, are pursuing them.

“Capture those who ruined my village and bring them before me.”

At Melissa’s command, the Mists ripped through Glassburg in search of Seol-Ah and Bambina, and in a dark mansion in the center of the city, a woman was being debriefed.

“What…? Black dogs are tearing through the city in droves, and what coward has unleashed them on my territory?”

She shook her head in disgust at the news.

“Yes, Ms. Schneider… they say that a pack of black dogs under the command of a wraith named ‘Melissa’ is running wild.”

Glassburg was a region ruled by the “Family,” the organization of the “Whip Mistress” Schneider.

Schneider was a cold-hearted woman, but she put the Family first and always worked to protect it.

Merissa had tampered with her territory and the Family.

“All good people in my territory are considered members of my Family, but anyone who crosses my Family for any reason will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.”

Schneider pushed back her anger for a moment, closing her eyes to think, then spoke again.

“But first, protect the people of the territory. We must not allow Melissa or whatever it is to rampage further.”

Under Schneider’s orders, several members of the Family grabbed their aid and rushed out with their men.

Suddenly, Schneider questioned the wraiths and dogs tearing up the city, but more important to her was the fact that there were now enemies in the city.

“Melissa… If you compromise with her, I will treat you all as traitors. Let them all remember, let them never forget the coldness of a city that always snows…”

Schneider walked out, whip in hand with the Family’s captains of action, to hunt down those who had messed with the territory, to make them realize what they had done to the city she loved and to the Family.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Moma Land

Table of Contents


Moma Land adalah salah satu fitur di Modoo Marble yang menawarkan fitur-fitur kecil yang dapat dijalankan saat tidak memasuki permainan. Terdapat Diamond Mine, World Travel, Gold Treasure Hunt, dan Star Candy Rich Ball yang masing-masing memberikan hadiah apabila dijalankan.

Moma Land is a place where some features in Modoo Marble can be enjoyed while not entering a match. There are Diamond Mine, World Travel, Gold Treasure Hunt, and Star Candy Rich Ball that each feature provides rewards if completed.

Accessing Moma Land

Moma Land dapat diakses melalui cara-cara berikut ini.

Moma Land is accessible through these steps.

Saat membuka Moma Land, akan muncul tampilan yang kurang lebih seperti gambar berikut ini.

When entering Moma Land, a view that less likely similar with the image below will show up.

Dari kiri ke kanan:

  • Diamond Mine
  • World Travel
  • Gold Treasure Hunt
  • Star Candy Rich Ball

From left to right:

  • Diamond Mine
  • World Travel
  • Gold Treasure Hunt
  • Star Candy Rich Ball

Diamond Mine

Tambang Berlian adalah tempat dimana pemain dapat memperoleh Diamond secara cuma-cuma. Pemain hanya perlu mengambil Diamond yang tergeletak untuk mendapatkannya. Diamond dalam Tambang Berlian dapat diambil sekali sehari dan reset harian dilakukan setiap hari pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT.

Diamond Mine is a place where player can obtain Diamonds for free. Player only need to pick up Diamonds that laid there to obtain it. Diamonds on Diamond Mine is only obtainable once a day and it resets daily every 15:00 UTC / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST.

Diamond Mine I

Tambang Berlian I dibuka khusus kepada pemain baru, pemain returner, maupun pemain eksisting yang log in pertama kali setelah maintenance update pada 31 Oktober 2024. Tambang Berlian I tetap dibuka sampai semua diamond yang ada telah diambil.

Diamond Mine I firstly open for every new player, returning player, and existing player who log in for first time after update maintenance on 31 October 2024. Diamond Mine I stays open until all diamonds are claimed.

Sesuai dengan gambar di atas, berikut ini jumlah Diamond yang dapat diperoleh di Tambang Berlian I.

  • Hari 1: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 2: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 3: 1.000 Diamond
  • Hari 4: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 5: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 6: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 7: 1.000 Diamond

Jumlah total Diamond yang dapat diperoleh adalah 4.500 Diamond.

As shown on the image above, amount of obtainable Diamonds in Diamond Mine I.

  • Day 1: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 2: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 3: 1,000 Diamonds
  • Day 4: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 5: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 6: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 7: 1,000 Diamonds

Total amount of obtainable Diamond is 4,500 Diamonds.

Diamond Mine II

Tambang Berlian II dibuka setelah Tambang Berlian I selesai diperoleh diamond-nya. Tambang Berlian II tetap dibuka sampai semua diamond yang ada telah diambil di masing-masing Tambang Berlian.

Diamond Mine II opens after all diamonds in Diamond Mine I are claimed. Diamond Mine II stays open until all diamonds in each Diamond Mine are claimed.

Sesuai dengan gambar di atas, berikut ini jumlah Diamond yang dapat diperoleh di Tambang Berlian II.

  • Hari 1: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 2: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 3: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 4: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 5: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 6: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 7: 500 Diamond

Jumlah total Diamond yang dapat diperoleh adalah 3.500 Diamond.

As shown on the image above, amount of obtainable Diamonds in Diamond Mine II.

  • Day 1: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 2: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 3: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 4: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 5: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 6: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 7: 500 Diamonds

Total amount of obtainable Diamond is 3,500 Diamonds.

Diamond Mine III

Tambang Berlian III dibuka setelah Tambang Berlian II selesai diperoleh diamond-nya. Tambang Berlian III tetap dibuka sampai semua diamond yang ada telah diambil di masing-masing Tambang Berlian.

Diamond Mine III opens after all diamonds in Diamond Mine II are claimed. Diamond Mine III stays open until all diamonds in each Diamond Mine are claimed.

Sesuai dengan gambar di atas, berikut ini jumlah Diamond yang dapat diperoleh dari Tambang Berlian III.

  • Hari 1: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 2: 100 Diamond
  • Hari 3: 500 Diamond
  • Hari 4: 200 Diamond
  • Hari 5: 100 Diamond
  • Hari 6: 100 Diamond
  • Hari 7: 500 Diamond

Jumlah total Diamond yang dapat diperoleh adalah 2.000 Diamond.

As shown on the image above, amount of obtainable Diamonds in Diamond Mine III.

  • Day 1: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 2: 100 Diamonds
  • Day 3: 500 Diamonds
  • Day 4: 200 Diamonds
  • Day 5: 100 Diamonds
  • Day 6: 100 Diamonds
  • Day 7: 500 Diamonds

Total amount of obtainable Diamond is 2,000 Diamonds.

Diamond Mine IV

Tambang Diamond IV dibuka setelah semua Diamond dari Diamond Mine III diambil. Diamond Mine IV dapat diakses hingga 7 hari dalam sepekan dan akan mengulang setiap hari Ahad pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT terlepas dari jumlah Diamond yang telah diambil di pekan itu.

Diamond Mine IV opens after all diamonds in Diamond Mine III are collected. Diamond Mine IV is accessible 7 days a week and all obtainable Diamonds are resetting every Sunday at 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST regardless of obtained Diamond amount on that week.

