Evolution Pendant


Pendant adalah item yang memiliki skill pasif yang mendukung permainan. Saat ini, pendant S+ Awaken adalah pendant yang paling umum digunakan karena memiliki persentase skill yang menjanjikan dan dapat dipasang Unique Ability. Ada kalanya seorang pemain membutuhkan Unique Ability yang berbeda untuk pendant Awaken yang sama agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan deck-nya, namun ia tak memiliki cukup modal untuk mendapatkan satu pendant Awaken tersebut lagi. Oleh karena itu, Modoo Marble membuat fitur baru berupa Evolution Pendant.

Pendants are items that have passive skills that support the game. Currently, the S+ Awaken pendant is the most commonly used pendant because it has a promising skill percentage and can have Unique Ability. Sometimes when a player needs a different Unique Ability for a same Awaken pendant to fulfill the needs of their deck, but they doesn’t have enough assets to get one more Awaken pendant. Therefore, Modoo Marble created a new feature called Evolution Pendant.

Evolution Pendant Characteristic

Secara singkat, pendant Evolution memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut.

  • Memiliki persentase yang sama dengan versi Awaken.
  • Memiliki dua slot Unique Ability

Briefly, Evolution pendant has characteristics such as:

  • Having same percentage of skill as its Awaken version.
  • Having two Unique Ability slot.

How to Get Evolution Pendant

Obtaining Evolution Light

Evolution Light adalah bahan utama yang diperlukan untuk meng-upgrade pendant Awaken menjadi Evolution. Untuk mendapatkan S [Evolution Light], A+ [Evolution Light Piece] sebanyak 4 buah dibutuhkan. A+ [Evolution Light Piece] dapat diperoleh dari hadiah 10 kemenangan mingguan di Champion League.

Evolution Light is the main material required to upgrade the Awaken pendant to Evolution. To obtain S [Evolution Light], 4 pieces of A+ [Evolution Light Piece] are required. A+ [Evolution Light Piece] can be obtained from weekly 10-win rewards in Champion League.

Preparing Awaken Pendant

Siapkan pendant Awaken yang ingin kamu upgrade menjadi Evolution. Pendant Awaken yang akan di-upgrade harus dalam keadaan level MAX (+7) kecuali sebagian pendant yang sudah langsung dalam keadaan level MAX tanpa di-enhance.

Prepare an Awaken pendant that you want to upgrade into Evolution. Awaken pendant that is going to upgrade must be in level MAX stat (+7) except some pendant that already in level MAX stat without enhancement.

Upgrading Pendant

Untuk meng-upgrade pendant Awaken, pilih pendant tersebut lalu pasang S [Evolution Light] di tempat sebelahnya. 5000 Star Candy diperlukan untuk melanjutkan proses upgrade. Star Candy dapat diperoleh dari Champion League Challenge Box.

In order to upgrade the Awaken pendant, choose the pendant then put S [Evolution Light] beside it. 5000 Star Candy is needed to proceeding the upgrade process. Star Candy is obtainable from Champion League Challenge Box.

Pendant Awaken berhasil di-upgrade menjadi pendant Evolution.

Awaken pendant has successfully upgraded into Evolution pendant.

Unique Ability yang terpasang pada pendant yang di-upgrade akan tetap terpasang pada pendant Evolution di slot 1 Unique Ability.

Unique Ability that installed on upgraded pendant is staying in Evolution pendant on Unique Ability slot 1.

Managing Unique Ability

Catatan penting: sebelum mengganti Unique Ability, lepaskan kunci pendant di Inventory.

Important note: before changing Unique Ability, please unlock the pendant in Inventory.

Switching Unique Ability Slot

Pilih pendant Evolution yang ingin ditukar slot Unique Ability-nya, lalu klik bagian yang ditandai pada gambar di atas.

Select an Evolution pendant you want to switch its Unique Ability slot, then tap on marked part displayed on image above.

Pilih slot Unique Ability yang diinginkan (khusus pendant Evolusi yang baru di-upgrade, slot 2 Unique Ability masih kosong) lalu klik pada tombol sebelah kanan untuk mengganti Unique Ability.

Select desired Unique Ability slot (for newly upgraded Evolution pendant, slot 2 Unique Ability is empty) then tap on right side button to change Unique Ability.

Assigning First Unique Ability

Apabila belum ada Unique Ability yang terpasang pada slot Unique Ability, berikan Unique Ability pertama secara gratis dengan menekan tombol yang ditandai pada gambar di atas.

If there is no Unique Ability assigned on Unique Ability slot, assign it first for free by tapping on yellow button indicated on the image above.

Changing Unique Ability

Pilih Honor Light atau pendant S yang ada di sebelah kanan layar (pilih checkbox di atasnya untuk memunculkan Honor Light saja atau pendant S saja).

Select any Honor Light or S grade pendant on right side of the screen (selecting checkbox above the list will filter the list to show only Honor Light or only S grade pendant).

Setelah memilih Honor Light atau pendant S, klik tombol kuning yang ada di kiri bawah layar. Biaya sebesar 100000 Gold dikenakan untuk penggantian Unique Ability (proses tidak dapat dilanjutkan apabila Gold tidak cukup).

After selecting Honor Light or S pendant, tap on yellow button on left bottom side of the screen. 100000 Gold fee will be paid to continue the process (the process is restricted if insufficient Gold).

Selamat, Unique Ability berhasil diganti. Apabila belum puas dengan hasilnya, ulangi tahapan yang sama hingga mendapatkan Unique Ability yang sesuai.

Congratulations, Unique Ability has successfully changed. If not satisfied with the result yet, repeat these steps until getting desired Unique Ability.


Demikianlah panduan tentang Pendant Evolution. Semoga panduan ini dapat membantu kalian agar dapat bermain Modoo Marble dengan mudah.

So that was the guide about Evolution Pendant. I hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.

Champion League

Table of Contents


What is Champion League?

Champion League adalah salah satu liga atau class yang ada di Modoo Marble dimana pemain tingkat advanced menantang diri untuk meraih kemenangan sebanyak-banyaknya.

