글레이시아가 얼어붙기 시작한 이후로 주민들은 도시마다 있는 실내 회관으로 모였고, 그때부터 모두의 마음을 사로잡는 스타들이 하나둘 생겨나기 시작했다.
“안녕히 계세요! 여기까지 하모니였습니다~ 오늘도 와줘서 고마워요~!”
하모니는 글레이시아에서 가장 인기 있는 아이돌스타로 일정이 빈 날을 찾기가 더 힘들었다.
“오늘 무대에서… 보여준 이상한 바람 그걸 만들어준 사람이 누구지?” 오늘도 무대를 무사히 마친 하모니의 대기실 앞에서 기다리던 누군가가 말했다.
“그건 제 무대를 항상 신경 써주시는 분이기에 말씀드릴 수 없어요. 그러는 당신은 누구죠?”
“나는 동해 바다의 용왕, 가람이라고 해. 진심으로 널 해칠 생각은 없어. 다만, 네 무대에서 나오는 바람과 비슷한 기운 때문에 우리 바다가 이상해졌어.” 가람이 하모니의 양손을 꼭 부여잡으며 말했다. “그 무대 장치를 만든 사람과 무슨 연관이 있을 거야! 나는 그분을 만나야 해.”
“하지만, 저는 당신을 처음 만났어요. 처음 만난 믿을 수 없는 분한테 친구의 정보를 그렇게 쉽게 줄 수는 없어요. 보안 요원을 불러야겠어요.” 하모니가 잠시 생각을 한 후, 차분히 가람에게 답했다.
“잠깐잠깐! 얘는 내 가장 소중한 친구 청룡이야. 수많은 사람들을 접한 스타라면 알 수 있겠지? 우리는 정말 순수하게 이야기하려고 온 거야… 제발 날 믿어줘!” 가람이 다급하게 손을 내저으며, 하모니에게 자신의 뒤에 숨어있던 청룡을 안겨주었다.
수많은 사람들을 만나며 생명의 맥박과도 같은 진심이 담긴 노래를 불러온 하모니는 자신을 만나러 온 이 사람이 나쁜 의도가 없다는 것을 발버둥 치는 청룡을 안고 느낄 수 있었다.
자신이 무대를 만들어준 다나를 소중해 여긴 것처럼, 가람의 표정에서 소중한 것을 지키고 싶은 간절함을 느꼈다.
“그렇다면, 저와 동행해요. 또, 평화적으로 이야기한다는 조건 하에 안내해 드릴게요. 그분이 없으면 제 ‘구름 스테이지’는 이대로 끝나버릴 거예요. 제 무대를 만들어주는 소중한 사람이에요.”
하모니는 내심 불안했지만, 글레이시아의 아이돌로 수많은 사람을 만나온 자신의 직감을 믿기로 했다. 소중한 것을 지키고 싶은 진심은 누구에게나 있을 것이기 때문에.
Setelah Glacia membeku, para penduduknya berkumpul di balai kota setempat. Sejak saat itu, artis-artis yang memikat hati mulai bermunculan.
“Sampai jumpa! Demikianlah penampilan dari Harmony~ Terima kasih telah datang hari ini~!”
Sebagai bintang ternama di Glacia, Harmony adalah orang yang paling sibuk dengan jadwal yang selalu penuh.
“Siapa gerangan yang membuat benda yang mengeluarkan angin dari panggung itu?” ujar seseorang yang menunggu di depan ruang tunggu artis setelah penampilan Harmony selesai.
“Saya tidak bisa memberi tahu karena ia adalah orang yang selalu memberi perhatian pada panggungku. Ngomong-ngomong, kamu siapa?” sahut Harmony.
“Aku Garam, Ratu Naga dari laut Timur. Dengan tulus aku tidak bermaksud untuk melukaimu. Namun, karena angin yang serupa dengan yang keluar dari panggungmu itu, lautan jadi berubah aneh,” ujar Garam sambil menggenggam kedua tangan Harmony, “Aku yakin ini pasti ada hubungannya dengan orang yang membuat alat itu! Aku harus bertemu dengannya,” sambung Garam.
“Tetapi, kita baru saja bertemu. Aku tidak bisa dengan mudah memberi tahu sesuatu tentang temanku kepada orang yang baru ditemui karena tidak bisa dipercaya. Aku akan memanggil petugas keamanan.” jawab Harmony dengan tenang setelah berpikir sejenak.
“Tunggu! Dia Blue Dragon temanku yang berharga. Kalau kamu memang artis yang telah menemui banyak orang, seharusnya kamu tahu ‘kan? Kami datang semata-mata hanya untuk bercerita… Mohon percayalah padaku!” Garam mengulurkan tangannya dengan terburu-buru lalu mengoper Blue Dragon yang bersembunyi di belakangnya kepada Harmony.
Harmony yang telah bertemu banyak orang dan menyanyikan lagu yang penuh ketulusan bagai denyut nadi kehidupan itu memeluk Blue Dragon yang bergumul, ia bisa merasakan bahwa orang yang menemuinya itu tidak bermaksud jahat.
Dari ekspresi Garam, Harmony merasakan keputusasaan Garam yang ingin melindungi sesuatu yang berharga, seperti bagaimana ia menghargai Dana yang membuatkan panggung miliknya.
“Kalau begitu, mari pergi bersama. Tapi, dengan syarat kamu harus berdiskusi tanpa pertikaian, aku akan menunjukkan jalannya. Tanpa dia, ‘Cloud Stage’ milikku berakhir begitu saja. Dia adalah orang penting yang membuatkan panggung milikku.”
Dalam hatinya, Harmony merasa khawatir, namun sebagai artis idola dari Glacia yang terbiasa menemui banyak orang, ia memutuskan untuk mengikuti intuisinya. Karena selalu ada ketulusan dalam melindungi sesuatu yang berharga.
After Glacia froze, the residents gathered at the local town hall. From then on, artists who captured their hearts began to appear.
“See you soon! This is Harmony’s performance~ Thank you for coming today~!”
As a famous star in Glacia, Harmony was the busiest person with a schedule that was always full.
“Who on earth made that thing that blows wind out of the stage?” said someone waiting in front of the artist lounge after Harmony’s performance was over.
“I can’t tell you because that person is the one who always pays attention to my stage. By the way, who are you?” said Harmony.
“I am Garam, the Dragon Queen of the Eastern sea. I sincerely didn’t mean to hurt you. However, because of the wind similar to the one that came out of your stage, the ocean has changed strangely,” said Garam while grasping both of Harmony’s hands, ”I’m sure this must have something to do with the person who made that tool! I have to meet that person,” Garam continued.
“But, we just met. I can’t easily tell something about my friend to someone I just met because it can’t be trusted. I’ll call security.” replied Harmony calmly after thinking for a moment.
“Wait! He’s my precious friend Blue Dragon. If you’re really an idol who has met many people, you should know, right? We came solely to tell stories… Please believe me!” Garam stretched out his hand in a hurry and then passed the Blue Dragon that was hiding behind him to Harmony.
Harmony, who had met many people and sang a song full of sincerity like the pulse of life, hugged the struggling Blue Dragon, she could feel that the person who met her meant no harm.
From Garam’s expression, Harmony sensed Garam’s desperation to protect something precious, just like how she valued Dana for making her stage.
“Then, let’s go together. But, on the condition that you have to discuss without fighting, I will show you the way. Without her, my ‘Cloud Stage’ just ends. He is the important person who made my stage.”
In her heart, Harmony was worried, but as an idol of Glacia who was used to meeting many people, she decided to follow her intuition. Because there is always sincerity in protecting something precious.