Sesuai dengan gambar di atas, berikut ini jumlah Diamond yang dapat diperoleh dari Tambang Berlian IV.

  • Hari 1: 50 Diamond
  • Hari 2: 50 Diamond
  • Hari 3: 70 Diamond
  • Hari 4: 70 Diamond
  • Hari 5: 100 Diamond
  • Hari 6: 130 Diamond
  • Hari 7: 300 Diamond

Jumlah total Diamond yang dapat diperoleh adalah 770 Diamond.

As shown on the image above, amount of obtainable Diamonds in Diamond Mine IV.

  • Day 1: 50 Diamonds
  • Day 2: 50 Diamonds
  • Day 3: 70 Diamonds
  • Day 4: 70 Diamonds
  • Day 5: 100 Diamonds
  • Day 6: 130 Diamonds
  • Day 7: 300 Diamonds

Total amount of obtainable Diamond is 770 Diamonds in each Diamond Mine.

World Travel

Silakan klik link berikut ini untuk melihat notice event World Travel yang sedang berjalan.

Please click following link to read the notice about on going World Travel event.

Gold Treasure Hunt

Gold Treasure Hunt merupakan salah satu fitur yang termasuk berumur cukup lama di Modoo Marble. Pada awal pembukaan mode ini, fitur Treasure Hunt menawarkan hadiah berupa Sealed Stone yang sekarang berubah menjadi Star Candy. Saat ini, Gold Treasure Hunt menawarkan hadiah berupa Gold dengan metode pengerjaan yang sederhana.

Gold Treasure Hunt is a feature that was available for a long time in Modoo marble. When this mode was opened for first time, it provides Sealed Stone as reward and now it changes into Star Candy. Currently, Gold Treasure Hunt provides gold as reward and it is obtainable with a simple method.

Starting Treasure Hunt

Saat memasuki Gold Treasure Hunt, akan muncul tampilan yang kurang lebih seperti gambar berikut ini.

When entering Gold Treasure Hunt for first time, a view that less likely similar with the image below will show up.

  1. Slot untuk memasukkan karakter.
  2. Slot untuk memasukkan dadu.
  1. Character card slot.
  2. Dice slot.

Untuk mengerjakan Gold Treasure Hunt, masukkan Karakter S+ pada slot kartu Karakter lalu masukkan dadu pada slot dadu. Kemudian tekan tombol yang ditandai berikut ini.

To start Gold Treasure Hunt, insert S+ Character cards into Character card slot and dice into the dice slot. Then tap the button like the image below.

Begitu dimulai, Gold Treasure Hunt akan bekerja selama 6 jam dan dapat dibatalkan kapan saja. Setelah 6 jam, Gold Treasure Hunt akan selesai dan tampilannya akan menjadi seperti gambar berikut. Klik pada tombol yang ditandai untuk menerima hadiah.

Once it starts, Gold Treasure Hunt will work for 6 hours and may be canceled by player’s choice anytime. After 6 hours, Gold Treasure Hunt will be done, and the view will look like this. Tap on the button that indicated below to get the reward.

Hadiah hanya dapat diterima apabila Gold Treasure Hunt diselesaikan dalam 6 jam. Apabila dibatalkan, hadiah tidak dapat diterima. Kartu Karakter S+ dan dadu yang telah digunakan harus menunggu selama 24 jam agar dapat digunakan kembali di Gold Treasure Hunt.

The reward is only obtainable if completing Gold Treasure Hunt for 6 hours. If canceling, no rewards will be obtained. Character cards and dice that was used before must wait for 24 hours to make it usable again in Gold Treasure Hunt.

Gold Treasure Hunt Reward

Secara mendasar, hadiah Gold Treasure Hunt adalah 36000 Gold ditambah 10000 Gold untuk setiap kartu Karakter S+ yang dimasukkan. Namun, hadiah tambahan dapat ditingkatkan dengan memasukkan kartu Karakter S+ tertentu. Berikut ini daftar kartu Karakter S+ yang disarankan yang memberikan hadiah masing-masing 30000 Gold.

Basically, Gold Treasure Hunt is 36000 Gold and 10000 Gold for each S+ Character card inserted. The bonus reward is able to increase by inserting selected S+ Characters. The table below is a list of recommended S+ Character that provides 30000 Gold each Character card.

Gold Treasure Hunt Recommended Character

S+ Kane

S+ Awaken Kane

S+ Evolution Kane

S+ Dominy

S+ Awaken Dominy

S+ Evolution Dominy

S+ Veronica

S+ Awaken Veronica

S+ Evolution Veronica

S+ Future Dasom

S+ Awaken Future Dasom

S+ Evolution Future Dasom

S+ Past Dasom

S+ Awaken Past Dasom

S+ Evolution Past Dasom

S+ Evolution Eunwoo

S+ Evolution Sweet Lily

S+ Evolution Scorpion

S+ Evolution Carine

S+ Evolution Moonlight Santa Chrony

S+ Evolution Midnight Santa Chrony

S+ Evolution Snow Malia

S+ Evolution Snow Malia's Penguin

Star Candy Rich Ball

Rich Ball adalah fitur yang merupakan ekspansi dari fitur Jackpot Draw yang dahulu memiliki mekanisme event tersendiri. Setelah fitur ini berumur cukup lama, sistem Jackpot Draw berubah menjadi Rich Ball yang dapat berisikan Gold, Diamond, maupun Star Candy. Kini, Rich Ball hanya berisikan Star Candy.

Rich Ball is a feature that formed by expansion of Jackpot Draw feature that used to have its own event. After it was released and lasted for long in Modoo Marble, Jackpot Draw system has changed into Rich Ball that contains Gold, Diamond, or Star Candy. Currently, Rich Ball only contains Star Candy.

Obtaining Rich Ball Lucky Key

Rich Ball membutuhkan Lucky Key agar dapat dibuka. Lucky Key dapat diperoleh dari Misi Bingo Harian/Pekanan dan Kehadiran 28 Hari. Rich Ball mengisi ulang Star Candy pada hari Senin dan dibuka dalam keadaan penuh pada pukul 15:00 WIB / 16:00 WITA / 17:00 WIT.

In order to open the RIch Ball, a Lucky Key is needed. Lucky Key is obtainable through Daily/Weekly Bingo Missions and 28-Days Attendance. Rich Ball refills Star Candy every Monday and opens on fulfilled state every 15:00 ICT / 16:00 SGT / 17:00 KST.

Obtaining Star Candy

Saat memasuki fitur ini, tampilan akan terlihat seperti gambar berikut ini. Klik pada Rich Ball di sisi kiri layar.

When entering this feature, the view will look like this. Tap on the Rich Ball that hanging on the left side of screen.

Maka tampilan akan berubah menjadi seperti ini. Pilih salah satu kotak yang ditunjukkan panah.