Champion League is a league or class that available in Modoo Marble where advanced player challenge themself to attain as much victory as possible.

Champion League Class Rules

  • Maks. RP*: 60000 RP
  • Maks. Gold*: 40000 Gold
  • Batas Mobilitas: Tidak dibatasi
  • Marble Awal: 15 Juta
  • Penggunaan Karakter, Pendant, dan Gem: Tidak dibatasi
  • Bayar marble tambahan saat upgrade area: Tidak

*) Jumlah dapat berbeda mengikuti situasi tertentu.

  • Max. RP*: 60000 RP
  • Max. Gold*: 40000 Gold
  • Mobility limitation: No limitation
  • Starting Marble: 15 Mio
  • Character, Pendant, and Gem usage: No limitation
  • Pay marble when upgrade landmark: No

*) Amount may different according to circumstances.

How to Enter

Baca panduan di bawah ini untuk memasuki Champion League.

Read instructions below carefully to find out how to enter Champion League.

Baca diagram berikut ini untuk mengetahui anatomi layar lobi Champion League.

Read the diagram below to find out about Champion League main screen.

  1. Status jumlah kemenangan dan kekalahan saat ini*
  2. Status level Champion League Challenge Box*
  3. Status progress kemenangan mingguan Champion League*
  4. Informasi nickname, pangkat, dan karakter yang digunakan.
  5. Tombol untuk memulai match.

*) Progress kemenangan dan level Champion League Challenge Box direset setiap hari Senin pukul 21:00 WIB / 22:00 WITA / 23:00 WIT.

  1. Current win and lose count status.
  2. Current Champion League Challenge Box level status.
  3. Cuurent Champion League weekly win count progress bar*
  4. My nickname, grade and current equipped character information.
  5. Button to start a match.

*) Current weekly win count progress bar and win lose count resets every Monday at 21:00 ICT / 22:00 SGT / 23:00 KST.

Untuk memulai match di Champion League, tiket Champion League diperlukan. Tiket Champion League dapat diperoleh secara gratis untuk 1 kali per pekan (reset setiap hari Senin pukul 21:00 WIB / 22:00 WITA / 23:00 WIT).

Satu tiket Champion League dapat digunakan untuk bermain di Champion League hingga pemain meraih 15 kemenangan atau 5 kekalahan.

Apabila ingin kembali bermain di Champion League di pekan yang sama, pemain harus membeli tiket Champion League lagi dengan 2 opsi: 200.000 Gold  (1 kali/hari) atau 30 Diamond (tanpa batas).

To start playing in Champion League, Champion League entrance ticket is required. Champion League entrance ticket is free for once per week (resets every Monday at 21:00 ICT / 22:00 SGT / 23:00 KST.).

Each Champion League entrance ticket is usable to play in Champion League until a player reaches 15 victories or 5 defeats.

If the player wanted to continue playing within the same week, they must purchase new Champion League entrance ticket for 2 options: 200,000 Golds (once/day) or 30 Diamonds (unlimited).

Chance Matching?

Chance Matching adalah situasi di Champion League dimana pemain dan lawan memiliki pangkat yang terpaut jauh. Ketika pemain tersebut mendapat Chance Matching, ia akan memperoleh keuntungan baik saat menang maupun saat kalah.

Chance Matching is a circumstance in Champion League where a player matched with opponent who has wide rank gap. If a player got Chance Matching, they’ll receive advantages either when winning the match or when losing the match.

Champion League Chance Matching



Selisih pangkat dengan lawan terpaut 5~9 tingkat

My rank and my opponent's rank gap is within 5~9 stages

Selisih pangkat dengan lawan terpaut 10 tingkat atau lebih

My rank and my opponent's rank gap is beyond 10 stages

Apabila Menang

If Winning

Memperoleh 2 kali lipat jumlah RP yang diperoleh (tidak melebihi batas maksimal)

Obtain 2 times amount of obtained RP (not exceeding maximum amount)

Memperoleh 3 kali lipat jumlah RP yang diperoleh (tidak melebihi batas maksimal)

Obtain 3 times amount of obtained RP (not exceeding maximum amount)

Apabila Kalah

If Losing

Tidak mengalami pengurangan RP (walau pangkatku di atas Platinum 3)

Doesn't losing RP (even my rank is Platinum 3 and above)

Tidak menambah jumlah X pada status kekalahan

Doesn't increase X on defeat count.

Memperoleh 10% jumlah RP yang diperoleh lawan.

Obtain 10% amount of RP that obtained by opponent.


Champion League Challenge Box

Champion League Challenge Box

Jumlah Kemenangan

Victory Count



0 Win

600 Star Candy

1 Win

1000 Star Candy

2 Win

1300 Star Candy

3 Win

1700 Star Candy

4 Win

2200 Star Candy

5 Win

2600 Star Candy

6 Win

3000 Star Candy

7 Win

3400 Star Candy

8 Win

3800 Star Candy

9 Win

4200 Star Candy

10 Win

4500 Star Candy

11 Win

5300 Star Candy

12 Win

5700 Star Candy

13 Win

6100 Star Candy

14 Win

7000 Star Candy

15 Win

7500 Star Candy

Champion League Weekly Victory Count

Champion League Weekly Victory Count

Jumlah Kemenangan

Victory Count



1 Win

Champion Honor Light Box

3 Win

Champion Honor Light Box

5 Win

600 Mystic Powder

7 Win

Champion Honor Light Special Box

10 Win

A+ [Evolution Light Piece]

12 Win

500 Diamond

13 Win

15 Win

A+ [Evolution Honor Light Piece]

Exchange Event

  • Tukar: A+ [Evolution Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Light] (material hilang)
  • Tukar: A+ [Evolution Honor Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Honor Light] (material hilang)
  • Exchange: A+ [Evolution Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Light] (materials disappearing)
  • Exchange: A+ [Evolution Honor Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Honor Light] (materias disappearing)

Baca informasi tentang Pendant Evolusi di sini.

Read information about Evolution Pendant here.


