Table of Contents
World Raid adalah Liga baru di Normal Server dimana pemain bisa bermain 1 vs 1 melawan Boss yang telah ditentukan di map yang telah ditentukan. Pemain dapat meraih hadiah utama Star Gem.
Star Gem adalah gem jenis terbaru yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membatalkan skill-skill untuk memperkuat pertahanan karakter Evolusi.
Perhatikan rincian tentang World Raid di bawah ini dengan saksama!
World Raid is a new League in Normal Server where players could play 1 vs 1 against designated Boss in designated map. Players who play World Raid can get Star Gem as main reward.
Star Gem is a brand new type of gem that has ability to cancel skill and improve any Evolution Character’s defense strength.
Please pay attention to the details of World Raid carefully!
How to Participate
How to Enter World Raid
Perhatikan gambar-gambar di bawah ini untuk mengetahui cara memasuki World Raid!
Please pay attention to images below to find out how to enter World Raid!
1. Di layar lobi, sentuh tombol ganti liga yang ditunjukkan oleh gambar.
1. In lobby screen, tap on switch league button as indicated on the image above.
2. Pilih pilihan liga [World Raid] yang berada di paling kanan.
2. Select [World Raid] league option on right side.
3. Kamu telah memasuki menu utama World Raid.
3. Now you’ve entered World Raid main menu.
Silakan baca panduan tentang cara berpindah antar server.
Please read guide about how to switch between server.
World Raid Main Menu Structure
Gambar berikut ini adalah rincian struktur menu utama World Raid.
This image below is World Raid main menu structure detail.
- Informasi Boss. Terdapat informasi tentang karakter, set pendant, dan costume yang digunakan.
- Informasi map yang akan dimainkan dan persiapan 3 item utama permainan (ganjil genap, dadu dobel di lemparan pertama, dan kartu Angel).
- Informasi peringkat TOP 3 World Raid mingguan, informasi jadwal pergantian Boss & reset peringkat, dan tombol [보상] untuk melihat informasi hadiah ranking World Raid.
- Informasi peringkat dan poinku, deck yang sedang digunakan, dan tombol untuk memulai permainan.
- Information about Boss. There are details about the Boss’ equipped character, pendant set, and costume.
- Information about playable map and 3 main items preparation (odd even item, dice double for first roll, and Angel card).
- Information about World Raid weekly TOP 3 ranker, Boss rotation & ranking reset schedule, and [보상] button to see detail about World Raid reward.
- Information about my rank and point, currently equipped deck, and button to start the game.
World Raid Boss Rotation
Boss yang muncul di World Raid berganti setiap pekannya. Pergantian Boss dilakukan setiap hari Senin jam 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT diikuti dengan reset ranking dan pembagian hadiah ranking pekan sebelumnya. Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk detail rotasi Boss di World Raid!
Boss that appeared in World Raid changes every week. Boss changes scheduled every Monday on 18:00 TRT / 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST followed with ranking reset and previous ranking reward distribution. Please pay attention to the table below to see World Raid Boss rotation!
World Raid Boss Rotation | |
Boss | Map |
S+ Evolution Gothic Maid Seol-Ah | Merge Land |
S+ Evolution Sandy | Arena |
S+ Evolution Gothic Maid Seol-Ah | Drone Masters |
S+ Evolution Horus | Steam World |
Game Mechanism
Berikut ini mekanisme yang berlaku di World Raid.
- Pemain dapat bermain World Raid kapanpun selama jadwal World Raid dibuka.
- World Raid dibuka selama 24 jam.
- Untuk memasuki World Raid, pemain memerlukan World Raid Entrance Ticket.
- Jatah World Raid Entrance Ticket gratis adalah 1×/hari, jatah harian di-reset setiap pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT dan hanya di-reset apabila tiket habis digunakan.
- World Raid Free Entrance Ticket dapat mengisi ulang tiket World Raid namun hanya dapat mengisi 1 tiket dan harus digunakan sebelum menggunakan World Raid Free Entrance Ticket yang lain.
- Apabila World Raid Entrance Ticket gratis telah habis, pemain dapat membelinya langsung menggunakan Diamond saat memasuki permainan.
- Pembelian ke-1 s/d ke-3 memerlukan 100 Diamond.