Then the view will be changed like this. Choose one of three box that indicated by arrow.

Lalu akan muncul animasi Rich Ball yang berusaha dibuka. Animasi tersebut dapat dilewati dengan menekan bagian mana saja di layar.

Then an animation of Rich Ball that is trying to be opened is showing up. The animation is skippable by tapping once on any side of the screen.

Apabila berhasil membuka Rich Ball, akan mendapat Star Candy antara 10000 hingga 100000.

If succeeded opening the Rich Ball, a great amount of Star Candy up to 100000 Star Candy will be rewarded.

Apabila tidak berhasil membuka Rich Ball, akan mendapat sejumlah Star Candy dalam nominal yang kecil.

If not succeeded opening the Rich Ball, a small amount of Star Candy will be rewarded instead.


Demikianlah panduan tentang Moma Land di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini memudahkan kalian bermain Modoo Marble.

So, that’s been a guide of Moma Land in Modoo Marble. Hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.

Super Boom Play Box

Table of Contents

How to Obtain

Dapatkan Super Boom Play Box sebagai hasil gameplay Super Boom. Super Boom Play Box dapat diraih hingga 10 kali per hari, direset setiap pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 00:00 WIT.

  • Dapatkan Super Boom Play Box Lv. 1 ~ Lv. 4 apabila kalah.
  • Dapatkan Super Boom Play Box Lv. 5 ~ Lv. 8 apabila menang.

Get Super Boom Play Box as Super Boom gameplay result reward. Super Boom Play Box is obtainable up to 10 times daily, and resets every day at 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 00:00 KST.

  • Get Super Boom Play Box Lv. 1 ~ Lv. 4 if losing the game.
  • Get Super Boom Play Box Lv. 5 ~ Lv. 8 if winning the game.

Reward List

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 1

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 1

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 10000 RP: 58,60%

  • 20000 RP: 40,00%

  • 30000 RP: 1,00%

  • 40000 RP: 0,40%


  • 10000 Gold: 68,60%

  • 20000 Gold: 30,00%

  • 30000 Gold: 1,00%

  • 50000 Gold: 0,40%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 100 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 150 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 200 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 400 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 2

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 2

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 20000 RP: 58,60%

  • 30000 RP: 40,00%

  • 40000 RP: 1,00%

  • 50000 RP: 0,40%


  • 10000 Gold: 48,60%

  • 20000 Gold: 35,00%

  • 30000 Gold: 13,40%

  • 50000 Gold: 3,00%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 150 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 200 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 250 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 500 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 3

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 3

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 30000 RP: 58,60%

  • 40000 RP: 40,00%

  • 50000 RP: 1,00%

  • 60000 RP: 0,40%


  • 20000 Gold: 68,60%

  • 30000 Gold: 30,00%

  • 50000 Gold: 1,00%

  • 70000 Gold: 0,40%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 200 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 250 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 300 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 600 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 4

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 4

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 40000 RP: 58,60%

  • 50000 RP: 40,00%

  • 60000 RP: 1,00%

  • 70000 RP: 0,40%


  • 20000 Gold: 48,60%

  • 30000 Gold: 35,00%

  • 50000 Gold: 13,40%

  • 70000 Gold: 3,00%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 250 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 300 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 350 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 700 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 5

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 5

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 50000 RP: 58,60%

  • 60000 RP: 40,00%

  • 70000 RP: 1,00%

  • 80000 RP: 0,40%


  • 30000 Gold: 68,60%

  • 50000 Gold: 30,00%

  • 70000 Gold: 1,00%

  • 100000 Gold: 0,40%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 300 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 400 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 500 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 1000 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Family Key

  • Family Key ×5: 100,00%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 6

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 6

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 60000 RP: 58,60%

  • 70000 RP: 40,00%

  • 80000 RP: 1,00%

  • 90000 RP: 0,40%


  • 30000 Gold: 48,60%

  • 50000 Gold: 35,00%

  • 70000 Gold: 13,40%

  • 100000 Gold: 3,00%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 400 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 500 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 600 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 900 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Family Key

  • Family Key ×5: 100,00%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 7

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 7

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 70000 RP: 58,60%

  • 80000 RP: 40,00%

  • 90000 RP: 1,00%

  • 100000 RP: 0,40%


  • 40000 Gold: 48,60%

  • 60000 Gold: 35,00%

  • 80000 Gold: 13,40%

  • 100000 Gold: 3,00%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 500 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 600 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 700 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 1000 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Family Key

  • Family Key ×5: 100,00%

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 8

Super Boom Play Box Lv. 8

Jenis Hadiah

Reward Type

Jumlah Hadiah & Persentase Kemunculan

Reward Amount & Appearance Rate

Ranking Point (First League)

  • 80000 RP: 58,60%

  • 90000 RP: 40,00%

  • 100000 RP: 1,00%

  • 110000 RP: 0,40%


  • 50000 Gold: 48,60%

  • 70000 Gold: 35,00%

  • 80000 Gold: 13,40%

  • 100000 Gold: 3,00%

Diamond Raw Stone

  • 600 Diamond Raw Stone: 59,00%

  • 800 Diamond Raw Stone: 33,50%

  • 1000 Diamond Raw Stone: 7,00%

  • 1200 Diamond Raw Stone: 0,50%

Family Key

  • Family Key ×5: 100,00%

Super Boom Character Growth System

Table of Contents


Sistem Pertumbuhan Karakter Super Boom memungkinkan pemain untuk meningkatkan level karakter Super Boom agar menjadi lebih kuat sehingga bermain Super Boom menjadi lebih menyenangkan.

Super Boom Character Growth System allows player to upgrade their Super Boom character and make it more powerful in order to make Super Boom more fun.

Super Boom Character

Semua karakter di bawah ini masih level paling dasar (Lv. 0~1).

All characters below are on their lowest level (Lv. 0~1).



  • Kecepatan gerak: 50
  • Koin maks: 50
  • Batu maks: 40
  • Durasi membangun: 65
  • Durasi merusak: 40
  • Jangkauan lari: 47
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 48


  • Saat menggunakan item Koin, mendapat bonus 3 Koin.


  • Move Speed: 50
  • Max. Coin: 50
  • Max. Stone: 40
  • Construction Spd: 65
  • Destruction Spd: 40
  • Dash Range: 47
  • Dash Cooldown: 48


  • When using Coin item, get additional 3 Coins.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 50
  • Koin maks: 50
  • Batu maks: 40
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 40
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 65
  • Jangkauan lari: 47
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 48


  • Saat menggunakan item Batu, mendapat bonus 3 Batu.


  • Move Speed: 50
  • Max. Coin: 40
  • Max. Stone: 50
  • Construction Spd: 40
  • Destruction Spd: 65
  • Dash Range: 47
  • Dash Cooldown: 48


  • When using Stone item, get 3 additional Stones.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 40
  • Koin maks: 50
  • Batu maks: 40
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 50
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 50
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 40


  • Saat menggunakan item Sepatu Tunggal, durasi efek bertambah 1 detik.