Demikianlah panduan tentang Champion League di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini dapat memudahkan kalian dalam bermain Modoo Marble.

So that was a guide about Champion League in Modoo Marble. i hope it could help you to play Modoo Marble easier.

Family Raid

Table of Contents


Family Raid adalah konten Family dimana anggota Family bekerja sama melawan Boss yang ditempatkan di map-map yang berbeda. Dengan bermain Family Raid, anggota Family dapat meraih hadiah seperti Star Candy untuk masing-masing anggota dan Family Ring untuk Family.

Family Raid diselenggarakan tiap pekannya dan terdapat beberapa jadwal dalam pekan tersebut. Perhatikan rincian tentang Family Raid di bawah ini dengan saksama!

Family Raid is a content in Family where Family members cooperating in a match against a Boss that placed in different map. By playing Family Raid, Family members can obtain reward such as Star Candy and Family Ring.

Family Raid is open every week and there are several schedule in a week. Please pay attention to the details of Family Raid carefully!

How to Participate


Agar suatu Family dapat mendaftar di Family Raid, Family tersebut harus memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut ini.

  • Family telah mencapai level 5 atau lebih.
    • Level Family dapat ditingkatkan dengan log in, memenangkan match PVP, donasi Family Key, dan mengirim clover kepada anggota Family.
  • Family telah diisi setidaknya 10 anggota atau lebih.

To enable Family Raid feature, a Family must meet these requirements.

  • Family reaches level 5 or more.
    • Family Level can be increased by log in, win a PVP match, donating Family Key, and sending Clover to Family members.
  • Family has 10 members or more.

Pre-Participation (Request)

Agar suatu Family dapat berpartisipasi di Family Raid, Family tersebut harus melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu. Registrasi Family Raid dapat dilakukan antara hari Ahad 23:00 WIB / Senin 00:00 WITA / Senin 01:00 WIT s/d Selasa 21:59 WIB / 22:59 WITA / 23:59 WIT. Perhatikan cara untuk registrasi Family Raid di bawah ini.

In order to participate in Family Raid, the Family must register first. Family Raid registration is open between Sunday 23:00 ICT / Monday 00:00 SGT / Monday 01:00 KST until Tuesday 21:59 ICT / 22:59 SGT / 23:59 KST. Please read how to register to Family Raid below.

1. Buka Family dari Lobi dengan menyentuh ikon yang ditunjuk pada gambar.

1. Open Family from Lobby by tapping on icon shown on the images above.

2. Buka menu Family Raid dengan menyentuh pintu di sebelah kiri lobi Family.

2. Open Family Raid menu by tapping on the door on left side of screen.

3. Pilih map untuk partisipasi Family Raid. Satu Family hanya bisa memilh satu map. Setiap map terdapat Boss yang berbeda-beda. Perhatikan rincian di bawah ini.

3. Choose a map to participate in Family Raid. A Family only able to choose one map. Each map has different Bosses. Please read the details below.

Evolution Manwol

  • Arena Map
  • Drone Masters Map
  • Magic Kitchen Map

Evolution Death

  • World Map
  • God’s Hand Map
  • Candy Shop Map

Evolution Prill

  • Merge Land Map
  • Steam World Map

Evolution Sandy

  • Multiverse Map SS2

4. Saat menyentuh salah satu map, akan muncul jendela seperti pada gambar di atas. Di jendela ini terdapat informasi karakter Boss dan senarai Family lain yang mendaftar Family Raid di map tersebut. Untuk mendaftar Family Raid di map yang dipilih, sentuh tombol kuning [Request] yang ditunjukkan pada gambar. Biaya pendaftaran sebesar 1.500 Family Ring akan digunakan segera setelah tombol tersebut disentuh.

4. When tapping on any available map, a window that look like the image above will show up. This window containing informations such as Boss character type and a list of other Families that registered into certain map. To register into this map in Family Raid, tap on yellow [Request] button. Registration fee as much as 1,500 Rings will be deducted immediately.

5. Selama periode pra-partisipasi berlangsung, Leader Family masih bisa mengganti map untuk ikut serta Family Raid ataupun membatalkan partisipasi Family Raid. Pilih kembali map yang dipilih sebelumnya lalu sentuh tombol kuning [Cancel Request] seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas. Apabila ingin mengganti map, ulangi langkah 3 dan 4. Apabila membatalkan partisipasi Family Raid, biaya registrasi akan dikembalikan.

5. During pre-participation period, Family Leader still able to change Family Raid participation map or canceling Family Raid participation. To do that, choose the previously selected map, then tap on yellow [Cancel Request] button as shown on the image above. If canceling registration, the registration fee will be refunded.

Pre-Participation (Guess the Conqueror)

Sehari sebelum Family Raid dapat dimainkan, ada periode untuk menebak Family yang akan menguasai map-map di Family Raid. Sub-event yang bernama ‘Tebak Penguasa’ ini dapat diikuti dalan periode antara Selasa 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT s/d Rabu 21:59 WIB / 22:59 WITA / 23:59 WIT. Perhatikan caranya di bawah ini.

A day before Family Raid is playable, there is a period to guess which Family will conquer a map in Family Raid. This sub-event is named ‘Guess the Conqueror’ and this sub-event period is between Tuesday 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST until Wednesday 21:59 ICT / 22:59 SGT / 23:59 KST. Read how to do it below.

1. Buka Family dari Lobi dengan menyentuh ikon yang ditunjuk pada gambar.

1. Open Family from Lobby by tapping on icon shown on the images above.

2. Buka menu Family Raid dengan menyentuh pintu di sebelah kiri lobi Family.

2. Open Family Raid menu by tapping on the door on left side of screen.

3. Pilih map untuk menebak penguasa map tersebut.

3. Choose on any map to guess the conqueror.

4. Pilih Family yang sekiranya akan menguasai map tersebut (Tips: pilih Family yang berhasil menguasai map tersebut di periode sebelumnya untuk kesempatan tebakan benar lebih tinggi), lalu sentuh tombol kuning [Confirm] untuk menyelesaikan pilihan.

