Purchase Achievement Event
Event Period
~21 November 2024 (Kamis) 21:59 WIB / 22:59 WITA / 23:59 WIT.
~21 November 2024 (Thursday) 21:59 ICT / 22:59 SGT / 23:59 KST.
How to Participate
Dapatkan beragam hadiah setiap banyaknya pembelian in-game
Get various rewards for each amount of in-game purchases.
- 3× pembelian → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×1 (1×/periode)
- 5× pembelian → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×1 (1×/periode)
- 7× pembelian → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×3 (1×/periode)
- 10× pembelian → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×3 (1×/periode)
- 3× purchases → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×1 (1×/period)
- 5× purchases → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×1 (1×/period)
- 7× purchases → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×3 (1×/period)
- 10× purchases → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×3 (1×/period)
Attendance King Event
Event Period
~22 November 2024 (Jumat) 12:59 WIB / 13:59 WITA / 14:59 WIT.
~22 November 2024 (Friday) 12:59 ICT / 13:59 SGT / 14:59 KST.
How to Participate
- Log in selama periode acara → S [Attendance King (~22/11/24)] ×1 (1×/periode)
- Pemain yang memiliki S [Attendance King (~22/11/24)] dapat memulai misi spesial.
- Log in within event period → S [Attendance King (~22/11/24)] ×1 (1×/period)
- Players who own S [Attendance King (~22/11/24)] are eligible to begin special mission..
Normal Player Attendance King Event
Daftar Misi
- Log in → Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box ×1
- Log in besok → Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box ×1
- Log in besok → Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box ×1, S [BLACK FRIDAY Coupon] ×1
Mission List
- Log in → Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box ×1
- Log in tomorrow → Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box ×1
- Log in tomorrow → Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box ×1, S [BLACK FRIDAY Coupon] ×1
Newbie/Returner Attendance King Event
Target Partisipan
- Pemain yang baru mendaftar di Modoo Marble setelah event dibuka pada 15 November 2024 (Selasa) 14:09 WIB langsung meraih S [Newbie Attendance King (~22/11/24)] ×1.
- Pemain lama yang tidak log in Modoo Marble selama 1 bulan terakhir lalu log in Modoo Marble setelah event dibuka pada 15 November 2024 (Jumat) 14:09 WIB langsung meraih S [Returner Attendance King (~22/11/24)] ×1.
Pemain yang memiliki S [Newbie Attendance King (~22/11/24)] atau S [Returner Attendance King (~22/11/24)] berhak untuk memulai misi spesial.
Participant Target
- New players who register to Modoo Marble after event opened at 15 November 2024 (Friday) 16:09 KST will obtain S [Newbie Attendance King (~22/11/24)] ×1 immediately.
- Old players who did not log in to Modoo Marble for at least 1 month then log in to Modoo Marble after new event opened at 15 November 2024 (Friday) 16:09 KST will obtain S [Returner Attendance King (~22/11/24)] ×1 immediately.
Player who own S [Newbie Attendance King (~22/11/24)] or S [Returner Attendance King (~22/11/24)] is eligible to begin the special mission.
Misi bagi pemilik S [Newbie Attendance King (~22/11/24)]
- Log in → BLACK FRIDAY Weather Character Box ×1, BLACK FRIDAY TOP5 Pendant Box ×2
- Log in besok → BLACK FRIDAY Weather Character Costume Box ×1, BLACK FRIDAY Hamster Pendant Box ×1, BLACK FRIDAY Parrotbill Pendant Box ×1
- Log in besok → BLACK FRIDAY Evolution Honor Light Box ×1
Misi bagi pemilik S [Returner Attendance King (~22/11/24)]
- Log in → BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pendant Box ×1
- Log in besok → BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pendant Box ×2
- Log in besok → BLACK FRIDAY Evolution Honor Light Box ×2
Mission for S [Newbie Attendance King (~22/11/24)] owners
- Log in → BLACK FRIDAY Weather Character Box ×1, BLACK FRIDAY TOP5 Pendant Box ×2
- Log in tomorrow → BLACK FRIDAY Weather Character Costume Box ×1, BLACK FRIDAY Hamster Pendant Box ×1, BLACK FRIDAY Parrotbill Pendant Box ×1
- Log in tomorrow → BLACK FRIDAY Evolution Honor Light Box ×1
Mission for S [Returner Attendance King (~22/11/24)] owners
- Log in → BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pendant Box ×1
- Log in tomorrow → BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pendant Box ×2
- Log in tomorrow → BLACK FRIDAY Evolution Honor Light Box ×2
Event Period
~22 November 2024 (Jumat) 12:59 WIB / 13:59 WITA / 14:59 WIT.