  • Move Speed: 40
  • Max. Coin: 50
  • Max. Stone: 40
  • Construction Spd: 50
  • Destruction Spd: 50
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 40


  • When using Single Shoes item, incrase effect duration by 1 second.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 65
  • Koin maks: 90
  • Batu maks: 65
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 90
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 50
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 60


  • Saat menggunakan item Tameng Pertahanan, durasi efek bertambah 3 detik.


  • Move Speed: 65
  • Max. Coin: 90
  • Max. Stone: 65
  • Construction Spd: 90
  • Destruction Spd: 50
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 60


  • When using Protection Shield, increase effect duration by 3 seconds.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 65
  • Koin maks: 65
  • Batu maks: 90
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 50
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 90
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 60


  • Saat menggunakan item Dinamit, durasi aktivasi berkurang 2 detik.


  • Move Speed: 65
  • Max. Coin: 65
  • Max. Stone: 90
  • Construction Spd: 50
  • Destruction Spd: 90
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 60


  • When using Dynamite item, decrease activation time by 2 seconds.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 90
  • Koin maks: 65
  • Batu maks: 65
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 65
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 65
  • Jangkauan lari: 47
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 80


  • Saat menggunakan item Sepatu Tim, kecepatan gerak meningkat 20%.


  • Move Speed: 90
  • Max. Coin: 65
  • Max. Stone: 65
  • Construction Spd: 65
  • Destruction Spd: 65
  • Dash Range: 47
  • Dash Cooldown: 80


  • When using Team Shoes item, increase movement speed by 20%.

Sun Wukong


  • Kecepatan gerak: 90
  • Koin maks: 65
  • Batu maks: 65
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 65
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 65
  • Jangkauan lari: 74
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 48


  • Saat menggunakan item Ramuan Raksasa, durasi efek meningkat 3 detik.


  • Move Speed: 90
  • Max. Coin: 65
  • Max. Stone: 65
  • Construction Spd: 65
  • Destruction Spd: 65
  • Dash Range: 74
  • Dash Cooldown: 48


  • When using Giant Potion item, increase movement speed by 20%.

Boom Seulgi


  • Kecepatan gerak: 70
  • Koin maks: 65
  • Batu maks: 85
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 55
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 85
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 60


  • Saat menggunakan item Batu, mendapat tambahan 3 Batu.
  • Saat menggunakan item Dinamit, durasi aktivasi berkurang 2 detik.


  • Move Speed: 70
  • Max. Coin: 65
  • Max. Stone: 85
  • Construction Spd: 55
  • Destruction Spd: 85
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 60


  • When using Stone item, get additional 3 Stones.
  • When using Dynamite item, decrease activation time by 2 seconds.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 90
  • Koin maks: 65
  • Batu maks: 65
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 65
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 65
  • Jangkauan lari: 61
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 64


  • Saat menggunakan item Sepatu Tim, durasi efek bertambah 1 detik.
  • Saat menggunakan item Ramuan Raksasa, durasi efek bertambah 2 detik.


  • Move Speed: 90
  • Max. Coin: 65
  • Max. Stone: 65
  • Construction Spd: 65
  • Destruction Spd: 65
  • Dash Range: 61
  • Dash Cooldown: 64


  • When using Team Shoes item, increase effect duration by 1 second.
  • When using Giant Potion item, increase effect duration by 2 seconds.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 90
  • Koin maks: 60
  • Batu maks: 80
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 50
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 80
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 60


  • Saat menggunakan item Sepatu Pencuri Pergerakan, durasi efek bertambah 1 detik.


  • Move Speed: 90
  • Max. Coin: 60
  • Max. Stone: 80
  • Construction Spd: 50
  • Destruction Spd: 80
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 64


  • When using Movement Theft Shoes item, increase effect duration by 1 second.

Silver Bell Kuya


  • Kecepatan gerak: 75
  • Koin maks: 80
  • Batu maks: 70
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 80
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 50
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 60


  • Saat menggunakan item Pembersih Vakum, durasi penggunaan bertambah 1 detik.


  • Move Speed: 75
  • Max. Coin: 80
  • Max. Stone: 70
  • Construction Spd: 80
  • Destruction Spd: 50
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 60


  • When using Vacuum Cleaner item, increase usage duration by 1 second.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 55
  • Koin maks: 55
  • Batu maks: 40
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 70
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 40
  • Jangkauan lari: 47
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 48


  • Saat menggunakan item Alat Konstruksi, durasi aktivasi berkurang 2 detik.


  • Move Speed: 55
  • Max. Coin: 55
  • Max. Stone: 40
  • Construction Spd: 70
  • Destruction Spd: 40
  • Dash Range: 47
  • Dash Cooldown: 48


  • When using Construction Tool item, decrease activation time by 2 seconds.



  • Kecepatan gerak: 40
  • Koin maks: 50
  • Batu maks: 40
  • Kecepatan konstruksi: 55
  • Kecepatan destruksi: 55
  • Jangkauan lari: 57
  • Pemulihan waktu lari: 60


  • Saat menggunakan item Sepatu Tunggal, durasi efek meningkat 1 detik.


  • Move Speed: 40
  • Max. Coin: 50
  • Max. Stone: 40
  • Construction Spd: 55
  • Destruction Spd: 55
  • Dash Range: 57
  • Dash Cooldown: 60


  • When using Single Shoes item, increase effect duration by 1 second.

How to Obtain Fragment?

  • Kumpulkan Super Boom Play Point dengan bermain di Super Boom.
    • Super Boom Play Point dapat diperoleh maksimal 10 kali per hari.
    • Dapatkan Play Point tambahan apabila memenangkan permainan dan/atau meraih gelar MVP tiap permainan.
  • Play Point yang terkumpul, apabila mencapai nilai maksimumnya, akan  membuka progress pada Super Boom Battle Pass.
    • Dapat langsung membuka progress Battle Pass dengan menggunakan Ruby. Jumlah Ruby yang dibutuhkan berkurang sesuai dengan Play Point yang dikumpulkan.
  • Dapat meraih Fragment dan Karakter Super Boom apabila membuka progress pada Battle Pass.
    • Apabila mendapat karakter Super Boom secara duplikat, akan digantikan dengan Fragment. Jumlah Fragment yang diberikan berbeda sesuai dengan level karakter yang dimiliki.
    • Dapat langsung melompati progress Battle Pass dengan membelinya dengan mata uang asli (top up).
  • Collect Super Boom Play Point by playing Super Boom.
    • Super Boom Play Point is obtainable up to 10 times daily.
    • Get more Play Points if winning a match and/or attaining MVP each round.
  • Collected Play Points if reaching maximum, will unlock an item in Super Boom Battle Pass.
    • You can unlock an item Battle Pass immediately by using Ruby. Required Ruby amount is reducing according to collected Play Points.
  • Get free Super Boom character and Character Fragment from Super Boom Battle Pass.
    • If obtaining duplicate character, Fragment will be given instead. Fragment amount differs according to character level.
    • Can directly purchase any item in Battle Pass regardless of progress using real money.