4. Choose any Family that most likely will conquer the map (Tip: choose Family that already conquering the map in previous period for a higher chance to guess correctly), then tap on yellow [Confirm] button to complete selection.

5. Lakukan hal yang sama pada langkah 3 dan 4 untuk menebak penguasa di setiap map.

5. Do the same thing on step 3 and 4 to guess conqueror of each map.


Anggota dari Family yang telah mendaftarkan diri di Family Raid dapat bermain di Family Raid. Periode partisipasi dimulai antara Rabu 22:00 WIB / 23:00 WITA / 24:00 WIT s/d Ahad 21:59 WIB / 22:59 WTA / 23:59 WIT. Berikut ini mekanisme yang berlaku di Family Raid.

  • Boss memiliki marble ‘tak terhingga’ dan tidak akan bisa bangkrut.
  • Marble milik Boss tidak bisa direbut dengan skill perebutan marble apapun.
  • Gameplay akan berakhir apabila menemui persyaratan di bawah ini:
    • Turn/waktu permainan berakhir.
    • Peserta Family Raid mengalami bangkrut.
    • Pemain atau boss memenangkan match dengan completion atau kemenangan khusus map.
  • Peserta mendapat poin dengan membuat Boss membayar biaya sewa area milik peserta (biaya ambil alih yang diberikan saat Boss mengambil alih tidak dihitung sebagai poin).
    • Setiap 100.000 marble yang dibayarkan oleh Boss akan memberikan 1 poin bagi peserta.
    • Apabila bermain secara tim, poin kedua pemain akan diakumulasikan dan kedua pemain meraih poin yang sama  (hasil akumulasi poin).
  • Poin yang diraih peserta akan menentukan peringkat mereka di Family, dan akumulasi poin semua peserta dalam satu Family yang sama akan menentukan peringkat antar Family di map tersebut.

Perhatikan cara untuk bermain Family Raid di bawah ini.

Members of a Family that registered into Family Raid are able to play Family Raid. Participation period starts from Wednesday 22:00 ICT / 23:00 SGT / 24:00 KST until Sunday 21:59 ICT / 22:59 SGT / 23:59 KST. These are mechanism of Family Raid.

  • Bosses have ‘unlimited’ marble and unable to bankrupt.
  • Boss’ marble is unable to steal using any available marble theft skills.
  • Gameplay will be ended when meet these requirements:
    • Gameplay turn/time ends.
    • Family Raid participant bankrupts.
    • Participant or Boss win the match through completion or map exclusive victory.
  • Participant get points by making Boss paying toll fee of participant’s area (acquirement fee does not count).
    • Each 100,000 marble that paid  by the Boss is equal to 1 point.
    • If playing team match, points of both participants will be accumulated and both players share same point (points accumulated)
  • Points that attained by participant will decide their rank within Family, and points of all Family members accumulated will be Family point that decide the Family rank between other Families in that map.

Please read about how to play Family Raid below.

1. Buka Family dari Lobi dengan menyentuh ikon yang ditunjuk pada gambar.

1. Open Family from Lobby by tapping on icon shown on the images above.

2. Buka menu Family Raid dengan menyentuh pintu di sebelah kiri lobi Family.

2. Open Family Raid menu by tapping on the door on left side of screen.

3. Sentuh ikon map yang terdapat balon [In Progress] di atasnya.

3. Tap on map icon that has [In Progress] balloon on it.

4. Pada jendela ini terdapat informasi karakter Boss dan daftar peringkat Family yang berpartisipasi di map tersebut. Ketuk pada tombol kuning [Start Family Raid] untuk memasuki ruang tunggu.

4. In this window, there are informations such as Boss character type and Family ranking. Tap on yello [Start Family Raid] button to enter waiting room.

5. Di ruang tunggu Family Raid, terdapat informasi deck yang digunakan oleh Boss, daftar peringkat, 3 item penting permainan, deck yang sedang digunakan oleh pemain, dan sisa kesempatan bermain. Pilih tombol [Solo Match] di sebelah kiri atau [Team Match] di sebelah kanan untuk mulai bermain. Apabila bermain Team Match, lanjutkan membaca ke langkah berikutnya.

5. In Family Raid waiting room, there are informations such as Boss’ deck in use, ranking list, 3 game items, Player’s deck in use, and remaining gameplay chance count. Select [Solo Match] on left side or [Team Match] on right side to start playing. If you’re playing Team Match, please continue reading the next steps.

6. Apabila ingin bermain Team Match, undang anggota Family untuk diikutsertakan.

6. If going to play Team Match, invite a Family member to join.

7. Apabila semua sudah siap, ketuk tombol kuning [Start] untuk mulai bermain.

7. If everyone is ready, tap on yellow [Start] button to begin playing.


Saat periode partisipasi berakhir, peringkat antar anggota Family dan antar Family langsung ditentukan dan hadiah dibagikan 1 jam setelah periode partisipasi berakhir.

When the participation period ends, Family member ranking and Family ranking decided immediately by system and reward will be sent 1 hour after participation period ends.

1. Buka Family dari Lobi dengan menyentuh ikon yang ditunjuk pada gambar.

1. Open Family from Lobby by tapping on icon shown on the images above.

2. Saat memasuki lobi Family setelah periode partisipasi Family Raid berakhir, akan muncul informasi peringkat akhir dan hadiah. Baca tentang hadiah Family Raid.

2. When entering Family lobbi after end of participation period, information about final ranking and reward will be shown. Read about Family Raid reward.

3. Buka menu Family Raid dengan menyentuh pintu di sebelah kiri lobi Family.

3. Open Family Raid menu by tapping on the door on left side of screen.

3. Ambil hadiah ‘Tebak Penguasa’ dengan menyentuh tombol yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas.

3. Claim ‘Guess the Conqueror’ reward by tapping on the button indicated on the image above.

4. Ketuk tombol [Receive] yang ditandai kotak kuning pada gambar di atas untuk menerima hadiah sukses menebak penguasa map sebesar 500 Star Candy. Hadiah dikirimkan ke mailbox.