~22 November 2024 (Friday) 12:59 ICT / 13:59 SGT / 14:59 KST.
How to Participate
Dapatkan S [BLACK FRIDAY Coupon] dan raih beragam hadiah.
Get S [BLACK FRIDAY Coupon] and grab abundant rewards.
Exchange Material
- S [BLACK FRIDAY Coupon] ×2 → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×1 (1×, material hilang)
- S [BLACK FRIDAY Coupon] ×2 → BLACK FRIDAY Random Box ×1 (1×, materials disappear)
Reward Contents
Super Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box | |
Nama Name | Pilihan Option |
Super Premium Card Pack [+10] | Pilih salah satu Choose one |
Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10] |
BLACK FRIDAY Random Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Evolution Harmony | 1% |
[Evolution Harmony] Elegant Poet Costume | 1% |
[Evolution Harmony] Origin Costume | 1% |
S+ Evolution Garam | 1% |
[Evolution Garam] Water Gun Costume | 1% |
[Evolution Garam] Origin Costume | 1% |
S+ Evolution New Moon Danbi | 1% |
[Evolution New Moon] Danbi Barista Costume | 1% |
[Evolution New Moon] Danbi Origin Costume | 1% |
S+ Evolution Full Moon Danbi | 1% |
[Evolution Full Moon] Danbi Barista Costume | 1% |
[Evolution Full Moon] Danbi Origin Costume | 1% |
S+ Awaken Sniper Booster Super Draw | 1% |
S+ Awaken Sniper Titanium Illusion | 1% |
S+ Awaken Hyper Shield Construction Equipment | 1% |
S+ Awaken Super Call Hyper Shield | 1% |
S+ Awaken Space Army Construction Equipment | 1% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Hyper Shield Hamster | 1% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Shuriken Hamster | 1% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Checkpoint Hamster | 1% |
S+ Awaken Coward Black Parrotbill | 1% |
S+ Awaken Coward White Parrotbill | 1% |
S+ Awaken Cute Black Parrotbill | 1% |
S+ Awaken Cute White Parrotbill | 1% |
S+ Awaken Ambitious Black Parrotbill | 1% |
S+ Awaken Ambitious White Parrotbill | 1% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Hyper Shield | 1% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Drone | 1% |
S+ Awaken Arcane UFO Chick | 1% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Motorbike | 1% |
S+ Awaken Sealing Super Draw | 1% |
S+ Awaken Sealing Super Magnet | 1% |
S+ Awaken Movement Sealing Railgun | 1% |
S+ Awaken Movement Sealing Punch Gun | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Marble Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Pet Movement Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Danger Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Call Cancelation] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [65% Jail Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [65% Dice on My Area] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Monopoly Detain] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Greenbelt Exile] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Monopoly Exile] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [120% Salary on Dice Double] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 1% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Weather Character Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Weather Character Costume Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] TOP5 Pendant Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Hamster Pendant Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Parrotbill Pendant Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Arcane Pendant Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Sealing Pendant Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Evolution Honor Light Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Powerful Evolution Honor Light Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Powerful Rectangular Gem Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Powerful Pentagonal Gem Box I | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Powerful Pentagonal Gem Box II | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Powerful Star Gem Box | 3% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Powerful Pendant Box | 8.5000% |
[BLACK FRIDAY] Star Gem Box | 8.5000% |
BLACK FRIDAY Weather Character Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Evolution Harmony | 25,00% |
S+ Evolution Garam | 25,00% |
S+ Evolution New Moon Danbi | 25,00% |
S+ Evolution Full Moon Danbi | 25,00% |
BLACK FRIDAY Weather Character Costume Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[Evolution Harmony] Elegant Poet Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution Harmony] Origin Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution Garam] Water Gun Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution Garam] Origin Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution New Moon Danbi] Barista Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution New Moon Danbi] Origin Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution Full Moon Danbi] Barista Costume | 12,50% |
[Evolution Full Moon Danbi] Origin Costume | 12,50% |
BLACK FRIDAY TOP5 Pendant Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Awaken Sniper Booster Super Draw | 20,00% |
S+ Awaken Sniper Titanium Illusion | 20,00% |
S+ Awaken Hyper Shield Construction Equipment | 20,00% |
S+ Awaken Super Call Hyper Shield | 20,00% |
S+ Awaken Space Army Construction Equipment | 20,00% |
BLACK FRIDAY Hamster Pendant Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Awaken Haetae Hyper Shield Hamster | 30,00% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Shuriken Hamster | 30,00% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Checkpoint Hamster | 40,00% |
BLACK FRIDAY Parrotbill Pendant Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Awaken Coward Black Parrotbill | 17,50% |
S+ Awaken Coward White Parrotbill | 16,50% |
S+ Awaken Cute Black Parrotbill | 16,50% |
S+ Awaken Cute White Parrotbill | 16,50% |
S+ Awaken Ambitious Black Parrotbill | 16,50% |
S+ Awaken Ambitious White Parrotbill | 16,50% |