How to Check Battle Pass Progress

Ikuti tahapan berikut ini untuk melihat progress pada Super Boom Battle Pass.

Follow the instruction below to see progress of Super Boom Battle Pass.

Di Lobi Normal Server, buka menu pemilihan Liga.

In Normal Server Lobby, open League selection menu.

Pilih Super Boom dari daftar Liga.

Select Super Boom from League list.

Buka Battle Pass dengan menyetuh tombol yang ditunjukkan oleh gambar di atas.

Open Battle Pass by tapping on button that indicated on the image above.

  1. Progress Battle Pass saat ini.
  2. Bisa langsung membeli item di depannya menggunakan uang asli.
  1. Current progress of Battle Pass
  2. Can purchase the item directly regardless of progress using real money.

Fragment & Ruby Shop

Selain melalui gameplay dan mengumpulkan Play Point dari Super Boom, pemain bisa mendapatkan Fragment secara langsung menggunakan Ruby yang diperoleh dari pembelian in-game menggunakan mata uang asli (top up).

Beside of gameplay and collecting Play Point from Super Boom, player also able to get Fragments using Ruby that obtained by purchasing it using real world currency (top up).

Fragment Shop

  • 50 Ruby → 10 Fragment
  • 400 Ruby → 80 Fragment
  • 900 Ruby → 180 Fragment
  • 1550 Ruby → 310 Fragment
  • 3500 Ruby → 700 Fragment

Ruby Shop

  • 4900 KRW → 400 Ruby
  • 9900 KRW → 900 Ruby
  • 17000 KRW → 1550 Ruby
  • 37000 KRW → 3500 Ruby
  • 60000 KRW → 6000 Ruby

How to Upgrade Super Boom Character?

Untuk meningkatkan level karakter Super Boom, memerlukan Fragment dan Gold. Jumlah Fragment dan Gold yang dibutuhkan berbeda tiap levelnya. Perhatikan tabel dan tahapannya di bawah ini.

In order to upgrade Super Boom character, Fragment and Gold is required. Fragemnt and Gold required amount is different for each level. See the table and how to do it below.

Super Boom Character Growth Fee



Fragmen yang Dibutuhkan

Required Fragments

Gold yang Dibutuhkan

Required Gold

Level 0 → Level 1

80 Fragment

500.000 Gold

Level 1 → Level 2

180 Fragment

1.000.000 Gold

Level 2 → Level 3

310 Fragment

1.500.000 Gold

Level 3 → Level 4

700 Fragment

2.000.000 Gold

DI Lobi Super Boom, klik tombol berikut untuk melihat daftar karakter Super Boom.

In Super Boom Lobby, tap on this button to see Super Boom characters list.

Apabila Fragment mencukupi, bisa upgrade karakter yang dimiliki. Pilih karakter yang ingin di-upgrade lalu klik tombol berikut ini.

If have sufficient Fragment, can upgrade an owning character. Select a desired character then tap on this button.

Akan muncul jendela konfirmasi yang berisi informasi stat dan skill karakter apabila di-upgrade ke level berikutnya. Untuk melanjutkan, klik tombol di bawahnya. Pastikan memiliki cukup Gold agar proses tidak terkendala.

A prompt window that shows character information if upgraded to next level. To proceed, tap the button below it. Make sure you have sufficient Gold.

Selamat, karakter berhasil di-upgrade.

Congratulations, the character has successfully upgraded.

Super Boom

Table of Contents


Super Boom adalah mode permainan baru di Modoo Marble yang memberikan pengalaman bermain yang baru layaknya memainkan game yang berbeda. Super Boom merupakan mode permainan yang dikategorikan sebagai permainan aksi dimana pemain menggerakkan karakter dan melakukan beragam aksi untuk mencapai kemenangan.

Super Boom is a new game mode in Modoo Marble that provides brand new experience like playing a different game. Super Boom is a game mode categorized as an action game where players move their characters and perform various actions to achieve victory.

How to Enter Super Boom

Jika sedang berada di Season Server, silakan baca Cara Berpindah Server.

If you are in Season Server, please read How to Switch Server.

Di layar lobi Normal Server, klik ikon yang ditandai pada gambar di atas.

In Normal Server lobby, tap on button indicated on the image above.

Di layar pemilihan Liga, pilih Super Boom yang berada di sisi kiri layar.

On League selection screen, tap on Super Boom on left side of screen.

Kamu telah memasuki lobi Super Boom.

Now you’ve entered Super Boom lobby.

Super Boom Lobby Structure

Perhatikan diagram di bawah ini untuk mengetahui struktur lobi Super Boom.

Please read the diagram below to find out about Super Boom lobby structure.

  1. Kembali ke halaman sebelumnya
  2. Jumlah Ruby & Character Fragment yang dimiliki
  3. Battle Pass
  4. Mengganti bentuk joystick
    1. Atas: analog
    2. Bawah: kursor
  5. Toko Character Fragment
  6. Ranking
  7. Chat
  8. Kembali ke Lobi Normal Server
  9. Friendly Match (hanya main bersama orang yang diundang)
  10. Undang teman (untuk match publik)
  11. Ganti karakter
  12. Battle Pass
  13. Kode undangan publik
  14. Ganti Map
  15. Mulai permainan
  1. Return to previous page
  2. Owning Ruby & Character Fragment amount
  3. Battle Pass
  4. Changing joystick shape
    1. Top: analog
    2. Bottom: kursor
  5. haracter Fragment Shop
  6. Ranking
  7. Chat
  8. Return to Normal Server lobby
  9. Friendly match (only play with invited friends)
  10. Invite friends (to play in public match)
  11. Change character
  12. Battle Pass
  13. Public invite code
  14. Change map
  15. Start game

Super Boom Map

Sky Island Map

Sky Island Map adalah map original Super Boom. Di map ini, tidak ada gimik tertentu sehingga pemain dapat fokus pada objektif permainan.

Sky Island Map is Super Boom’s original map. In this map, no specific gimmicks so players are able to focus completing objectives.

Waterpark Map

Waterpark Map adalah map kedua Super Boom. Di map ini, terdapat gimik berupa seluncuran air.

  • Seluncuran air menyemburkan air dalam periode tertentu.
  • Apabila terkena seluncuran air, akan mengalami stun dan terdorong hingga ujung map.

Waterpark Map is Super Boom’s secondly released map. In this map, there is a gimmick called water slide.

  • Water slide shoots a water stream periodically.
  • If caught by water slide, will be stunned and pushed away until edge of the map.

Fireland Map

Fireland Map adalah map ketiga Super Boom. Di map ini, terdapat gimik berupa naga berapi.