4. Tap on [Receive] button that marked by yellow box on the image above to claim successful guessing reward which is 500 Star Candies. The reward is sent to mailbox.

5. Apabila semua hadiah telah diterima, maka tampilan akan terlihat seperti pada gambar di atas.

5. If all rewards are received, the view would look like the image above.


Family Reward

Family Raid Reward (Family)



Hadiah I

Reward I

Hadiah II

Reward II

Berhasil Menguasai (Peringkat 1)

1000 Family Ring

Buff Map

  • Free RP Defense

  • Increase Gold upon Victory

  • Increase EXP Rate

  • Increase Dice Control Rate

Gagal Menguasai (Peringkat 2~100%)

600 Family Ring

Individual Reward

Family Raid Reward (Individual)



Hadiah I

Reward I

Hadiah II

Reward II

Peringkat 1

Rank 1

3000 Star Candy

Peringkat 2~3

Rank 2~3

2600 Star Candy


Peringkat 4~10

Rank 4~10

2200 Star Candy


Peringkat 11~20

Rank 11~20

1700 Star Candy


Peringkat 21~30

Rank 21~30

1300 Star Candy


Peringkat 31~50

Rank 31~50

1000 Star Candy


Peringkat 51~65

Rank 51~65

600 Star Candy



Demikianlah panduan Family Raid. Semoga panduan ini dapat membantu kalian agar dapat bermain Modoo Marble dengan mudah.

So that was the guide about Family Raid. Hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.

Family Furniture

Table of Contents


Mebel Family adalah salah satu konten yang ada pada Family yang dapat mempercantik tampilan lobi Family serta memberikan beragam buff yang menguntungkan bagi anggota-anggota Family.

Terdapat 14 jenis Mebel yang terbagi dalam 4 kategori yang masing-masing memberikan buff yang berbeda-beda. Perhatikan rincian setiap Mebel di bawah ini!

Family Furniture is a content in a Family that beautify the Family lobby also provides various buff that is advantageous for Family members.

There are 14 kinds of Furniture that separated into 4 categories that each Furniture has its own buff. Please read the details below.

Furniture Variations


Wonderland Sofa

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 1.250 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 7 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 250 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Bonus 50 Ring setiap hari.

Wonderland Sofa

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 1,250 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 7 Days
  • Buff Price: 250 Rings
  • Buff Effect: 50 Rings Bonus every day.

Vintage Sofa

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 900 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 540 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Gratis perlindungan RP 20 kali.

Vintage Sofa

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 900 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 540 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Free RP Defense 20 times.

Antique Sofa

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 1.400 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 700 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Diskon 10% biaya enhance Pendant

Antique Sofa

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 1,400 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 700 Rings
  • Buff Effect: 10% off Pendant enhancement fee.


Wooden Table

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Raih
  • Harga Mebel: 500 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 250 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Gratis item Ganjil Genap. (5/User & 150/Family)

Wooden Table

  • Furniture Buff Type: Collect
  • Furniture Price: 500 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 250 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Free Odd Even item. (5/User & 150/Family)

Triangle Table

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Raih
  • Harga Mebel: 650 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 260 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Raih 2000 Gold saat bermain bersama anggota Family. (50 kali)

Triangle Table

  • Furniture Buff Type: Collect
  • Furniture Price: 650 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 260 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Get 2,000 Golds when playing with Family member. (50 times)

Antique Table

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Raih
  • Harga Mebel: 1.000 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 500 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Durasi perjalanan World Travel berkurang 10%.

Antique Table

  • Furniture Buff Type: Collect
  • Furniture Price: 1,000 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 500 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Decrease travel time in World Travel by 10%.


Wonderland Console

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 1.500 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 700 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Diskon 15% biaya enhance Karakter.

Wonderland Console

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 1,500 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 700 Rings
  • Buff Effect: 15% off Character card enhancement fee.

Wooden Console

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 700 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 350 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Gratis item Dice Double.

Wooden Console

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 700 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 350 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Free Dice Double item.

Maple Bookshelf

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 900 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 7 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 450 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Saat anggota Family log in, Ring yang diperoleh 2 kali lipat.

Maple Bookshelf

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 900 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 7 Days
  • Buff Price: 450 Rings
  • Buff Effect: When a Family member log in, obtained Ring is doubled.

Antique Console

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
  • Harga Mebel: 1.400 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 500 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Diskon 10% biaya enhance Karakter.

Antique Console

  • Furniture Buff Type: Install
  • Furniture Price: 1,400 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 3 Days
  • Buff Price: 500 Rings
  • Buff Effect: 10% off Character enhancement fee.


Wonderland Clock

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
  • Harga Mebel: 600 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 300 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Saat menang match, Gold yang diperoleh meningkat 20%.

Wonderland Clock

  • Furniture Buff Type: Progress
  • Furniture Price: 600 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 1 Days
  • Buff Price: 300 Rings
  • Buff Effect: When winning a match, obtained Gold increases 20%.

Vintage Lamp

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
  • Harga Mebel: 500 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 250 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Saat menang match, Gold yang diperoleh meningkat 15%.

Vintage Lamp

  • Furniture Buff Type: Progress
  • Furniture Price: 500 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 1 Days
  • Buff Price: 250 Rings
  • Buff Effect: When winning a match, obtained Gold increases 15%.

Wooden Hanger

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
  • Harga Mebel: 650 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 325 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Gratis kartu Angel 5 kali.

Wooden Hanger

  • Furniture Buff Type: Progress
  • Furniture Price: 650 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 1 Days
  • Buff Price: 325 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Free Angel card 5 times.

Tall Boy Speaker

  • Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
  • Harga Mebel: 1.000 Ring
  • Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
  • Harga Buff: 600 Ring
  • Efek Buff: Skill ‘Ketepatan kontrol dadu meningkat **%’ bertambah 2%.

