How to Redeem Coupon

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Seringkali setiap ada event baru, Modoo Marble selalu memberikan kupon yang apabila kita input akan memberi kita hadiah tertentu. Kalian terutama player gratisan pasti SANGAT SENANG bisa dapat item gratisan, namun tidak tahu cara memasukkan kuponnya karena kendala bahasa dalam gim? Jangan risau, kalian cukup ikuti tahapan berikut ini!

Most of the time when Modoo Marble opens new event, they always give us some coupon that rewards us various rewards if we input them. As freebies, you must be FEELING HAPPY being able to get free items, but didn’t know where to input codes? Don’t worry, you just need to follow these steps!

Metode Redeem Kupon

Method 1

1. Dari lobi, pergi ke Shop yang berada di sisi kiri layar.

1. At lobby screen, click Shop button on the left side of screen.

2. Di Shop, klik tombol Coupon yang berada di bawah bar Star Candy.

2. At Shop, click Coupon button below Star Candy gauge bar.

3. Di laman Coupon, pilih pilihan yang ditunjuk.

3. At Coupon page, choose the indicated option.

4. Masukkan kupon yang diberikan lalu klik tombol [Konfirmasi]

4. Input the code then click [Confirm] button.

6. Apabila kupon masih sah dan selesai dimasukkan, hadiah akan dikirimkan ke mailbox kalian.

6. If the coupon is valid and successfully redeemed, rewards will be sent to your mailbox.

Method 2

1. Buka peramban di ponsel, maupun komputer. Silakan klik tautan ini.

1. Open browser from your phone or computer. Visit this link.

2. Masukkan “nomor keanggotaan” di kolom pertama lalu klik tombol “Confirm”. Kemudian masukkan kode kupon di kolom ketiga. Terakhir, klik tombol “Use”.

2. Input membership number in the first column then tap “Confirm” button. Next, input coupon code on third column. Last, tap “Use” button.

3. Klik tombol Konfirmasi yang berada di bawah munculan apabila semua masukan sudah benar.

3. Click Confirm button on the bottom of the pop up if you’re sure that inputted the form correctly.

4. Selamat, kupon berhasil diklaim. Silakan log in ke dalam game dan cek mailbox untuk menerima hadiahnya.

4. Congratulations, the coupon is successfully redeemed. Log in to the game and check the reward in the mailbox.

How to Find Membership Number

Kamu harus tahu “nomor keanggotaan” agar dapat memasukkan kupon melalui website.

You must know your account’s “membership number” in order to redeem code through website.

1. Dari lobi, buka pengaturan dengan menekan ikon titik-titik lalu pilih menu yang berlambang gir.

1. From lobby, open settings by tapping on dots icon then select gear icon.

2. Di menu pengaturan, pilih tab yang paling kanan untuk melihat informasi akun. Kalian dapat melihat nomor keanggotaan kalian, yaitu sekumpulan angka yang tertera di layar perangkat kalian. Jaga nomor ini tetap rahasia!

2. At settings menu, select most right side menu that shows your account information. You can check your “membership number” that shown as several numbers. Remember to keep this code secret!

Untuk panduan lengkap tentang “pengaturan permainan”, silakan ikuti tautan berikut ini.

For a complete guide of “game settings”, please refer to this link.


Perhatikan macam-macam masalah yang mungkin dapat dialami saat me-redeem kupon.

Please pay attention to those problems that might found when redeeming coupon.

Problem 1

Apabila muncul pop-up yang berbunyi “Please reconfirm Member code and try again.”, itu diakibatkan karena salah memasukkan nomor keanggotaan. Silakan cek kembali nomor keanggotaan di game lalu coba kembali.

If a pop-up that has message like “Please reconfirm Member code and try again.” shows up, it means you’ve inputted incorrect membership number. Please check your membership number then try again.

Problem 2

Apabila muncul pop-up yang berbunyi “Coupon entered is expired or previously used…”, itu diakibatkan karena kupon yang dimasukkan telah kedaluwarsa atau sudah digunakan sebelumnya. Silakan cek mas aktif kupon di pengumuman dan/atau cek hadiah redeem kupon apabila sudah me-redeem kupon.

If a pop up that has message “Coupon entered is expored or previously used…”, please check coupon availability period in announcement and/or check coupon redeem reward in game if already redeeming the coupon..


Demikianlah panduan cara mengklaim kupon di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini memudahkan kalian bermain Modoo Marble.

So, that’s been a guide of how to redeem coupon in Modoo Marble. Hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.