  • Naga berapi menyemburkan api pada lokasi tertentu dalam periode tertentu.
  • Apabila terkena semburan api, koin dan batu yang dimiliki akan berkurang dan kecepatan gerak meningkat sementara.

Fireland Map is Super Boom’s thirdly released map. In this map, there is a gimmick called fire dragon.

  • The fire dragon spouting fire on designated location in the map periodically.
  • If caught by fire, owning coin and stone are decreasing and move speed increases temporarily.

Wind Forest Map

Wind Forest Map adalah map keempat Super Boom. Di map ini, terdapat gimik berupa pusaran angin.

  • Pusaran angin berubah dari normal, setengah marah, dan marah dalam periode tertentu.
  • Apabila terkena pusaran angin yang marah, akan terbawa ke lokasi acak dan akan mengalami stun saat keluar dari pusaran angin.

Wind Forest Map is Super Boom’s fourthly released map. In this map, there is a gimmick called vortex.

  • The vortex changes state from normal, half rage, and full rage periodically.
  • If caught by full-raged vortex, will be pulled into a random location then stunned when pushed out from the vortex.

Universe Map

Universe Map adalah map Super Boom yang menggabungkan keempat map Super Boom dan menjadi bentuk yang berbeda setiap match-nya.

  • Universe Map adalah map yang diisi 20 peserta dimana masing-masing diisi 10 peserta.
  • Syarat kemenangan di Universe Map adalah memperoleh 1000 poin lebih dulu.
  • Poin dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan konstruksi, destruksi, penggunaan item, dan menyelesaikan Quest.
  • Quest di Universe Map adalah mengumpulkan 3 orang di lokasi yang ditentukan.

Universe Map is a Super Boom map that combines 4 Super Boom maps and it formed into a different shape that decided every match.

  • Universe Map is an only map that participated by 20 players, 10 players each team.
  • Universe Map’s victory requirement is collecting 1000 team points.
  • Points are collectible by performing actions such as construction, destruction, item usage, and completing Quest.
  • Available Quest in Universe Map is gathering 3 team members in designated location within time period.

Super Boom Weekly Ranking

Poin Ranking Super Boom dapat diperoleh dari hasil permainan. Poin yang diraih saat menang lebih besar dibandingkan saat kalah.

Ranking Pekanan Super Boom direset setiap hari Selasa pukul 10:00 WIB / 11:00 WITA / 12:00 WIT.

Super Boom Ranking Points are collectible from game result. Attained points when winning the game is greater than when losing the game.

Super Boom Weekly Ranking resets every Tuesday 10:00 ICT / 11:00 SGT / 12:00 KST.

Super Boom Weekly Ranking Reward



Hadiah I

Reward I

Hadiah II

Reward II

Peringkat 1

200 Fragment

S [S+ Atk/Def Honor Light] Selection Box ×1~×3 Gacha

Peringkat 2~3

120 Fragment

S [S+ Atk/Def Honor Light] Selection Box ×1~×2 Gacha

Peringkat 4~10

50 Fragment

S [S+ Attack/Defense Challenge] Honor Light 5 Types Gacha

Peringkat 0%~20%

25 Fragment

Peringkat 21%~50%

15 Fragment

Peringkat 51%~100%

5 Fragment

Super Boom Items

Normal Items (Available on All Maps)


  • Mendapat 10 Koin ketika digunakan


  • Get 10 Coins upon use


  • Mendapat 10 Batu ketika digunakan


  • Get 10 Stones upon use

Sepatu Tunggal

  • Kecepatan gerak diri sendiri meningkat untuk sementara.ketika digunakan

Single Shoes

  • Incrase move speed of myself temporarily upon use

Sepatu Tim

  • Kecepatan gerak diri sendiri dan anggota tim meningkat untuk sementara.ketika digunakan

Team Shoes

  • Incrase move speed of myself and my team members temporarily upon use

Helm Pertahanan

  • Bertahan dari serangan terhadapku hingga 1 kali dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Defense Helmet

  • Defend any attacks against me for 1 time during a certain time upon use.

Tameng Pertahanan

  • Bertahan dari serangan terhadap bangunan timku hingga 1 kali dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Protection Shield

  • Defend any attacks against my team buildings for 1 time during a certain time upon use.


  • Perbesar jangkauan pengambilan Koin, Batu, dan Kotak Misteri dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.


  • Increase collection range of Coins, Stones, and Mystery Box during a certain time upon use.

Ramuan Raksasa

  • Perbesar ukuran diri sendiri dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan. Selama efek berlangsung, akan kebal terhadap serangan apapun dan membuat jatuh musuh yang ditabrak.

Giant Potion

  • Increase character body size during a certain time upon use. During the effect, immune against any attacks and make collided opponents stun.


  • Buat salah satu musuh tidak bisa mengambil Koin, Batu, dan Kotak Misteri dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.


  • Make an opponent unable to collect Coins, Stones, and Mystery Box during a certain time upon use.


  • Hancurkan bangunan musuh setelah rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.


  • Destroy a building of opponent team after a certain time upon use.

Kuas Cat

  • Ubah bangunan tim musuh menjadi bangunan timku setelah rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Paint Brush

  • Change a building of opponent team into my team’s building after a certain time during use.


  • Kurung lawan yang berada dalam jangkauan ledak ke dalam gelembung setelah rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.


  • Trap opponents within explosion range in bubble trap after a certain time uponuse.

Waterpark Map Exclusive Items

Diskon Tunggal

  • Kurangi biaya konstruksi atau destruksi diriku sebesar 50% dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Single Discount

  • Decrease construction and destruction fee of myself by 50% during a certain time during use.

Diskon Tim

  • Kurangi biaya konstruksi atau destruksi untuk diriku dan anggota timku sebesar 50% dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Single Discount

  • Decrease construction and destruction fee of myself and my team members by 50% during a certain time during use.


  • Perbesar biaya konstruksi atau destruksi salah satu lawan dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.


  • Increase construction and destruction fee of an opponent during a certain time during use.

Jam Rusak

  • Perbesar lama waktu konstruksi atau destruksi salah satu lawan untuk 1 kali dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Broken Clock

  • Increase construction and destruction time of an opponent for 1 time during a certain time during use.

Alat Konstruksi

  • Konstruksi bangunan secara otomatis dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Construction Tool

  • Construct a building automatically for a certain time upon use.

Sarung Tinju

  • Dorong musuh yang berada di hadapanku ketika digunakan. Musuh yang terkena akan didorong hingga ke pinggir map dan buat ia stun.

Punching Glove

  • Hit opponents in front of me during use. Opponents who got hit will be pushed away to edge of the map and stunned.

Fireland Map Exclusive Items

Sarung Tinju Berapi

  • Dorong musuh yang berada di hadapanku ketika digunakan. Musuh yang terkena akan didorong hingga ke pinggir map dan buat ia stun serta berikan efek terbakar.

Fiery Punching Glove

  • Hit opponents in front of me during use. Opponents who got hit will be pushed away to edge of the map and stunned also apply burning effect.