Tall Boy Speaker

  • Furniture Buff Type: Progress
  • Furniture Price: 1,000 Rings
  • Buff Duration: 1 Days
  • Buff Price: 600 Rings
  • Buff Effect: Adds ‘Dice control accuracy increases **%’ skill by 2%.


Pada setiap Mebel di atas, terdapat tipe buff yang berbeda-beda. Berikut ini penjelasannya.

  • Install: Efek Buff dapat diterima hanya selama Mebel terpasang di lobi Family.
  • Raih: Efek Buff dapat diterima apabila Mebel terpasang di lobi Family dan menerima buff tersebut secara manual.
  • Progress: Efek Buff diterapkan ke semua anggota Family ketika Mebel tersebut dipasang dan tetap aktif walaupun Mebel tersebut diganti dengan mebel yang lain.

Within those Furnitures explained above, there are several types of Furniture buffs. Below are explanations of the Furniture buff type.

  • Install: Buff Effect only applied while the Furniture is installed in the Family lobby.
  • Collect: Buff Effect only applied while the Furniture is installed in the Family lobby and must be claimed manually.
  • Progress: Buff Effect applies to all Family members if the Furniture is installed and the Buff Effect does not removed when the Furniture is changed.


Seperti itulah macam-macam Mebel Family yang ada di Modoo Marble.

So that was variations of Family Furnitures that existing in Modoo Marble.

Family Box

Table of Contents


Family Box adalah konten Family yang dapat memberikan hadiah kepada anggota Family yang berpartisipasi mendonasikan Family Key dan menaikkan level Family Box. Semakin tinggi level Family Box, semakin bagus hadiah yang dapat diperoleh.

Family Box is Family content which provides rewards for Family members who participate donating Family Keys and increasing level of the Family Box. Higher the Family Box level, better rewards will be obtained.

How to Get Family Key

Family Key dapat diraih hanya dengan memenangkan permainan PVP baik di Classic, First, Champion, maupun di Super Boom. Tidak akan mendapat Family Key apabila memenangkan match di Friendly Match, Stage Mode, Practice Mode, dan Family Raid.

  • Setiap 1 kemenangan, akan mendapat 5 Family Key terlepas dari jenis kemenangan yang diraih.
  • Family Key yang diperoleh akan didonasikan otomatis ke Family Box.
    • Family Key yang diperoleh dari mailbox juga akan didonasikan otomatis ke Family Box.
  • Family Key hanya dapat diperoleh hingga 50 per harinya.
    • Family Key dapat diperoleh kembali setelah pukul 10:00 WIB / 11:00 WITA / 12:00 WIT.
    • Family Key tidak dapat diperoleh apabila Family Box mencapai level maksimalnya.
    • Family Key yang berada di mailbox tidak dapat diambil apabila telah mendonasikan 50 Family Key ataupun Family Box telah mencapai level maksimalnya.
  • Hadiah Family Box dibagikan setiap hari Selasa pukul 10:00 WIB / 11:00 WITA / 12:00 WIT dan level Family Box akan direset ke 0.
    • Hadiah Family Box hanya dapat diterima oleh anggota Family yang mendonasikan setidaknya 5 Family Key.
    • Hadiah Family Box dapat diterima dalam 7 hari. Apabila tidak diterima, hadiah akan hangus.

Family Key is obtainable by winning a PVP match in any available league (Classic, First, Champion) and Super Boom. Family Key will not be obtained if winning match in Friendly Match, Stage Mode, Practice Mode, and Family Raid.

  • Each 1 win, will obtain 5 Family Keys regardless of victory type.
  • Obtained Family Key will automatically donated to Family Box.
    • Family Keys obtained from mailbox will also automatically donated to Family Box.
  • Family Key obtaining is limited to 50 each day.
    • Family Key will be obtainable again after 10:00 ICT / 11:00 SGT / 12:00 KST.
    • Family Key is not obtainable if the Family Box reached maximum level.
    • Family Keys in mailbox also not obtainable if already donated 50 Family Keys or the Family Box reached maximum level.
  • Family Box reward is available every Tuesday at 10:00 ICT / 11:00 SGT / 12:00 KST and the Family Box level will be reset to 0.
    • Family Box reward only rewarded to any Family member who donated at least 5 Family Keys.
    • Family Box reward is available for 7 days. If not received, the reward will be lost.

Family Box Reward

Level 0

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 0 ~ 195 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 300 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+5]
  • Required Family Key: 0 ~ 195 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 300 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+5]

Level 1

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 200 ~ 495 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 400 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+10]
  • Required Family Key: 200 ~ 495 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 400 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+10]

Level 2

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 500 ~ 795 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 600 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+20]
  • Required Family Key: 500 ~ 795 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 600 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+20]

Level 3

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 800 ~ 1.395 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 1.000 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+30]
  • Required Family Key: 800 ~ 1,395 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 1,000 Star Candy
    • Premium Card Pack [+30]

Level 4

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 1.400 ~ 1.695 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 1.200 Star Candy
    • Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]
  • Required Family Key: 1,400 ~ 1,695 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 1,200 Star Candy
    • Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]

Level 5

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 1.700 ~ 2.495 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 1.400 Star Candy
    • Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]
    • Premium Card Pack [+10]
  • Required Family Key: 1,700 ~ 2,495 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 1,400 Star Candy
    • Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]
    • Premium Card Pack [+10]

Level 6

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 2.500 ~ 3.095 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 1.600 Star Candy
    • Premium Pendant Ticket [+15]
    • Premium Card Pack [+30]
  • Required Family Key: 2,500 ~ 3,095 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 1,600 Star Candy
    • Premium Pendant Ticket [+15]
    • Premium Card Pack [+30]

Level 7

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 3.100 ~ 4.195 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 1.800 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+2]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+2]
  • Required Family Key: 3,100 ~ 4,195 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 1,800 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+2]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+2]

Level 8

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 4.200 ~ 5.195 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 2.000 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+3]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+3]
  • Required Family Key: 4,200 ~ 5,195 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 2,000 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+3]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+3]

Level 9

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 5.200 ~ 6.995 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 3.000 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+4]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+4]
    • [Family] Gem Box
  • Required Family Key: 5,200 ~ 6,995 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 3,000 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+4]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+4]
    • [Family] Gem Box