- Pembelian ke-4 s/d ke-7 memerlukan 150 Diamond.
- Pembelian ke-8 dan seterusnya memerlukan 200 Diamond.
- Batas pembelian direset setiap hari pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT.
- Boss memiliki marble ‘tak terhingga’ dan tidak akan bisa bangkrut.
- Marble milik Boss bisa direbut dengan skill perebutan marble berikut ini.
- Efek Heart Attack
- Efek blok Netherworld
- Pet Jellyfish
- Efek blok Flame Road
- Pet Dolphin
- Perebutan marble saat aku dan lawan berada dalam line yang sama.
- Gameplay akan berakhir apabila menemui persyaratan di bawah ini:
- Turn/waktu permainan berakhir.
- Pemain mengalami bangkrut.
- Pemain atau Boss memenangkan match dengan completion atau kemenangan khusus map.
- Pemain mendapat poin dengan membuat Boss membayar biaya sewa area milik pemain (biaya ambil alih yang diberikan saat Boss mengambil alih tidak dihitung sebagai poin) atau marble yang direbut dari Boss.
- Setiap 100.000 marble yang dibayarkan oleh Boss dicuri dari Boss akan memberikan 1 poin bagi pemain.
- Poin yang diraih pemain akan menentukan peringkat mereka di ranking mingguan World Raid.
These are mechanisms of World Raid.
- Player could play World Raid anytime as long as World Raid is opening.
- World Raid opens 24 hours.
- In order to enter World Raid, World Raid Entrance Ticket is required.
- Free World Raid Entrance Ticket is provided once daily, resets every 18:00 TRT / 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST and only resets if the coupon count is empty.
- World Raid Free Entrance Ticket is usable to refill World Raid ticket but only able to refill one at a time and must be used before using another World Raid Free Entrance Ticket.
- Apabila World Raid Entrance Ticket gratis telah habis, pemain dapat membelinya langsung menggunakan Diamond saat memasuki permainan.
- Pembelian ke-1 s/d ke-3 memerlukan 100 Diamond.
- Pembelian ke-4 s/d ke-7 memerlukan 150 Diamond.
- Pembelian ke-8 dan seterusnya memerlukan 200 Diamond.
- Batas pembelian direset setiap hari pukul 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT.
- Boss have ‘unlimited’ marble and unable to bankrupt.
- Boss’ marble is able to steal using these marble theft skills.
- Heart Attack effect
- Netherworld block effect
- Jellyfish summoning
- Flame Road block effect
- Dolphin summoning
- Marble theft when me and opponent is standing within same line.
- Gameplay will be ended when meeting one of these requirements:
- Gameplay turn/time ends.
- Player bankrupts.
- Player or Boss win the match through completion or map exclusive victory.
- Player get points by making Boss paying toll fee of participant’s area or the Boss marble is stolen (acquirement fee does not count).
- Each 100,000 marble that paid or stolen by the Boss is equal to 1 point.
- Points that attained by player will decide their rank within World Raid weekly reward.
Gameplay Reward
Setelah menyelesaikan permainan di World Raid, pemain akan menerima hadiah langsung berupa Star Ball.
- Star Ball dapat diperoleh hingga 2 kali per harinya (terpisah dari jatah Star Ball biasa).
After completing gameplay in World Raid, player will get Star Ball as instant reward.
- Star Ball is obtainable up to 2 times daily (separated with regular Star Ball obtain count).
Star Ball
Weekly Reward
World Raid Weekly Reward | ||
Peringkat Rank | Hadiah I Reward I | Hadiah II Reward II |
Peringkat 1 Rank 1 | [World Raid] Prestige Star Gem Box | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
Peringkat 2~5 Rank 2~5 | [World Raid] Prestige Star Gem Box | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
Peringkat 6~30 Rank 6~30 | [World Raid] Renewal! Star Gem Box | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
Peringkat 31~100 Rank 31~100 | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
| |
Peringkat 0%~10% Rank 0%~10% | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
| |
Peringkat 11%~20% Rank 11%~20% | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
| |
Peringkat 21%~50% Rank 21%~50% | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
| |
Peringkat 51%~100% Rank 51%~100% | Mendapat salah satu secara acak. // Obtain one randomly.