  • Hentikan pergerakan dan aksi salah satu musuh dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.


  • Restrict an opponent’s movement and action for a certain time upon use.

Besi Pemberat

  • Kurangi kecepatan pergerakan semua musuh dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Weighted Iron

  • Decrease all opponent’s movement speed for a certain time upon use.

Helm Pertahanan Berdurasi

  • Bertahan dari serangan terhadapku dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Durational Defense Helmet

  • Defend any attacks against me during a certain time upon use.

Wind Forest Map Exclusive Items

Helm Pertahanan Berdurasi

  • Bertahan dari serangan terhadapku dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Durational Defense Helmet

  • Defend any attacks against me during a certain time upon use.

Sepatu Pencuri Pergerakan

  • Tingkatkan kecepatan pergerakan diriku dan anggota timku serta kurangi kecepatan pergerakan semua musuh dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan.

Movement Theft Shoes

  • Increase movement speed of myself and team members while decrease all opponent’s movement speed for a certain time upon use.

Pembersih Vakum

  • Tarik musuh yang berada dalam jangkauan serang dalam rentang waktu tertentu ketika digunakan, lalu keluarkan musuh dalam keadaan stun.

Vacuum Cleaner

  • Pull opponents within attack range during a certain time upon use, then omit the opponents in stunned state.

Super Boom Character & Growth System

Silakan baca panduan tentang Karakter Super Boom dan Sistem Pertumbuhan Karakter Super Boom Character di sini.

Please read the guide about Super Boom Character & Super Boom Character Growth System here.

Super Boom Play Box

Silakan baca panduan tentang Super Boom Play Box di sini.

Please read the guide about Super Boom Play Box here.


Demikianlah panduan tentang Super Boom di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini dapat memudahkan kalian dalam bermain Modoo Marble.

So that was a guide about Super Boom in Modoo Marble. i hope it could help you to play Modoo Marble easier.

World Raid (Updated as 13/8/2024)

Table of Contents


World Raid adalah Liga baru di Normal Server dimana pemain bisa bermain 1 vs 1 melawan Boss yang telah ditentukan di map yang telah ditentukan. Pemain dapat meraih hadiah utama Star Gem.

Star Gem adalah gem jenis terbaru yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membatalkan skill-skill untuk memperkuat pertahanan karakter Evolusi.

Perhatikan rincian tentang World Raid di bawah ini dengan saksama!

World Raid is a new League in Normal Server where players could play 1 vs 1 against designated Boss in designated map. Players who play World Raid can get Star Gem as main reward.

Star Gem is a brand new type of gem that has ability to cancel skill and improve any Evolution Character’s defense strength.

Please pay attention to the details of World Raid carefully!

How to Participate

How to Enter World Raid

Perhatikan gambar-gambar di bawah ini untuk mengetahui cara memasuki World Raid!

Please pay attention to images below to find out how to enter World Raid!

1. Di layar lobi, sentuh tombol ganti liga yang ditunjukkan oleh gambar.

1. In lobby screen, tap on switch league button as indicated on the image above.

2. Pilih pilihan liga [World Raid] yang berada di paling kanan.

2. Select [World Raid] league option on right side.

3. Kamu telah memasuki menu utama World Raid.

3. Now you’ve entered World Raid main menu.


Silakan baca panduan tentang cara berpindah antar server.

Please read guide about how to switch between server.

World Raid Main Menu Structure

Gambar berikut ini adalah rincian struktur menu utama World Raid.

This image below is World Raid main menu structure detail.

  1. Informasi Boss. Terdapat informasi tentang karakter, set pendant, dan costume yang digunakan.
  2. Informasi map yang akan dimainkan dan persiapan 3 item utama permainan (ganjil genap, dadu dobel di lemparan pertama, dan kartu Angel).
  3. Informasi peringkat TOP 3 World Raid mingguan, informasi jadwal pergantian Boss & reset peringkat, dan tombol [보상] untuk melihat informasi hadiah ranking World Raid.
  4. Informasi peringkat dan poinku, deck yang sedang digunakan, dan tombol untuk memulai permainan.
  1. Information about Boss. There are details about the Boss’ equipped character, pendant set, and costume.
  2. Information about playable map and 3 main items preparation (odd even item, dice double for first roll, and Angel card).
  3. Information about World Raid weekly TOP 3 ranker, Boss rotation & ranking reset schedule, and [보상] button to see detail about World Raid reward.
  4. Information about my rank and point, currently equipped deck, and button to start the game.

World Raid Boss Rotation

Boss yang muncul di World Raid berganti setiap pekannya. Pergantian Boss dilakukan setiap hari Senin jam 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT diikuti dengan reset ranking dan pembagian hadiah ranking pekan sebelumnya. Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk detail rotasi Boss di World Raid!

Boss that appeared in World Raid changes every week. Boss changes scheduled every Monday on 18:00 TRT / 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST followed with ranking reset and previous ranking reward distribution. Please pay attention to the table below to see World Raid Boss rotation!

World Raid Boss Rotation



S+ Evolution Gothic Maid Seol-Ah

Merge Land

S+ Evolution Sandy


S+ Evolution Gothic Maid Seol-Ah

Drone Masters

S+ Evolution Horus

Steam World

Game Mechanism

Berikut ini mekanisme yang berlaku di World Raid.

  • Pemain dapat bermain World Raid kapanpun selama jadwal World Raid dibuka.
    • World Raid dibuka selama 24 jam.
  • Untuk memasuki World Raid, pemain memerlukan World Raid Entrance Ticket.
    • Jatah World Raid Entrance Ticket gratis adalah 1×/hari, jatah harian di-reset setiap pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT dan hanya di-reset apabila tiket habis digunakan.
    • World Raid Free Entrance Ticket dapat mengisi ulang tiket World Raid namun hanya dapat mengisi 1 tiket dan harus digunakan sebelum menggunakan World Raid Free Entrance Ticket yang lain.
  • Apabila World Raid Entrance Ticket gratis telah habis, pemain dapat membelinya langsung menggunakan Diamond saat memasuki permainan.
    • Pembelian ke-1 s/d ke-3 memerlukan 100 Diamond.
    • Pembelian ke-4 s/d ke-7 memerlukan 150 Diamond.
    • Pembelian ke-8 dan seterusnya memerlukan 200 Diamond.
    • Batas pembelian direset setiap hari pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT.
  • Boss memiliki marble ‘tak terhingga’ dan tidak akan bisa bangkrut.
  • Marble milik Boss bisa direbut dengan skill perebutan marble berikut ini.
    • Efek Heart Attack
    • Efek blok Netherworld
    • Pet Jellyfish
    • Efek blok Flame Road
    • Pet Dolphin
    • Perebutan marble saat aku dan lawan berada dalam line yang sama.
  • Gameplay akan berakhir apabila menemui persyaratan di bawah ini:
    • Turn/waktu permainan berakhir.
    • Pemain mengalami bangkrut.
    • Pemain atau Boss memenangkan match dengan completion atau kemenangan khusus map.
  • Pemain mendapat poin dengan membuat Boss membayar biaya sewa area milik pemain (biaya ambil alih yang diberikan saat Boss mengambil alih tidak dihitung sebagai poin) atau marble yang direbut dari Boss.
    • Setiap 100.000 marble yang dibayarkan oleh Boss dicuri dari Boss akan memberikan 1 poin bagi pemain.
  • Poin yang diraih pemain akan menentukan peringkat mereka di ranking mingguan World Raid.