BLACK FRIDAY Arcane Pendant Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Awaken Arcane Hyper Shield | 25,00% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Drone | 25,00% |
S+ Awaken Arcane UFO Chick | 25,00% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Motorbike | 25,00% |
BLACK FRIDAY Sealing Pendant Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Awaken Sealing Super Draw | 25,00% |
S+ Awaken Sealing Super Magnet | 25,00% |
S+ Awaken Movement Sealing Railgun | 25,00% |
S+ Awaken Movement Sealing Punch Gun | 25,00% |
BLACK FRIDAY Evolution Honor Light Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Marble Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Pet Movement Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Danger Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Call Cancelation] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [65% Jail Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [65% Dice on My Area] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Monopoly Detain] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Greenbelt Exile] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Monopoly Exile] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [120% Salary on Dice Double] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 5% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [70%~75% Marble Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [70%~75% Pet Movement Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [70%~75% Danger Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [70%~75% Call Cancelation] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [60%~65% Jail Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Evolution Honor Light Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Marble Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Pet Movement Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Danger Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [75% Call Cancelation] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [65% Jail Defense] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [65% Dice on My Area] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Monopoly Detain] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Greenbelt Exile] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [95% Monopoly Exile] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
S [BLACK FRIDAY] [120% Salary on Dice Double] Evolution Honor Light (~31/12/24) | 10% |
BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Rectangular Gem Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[70%] Chance Card Theft Rectangular Glass Gem | 25% |
[90%] Angel Revival Rectangular Glass Gem | 25% |
[100%] Salary on Dice Double Rectangular Independent Gem | 25% |
[80%] Additional Loan Rectangular Independent Gem | 25% |
BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pentagonal Gem Box I | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[50%] Chance Card Theft Cancelation Independent Gem | 25% |
[50%] Turn Start Movement Twin Rune | 25% |
[55%] Pull & Control Defense Rune | 25% |
[70%] Landmark Additional Construction Defense Rune | 25% |
BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pentagonal Gem Box II | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[55%] Multiplier Lock Bright Independent Gem | 25% |
[80%] Paint Cleaner Rune | 25% |
[90%] Angel Revival Bright Glass Gem | 25% |
[80%] Additional Loan Bright Independent Gem | 25% |
BLACK FRIDAY Star Gem Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[55%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 25% |
[55%] Pet Movement Attack Cancelation Star Gem | 25% |
[55%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 25% |
[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 25% |
BLACK FRIDAY Powerful Pendant Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
S+ Awaken Sniper Booster Super Draw | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Sniper Titanium Illusion | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Hyper Shield Construction Equipment | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Super Call Hyper Shield | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Space Army Construction Equipment | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Hyper Shield Hamster | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Shuriken Hamster | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Haetae Checkpoint Hamster | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Coward Black Parrotbill | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Coward White Parrotbill | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Cute Black Parrotbill | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Cute White Parrotbill | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Ambitious Black Parrotbill | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Ambitious White Parrotbill | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Hyper Shield | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Drone | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Arcane UFO Chick | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Arcane Motorbike | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Sealing Super Draw | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Sealing Super Magnet | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Movement Sealing Railgun | 4,5000% |
S+ Awaken Movement Sealing Punch Gun | 5,5000% |
BLACK FRIDAY Star Gem Box | |
Nama Name | Persentase Kemunculan Appearance Rate |
[50%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[55%] Marble Theft Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[50%] Pet Movement Attack Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[55%] Pet Movement Attack Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[50%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[55%] Neutralize Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[40%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |
[45%] Gyro Move Cancelation Star Gem | 12,50% |