[World Raid] Prestige Star Gem Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[30%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 18% |
[40%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 1,9900% |
[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 18% |
[50%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 1,9900% |
[55%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 18% |
[50%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 1,9900% |
[55%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 18% |
[50%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 1,9900% |
[55%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 18% |
[50%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 1,9900% |
[55%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[World Raid] Renewal! Star Gem Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[25%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 16% |
[30%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 3,3000% |
[35%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 0,5000% |
[40%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1990% |
[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 0,001000% |
[25%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 16% |
[30%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 3,3000% |
[45%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 0,5000% |
[50%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1990% |
[55%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 0,001000% |
[25%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 16% |
[30%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 3,3000% |
[45%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 0,5000% |
[50%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1990% |
[55%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 0,001000% |
[25%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 16% |
[30%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 3,3000% |
[45%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 0,5000% |
[50%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1990% |
[55%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 0,001000% |
[25%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 16% |
[30%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 3,3000% |
[45%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 0,5000% |
[50%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1990% |
[55%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 0,001000% |
Exchange Event
Tukarkan material yang diperoleh dari hadiah ranking World Raid.
Exchange materials that obtained from World Raid ranking reward.
- A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×25 → S+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] ×1 (berulang, material hilang)
A+ [Star Gem Piece] ×25 → Star Gem Box (berulang, material hilang)
- A+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material Piece] ×25 → S+ [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] ×1 (repeat, materials disappear)
A+ [Star Gem Piece] ×25 → Star Gem Box (repeat, materials disappear)
Star Gem Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[45%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 0,01000% |
[35%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1000% |
[35%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1000% |
[35%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1000% |
[35%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1000% |
[35%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 0,1000% |
[30%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 1% |
[30%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 1% |
[30%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 1% |
[30%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 1% |
[30%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 1% |
[25%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 8,8900% |
[25%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 8,8900% |
[25%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 8,8900% |
[25%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 8,8900% |
[25%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 8,8900% |
[20%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 10% |
[20%] Pet Movement Cancelation Star Gem | 10% |
[20%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 10% |
[20%] Nutcracker Cancelation Star Gem | 10% |
[20%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 10% |
How to Equip Star Gem
Berikut ini adalah panduan cara memasang Star Gem pada karakter Evolusi.
This is the guide on how to equip Star Gem into an Evolution Character.
Dapatkan S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] di menu Event.
Get S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material] in Event menu.
Pilih karakter yang ingin ditambahkan socket Star Gem. Karakter tersebut harus sudah meng-expand 3 socket gem terlebih dulu.
Select a character that you want to expand Star Gem socket into. The character must have 3 sockets expanded already.
Pilih S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material].
Select the S [Star Gem Socket Expansion Material].
Tekan tombol berikut ini untuk melanjutkan. Biaya sebesar 100 Diamond akan dibayarkan.
Tap on this button to proceed. 100 Diamonds fee will be paid.
Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul. Tekan tombol kuning untuk melanjutkan.
A confirmation window will show up. Tap on the yellow button to confirm.
Socket Star Gem berhasil ditambahkan.
Star Gem socket has successfully added.
Klik socket Star Gem.
Tap on the Star Gem socket.
Klik pada tombol ini untuk berpindah ke menu pemasangan Gem.
Tap on this button to move to Gem equipment menu.
Pilih tab Star Gem dan pilih Star Gem yang ingin dipasangkan.
Move to Star Gem tab and select any Star Gem to equip.
Klik tombol ini untuk memasang Star Gem.
Tap on this button to equip the Star Gem.
Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul. Klik tombol kuning untuk melanjutkan.
A confimation window will show up. Tap the yellow button to confirm.
Setelah pemasangan Star Gem selesai, jendela informasi akan muncul. Klik tombol kuning untuk menutupnya.
After done equipping the Star Gem, an information window will show up. Tap the yellow button to close it.
Selamat, karakter Evolusi-mu kini memiliki skill dan efek tambahan.
Congratulations, now your Evolution character has additional skill and effect.
Demikianlah panduan tentang World Raid dan Star Gem. Semoga panduan ini dapat membantu kalian agar dapat bermain Modoo Marble dengan mudah.
So that was the guide about World Raid and Star Gem. I hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.