These are mechanisms of World Raid.

  • Player could play World Raid anytime as long as World Raid is opening.
    • World Raid opens 24 hours.
  • In order to enter World Raid, World Raid Entrance Ticket is required.
    • Free World Raid Entrance Ticket is provided once daily, resets every 18:00 TRT / 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST and only resets if the coupon count is empty.
    • World Raid Free Entrance Ticket is usable to refill World Raid ticket but only able to refill one at a time and must be used before using another World Raid Free Entrance Ticket.
  • Apabila World Raid Entrance Ticket gratis telah habis, pemain dapat membelinya langsung menggunakan Diamond saat memasuki permainan.
    • Pembelian ke-1 s/d ke-3 memerlukan 100 Diamond.
    • Pembelian ke-4 s/d ke-7 memerlukan 150 Diamond.
    • Pembelian ke-8 dan seterusnya memerlukan 200 Diamond.
    • Batas pembelian direset setiap hari pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT.
  • Boss have ‘unlimited’ marble and unable to bankrupt.
  • Boss’ marble is able to steal using these marble theft skills.
    • Heart Attack effect
    • Netherworld block effect
    • Jellyfish summoning
    • Flame Road block effect
    • Dolphin summoning
    • Marble theft when me and opponent is standing within same line.
  • Gameplay will be ended when meeting one of these requirements:
    • Gameplay turn/time ends.
    • Player bankrupts.
    • Player or Boss win the match through completion or map exclusive victory.
  • Player get points by making Boss paying toll fee of participant’s area or the Boss marble is stolen (acquirement fee does not count).
    • Each 100,000 marble that paid or stolen by the Boss is equal to 1 point.
  • Points that attained by player will decide their rank within World Raid weekly reward.


Gameplay Reward

Setelah menyelesaikan permainan di World Raid, pemain akan menerima hadiah langsung berupa Star Ball.

  • Star Ball dapat diperoleh hingga 2 kali per harinya (terpisah dari jatah Star Ball biasa).

After completing gameplay in World Raid, player will get Star Ball as instant reward.

  • Star Ball is obtainable up to 2 times daily (separated with regular Star Ball obtain count).
Star Ball

Informasi tentang hadiah Star Ball dapat dibaca di sini.

Informations related to Star Ball reward can be read here.

Weekly Reward

World Raid Weekly Reward



Hadiah I

Reward I

Hadiah II

Reward II

Peringkat 1

Rank 1

[World Raid] Prestige Star Gem Box

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×20

  • 1000 Diamond

Peringkat 2~5

Rank 2~5

[World Raid] Prestige Star Gem Box

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×20

  • 800 Diamond

Peringkat 6~30

Rank 6~30

[World Raid] Renewal! Star Gem Box

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×15

  • 500 Diamond

Peringkat 31~100

Rank 31~100

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×15

  • 500 Diamond

  • World Raid Entrance Ticket ×1

Peringkat 0%~10%

Rank 0%~10%

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×10

  • World Raid Entrance Ticket ×1

  • Super Premium Sticker Pack [+3]

Peringkat 11%~20%

Rank 11%~20%

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×10

  • World Raid Entrance Ticket ×1

  • Super Premium Sticker Pack [+3]

Peringkat 21%~50%

Rank 21%~50%

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×5

  • World Raid Entrance Ticket ×1

  • Premium Sticker Pack [+3]

Peringkat 51%~100%

Rank 51%~100%

Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.

  • Gold Star Ball

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×3

  • Sticker Pack [+3]

[World Raid] Prestige Star Gem Box



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

[30%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[40%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[World Raid] Renewal! Star Gem Box



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

[25%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[35%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[40%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[50%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[55%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


Exchange Event

Tukarkan material yang diperoleh dari hadiah ranking World Raid.

Exchange materials that obtained from World Raid ranking reward.

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×25 → S+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] ×1 (berulang, material hilang)
  • A+ [Star Gem Piece] ×25 → Star Gem Box (berulang, material hilang)

  • A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×25 → S+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] ×1 (repeat, materials disappear)
  • A+ [Star Gem Piece] ×25 → Star Gem Box (repeat, materials disappear)

Star Gem Box



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

[45%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[35%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[35%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[35%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[35%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[35%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[30%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[25%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


[20%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem


[20%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem


[20%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem


[20%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem


[20%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem


How to Equip Star Gem

Berikut ini adalah panduan cara memasang Star Gem pada karakter Evolusi.

This is the guide on how to equip Star Gem into an Evolution Character.

Dapatkan S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] di menu Event.

Get S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] in Event menu.

Pilih karakter yang ingin ditambahkan socket Star Gem. Karakter tersebut harus sudah meng-expand 3 socket gem terlebih dulu.

Select a character that you want to expand Star Gem socket into. The character must have 3 sockets expanded already.

Pilih S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material].

Select the S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material].

Tekan tombol berikut ini untuk melanjutkan. Biaya sebesar 100 Diamond akan dibayarkan.

Tap on this button to proceed. 100 Diamonds fee will be paid.

Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul. Tekan tombol kuning untuk melanjutkan.

A confirmation window will show up. Tap on the yellow button to confirm.

Socket Star Gem berhasil ditambahkan.

Star Gem socket has successfully added.

Klik socket Star Gem.

Tap on the Star Gem socket.

Klik pada tombol ini untuk berpindah ke menu pemasangan Gem.

Tap on this button to move to Gem equipment menu.

Pilih tab Star Gem dan pilih Star Gem yang ingin dipasangkan.

Move to Star Gem tab and select any Star Gem to equip.

Klik tombol ini untuk memasang Star Gem.

Tap on this button to equip the Star Gem.

Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul. Klik tombol kuning untuk melanjutkan.

A confimation window will show up. Tap the yellow button to confirm.

Setelah pemasangan Star Gem selesai, jendela informasi akan muncul. Klik tombol kuning untuk menutupnya.

After done equipping the Star Gem, an information window will show up. Tap the yellow button to close it.

Selamat, karakter Evolusi-mu kini memiliki skill dan efek tambahan.

Congratulations, now your Evolution character has additional skill and effect.


Demikianlah panduan tentang World Raid dan Star Gem. Semoga panduan ini dapat membantu kalian agar dapat bermain Modoo Marble dengan mudah.

So that was the guide about World Raid and Star Gem. I hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.