Level 10

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 7.000 ~ 8.995 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
  • Required Family Key: 7,000 ~ 8,995 Family Keys
  • Reward:

Level 11

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 9.000 ~ 10.995 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
  • Required Family Key: 9,000 ~ 10,995 Family Keys
  • Reward:

Level 12

  • Family Key dibutuhkan: 11.000 Family Key
  • Hadiah:
    • 8.000 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+10]
    • Family Special Box
  • Required Family Key: 11,000 Family Keys
  • Reward:
    • 8,000 Star Candy
    • Super Premium Pendant Ticket [+10]
    • Super Premium Card Pack [+10]
    • Family Special Box

Reward Contents

[Family] Gem Box

[Family] Gem Box



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

Agnes Bright Glass Gem


Angel Revival Bright Glass Gem


Cutting Edge Bright Glass Gem


Dark Nirvana Bright Glass Gem


Defense Ignorance Bright Glass Gem


Enhanced Dice Control Bright Glass Gem


Enhanced Marble Defense Bright Glass Gem


Estelle Bright Glass Gem


Jacheongbi Bright Glass Gem


Laevatein Bright Glass Gem


Marble Defense Bright Glass Gem


Rocket Engine Bright Glass Gem


Rona Bright Glass Gem


Wrong Guide Book Bright Glass Gem


[30%] Self Guide Rune


[40%] Call Defense Rune


[40%] Donation Defense Rune


[50%] Paint Cleaner Rune


[60%] Original Place Exemption Rune


[60%] Ownership Exchange Defense Rune


[60%] Travel Bag Rune


[60%] Turn Start Movement Rune


[65%] Black Hole Swap Bright Glass Gem


[70%] Landmark Additional Construction Defense Rune


S [Family] Honor Light

Kunjungi link berikut ini.

Visit this following link.

Family Special Box

Family Special Box

Hadiah I

Reward I

Hadiah II

Reward II

Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S [S Grade] Honor Light


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S [S~S+ Grade] Honor Light


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S [S~S+ Defense] Honor Light


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S [S~S+ Attack] Honor Light


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S+ [Family] Awaken Exile King Guardian Shield


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S+ [Family] Awaken Spy Trap Blueprint


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S+ [Family] Awaken Diamond Punch Gun


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S+ Awaken Family Hat


S [Family] Honor Light ×2

S+ Awaken Family Ring



Seperti itulah panduan tentang Family Box di Modoo Marble. Manfaatkan fitur ini semaksimal mungkin untuk mendapatkan hadiah yang menguntungkan.

That was a guide about Family Box in Modoo Marble. Take advantage on this feature to get the best reward.


Table of Contents


Family adalah fitur di Modoo Marble dimana pemain membuat perkumpulan untuk mengobrol, bermain bersama, dan mendapatkan keuntungan berupa buff eksklusif dan hadiah mingguan.

Family is a feature in Modoo Marble where players create a gathering to chat, play together, and having benefits such as exclusive buffs and weekly rewards.

How to Join into a Family

Ada dua cara untuk bergabung ke sebuah Family.

  • Bergabung ke Family yang ada
  • Membuat Family

There are two methods to join into a Family.

  • Joining into an existing Family
  • Creating a Family

Joining into an existing Family

1. Ketuk ikon [Social] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

1. Tap on [Social] icon on left corner side of the screen.

2. Ketuk ikon [Family] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

2. Tap on [Family] icon on left corner side of the screen.

3. Bisa langsung memilih Family dalam daftar rekmendasi di sebelah kiri layar untuk bergabung. Apabila ingin mencari Family tertentu, ketuk pada kolom masukan.

3. Can directly choose any Family on recommendation list. If you want to find a specific Family, tap on input field.

4. Hasil pencarian akan memunculkan nama Family sesuai dengan kata kunci dalam masukan. Pilih nama Family yang diinginkan lalu ketuk tombol [Request Join] pada sisi kanan bawah layar untuk bergabung.

4. Search result will show results according to inputted keyword. Select a desired Family then tap on [Request Join] button on lower right side of screen.

5. Saat mengetuk tombol [Request Join] akan muncul jendela konfirmasi seperti pada gambar. Ketuk tombol [Confirm] untuk melanjutkan.

5. When tapping on [Request Join] button, a confirmation window that looks like the image above will show up. Tap on [Confirm] button to continue.

6. Apabila muncul jendela konfirmasi seperti pada gambar di atas, artinya kamu sudah tergabung ke Family tersebut karena Family tersebut menerapkan sistem ‘Bebas Bergabung’.

6. If the confirmation window shows up looks like this, it means you’ve successfully joined into the Family because the Family sets ‘Free Join’ rules.

7. Apabila muncul jendela konfirmasi seperti pada gambar di atas, artinya kamu perlu menunggu persetujuan Leader Family untuk bergabung karena Family tersebut menerapkan sistem ‘Persetujuan Leader’

7. If the confirmation window shows up looks like this, it means you have to wait Leader’s Approval to join into the Family because the Family 

Creating a Family

1. Ketuk ikon [Social] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

1. Tap on [Social] icon on left corner side of the screen.

2. Ketuk ikon [Family] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

2. Tap on [Family] icon on left corner side of the screen.

3. Ketuk pada tombol [Create Family di sudut kanan atas layar untuk membuat sebuah Family.

3. Tap on [Create Family] button on right corner side of screen to create a Family.

4. Pada menu pembuatan Family, isi borang yang tersedia.

  1. Nama Family terdiri dari 8 huruf alfabet, hangul, angka, atau huruf hiragana dan katakana. Nama Family wajib diisi dan tidak boleh menggunakan nama yang sama dengan Family lain.
  2. Deskripsi Family terdiri dari 60 huruf alfabet, hangul, angka, simbol, atau huruf hiragana dan katakana. Deskripsi Family tidak wajib diisi dan dapat diubah kapanpun.
  3. Pilih sistem bergabung anggota. Cek pada pilihan sebelah kiri untuk ‘Bebas Bergabung’ atau cek pada pilihan sebelah kanan untuk ‘Persetujuan Leader’.
  4. Desain emblem Family.
  5. Tombol untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan Family.

4. In Family creation menu, fill the form.

  1. Family name consists of 8 letters (alphanumeric, hangul, hiragana, katakana). Family name is required and cannot use duplicate name with other Family.
  2. Family description consists of 60 letters (alphanumeric, hangul, hiragana, katakana). Family description is not required and can be edited anytime later.
  3. Choose member joining system. Check on left option for ‘Free Join’ or check on right option for ‘Leader Approval’.
  4. Family Emblem design.
  5. Button to complete Family creation.

Untuk mendesain emblem, pilih lambang, warna latar, bentuk border dan warna border. Bisa mereset emblem dengan mengetuk tombol [Reset] yang terletak di bawah pratinjau emblem. Apabila selesai mendesain, klik [Apply] yang terletak di bawah pilihan lambang/wana latar/bentuk border/warna border.

To design emblem, choose desired logo, background color, border shape and border color. The emblem can be reset by tapping on [Reset] button below the emblem preview. If complete designing, tap on [Apply] button below logo/background color/border shape/border color options.

5. Apabila mengetuk tombol [Create Family], akan muncul jendela konfirmasi seperti pada gambar di atas. Ketuk tombol [Create] untuk membuat Family dan biaya sebesar 100 Diamon akan digunakan.

5. If tapping on [Create Family] button, a confirmation window that look like image above will show up. Tap on [Create] button to finish creating Family and 100 Diamond will be used.

6. Selamat! Kamu berhasil membuat Family. Kembangkan Family ini dengan merekrut banyak anggota dan manfaatkan keuntungan Family sebesar-besarnya!

6. Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a Family. Grow the Family by recruiting many members and take advantage of the benefits!

Family Contents

Saat tergabung ke dalam Family, kamu bisa memasuki lobi Family untuk mengakses fiturnya.

When joined into a Family, you can enter Family lobby to access the features.

1. Ketuk ikon [Social] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

1. Tap on [Social] icon on left corner side of the screen.

2. Ketuk ikon [Family] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

2. Tap on [Family] icon on left corner side of the screen.

  1. Informasi Family.
  2. Informasi ranking Family.
  3. Penyimpanan mebel Family.
  4. Mebel Family¹ yang terpasang.
  5. Family Box².
  6. Family Raid³.
  1. Family information
  2. Family ranking information.
  3. Family Furniture inventory.
  4. Installed Family Furniture¹.
  5. Family Box².
  6. Family Raid³.

My Family

Family Information
  1. Nama, emblem, dan level Family. Level Family dapat naik dengan mengumpulkan EXP melalui cara-cara berikut ini.
    1. Log in
    2. Memenangkan match (30 kali per hari)
    3. Mendapatkan Family Ring
    4. Mendapatkan Family Key
    5. Mengirim Clover ke sesama anggota Family
  2. Informasi nama Family Leader, jumlah RP (10% dari total RP semua anggota Family), jumlah anggota Family, sistem bergabung anggota Family, level Family Box, map Family Raid yang dikuasai, serta deskripsi Family.
  3. Daftar anggota Family. Pada bagian atas terdapat pilihan untuk mengurutkan anggota dari: ranking tertinggi, waktu bergabung terlama, RP terbanyak, jumlah support terbanyak, dan jumlah donasi key terbanyak. Di samping nama anggota Family, dapat mengirim support (ikon jempol) dan mengirim Clover (ikon Clover) kepada anggota Family tersebut.
  4. Tombol untuk mengirim clover ke semua anggota Family.
  5. Tombol untuk mengundang teman agar bergabung ke Family.
  6. Tombol untuk keluar dari Family (silakan baca tentang “keluar dari Family“.
  1. Family name, emblem, and level. Family level can increase by collecting EXP through these methods.
    1. Log in
    2. Winning a match (up to 30 times daily)
    3. Obtaining Family Ring
    4. Obtaining Family Key
    5. Sending Clover to other Family members.
  2. Informations such as Family leader nickname, RP total (10% of all Family members’ RP accumulated), Family member count, Family member joining system, Family Box level, conquered Family Raid map, and Family description.
  3. Family member list. On top of member list, there is an option to sort Family members based on: higher ranking, older joined Family member, higher RP, higher support count, and higher Family Key donation count. Beside the Family member name, there are buttons: thumbs up icon to give support and clover icon to send Clover.
  4. Button to send Clover to all Family members.
  5. Button to invite a friend to join into Family.
  6. Button to leave the Family (please read about “leaving a Family” ).
Managing Family Members

Kolom sebelah kiri adalah daftar tunggu anggota member yang mendaftar untuk bergabung ke Family. Anggota Family yang menjabat setidaknya Senior Member dapat mengatur daftar tunggu ini. Bisa memilih salah satu calon anggota dengan cek kotak di sebelah kiri atau memilih semua dengan cek kotak di bagian atas lalu ketuk tombol biru untuk menolak calon anggota atau ketuk tombol kuning untuk menyetujui anggota.

Kolom sebelah kanan adalah daftar anggota Family saat ini. Terdapat informasi ranking, nickname, jumlah RP, jumlah donasi Family Key, dan kapan terakhir log in. Hanya Leader Family yang bisa mengubah jabatan anggota Family. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini.

Left column is new member joining request waiting list. Family members with role Senior Member or above can manage the waiting list. Choose one or several by checking box beside the waiting user’s nickname or choose all by checking the box above the waiting list. Then tap blue button to decline the selected users or tap yellow button to accept the selected users.

Right column is current Family members. There are informations sch as ranking, nickname, total RP, total Family Key, and last log in time. Only Family Leader who can change Family member role. Please pay attention on the mage below.

Apabila mengetuk tombol di sebelah kanan nickname anggota Family, akan muncul jendela seperti pada gambar di atas. Bisa pilih untuk mengubah jabatan atau mengeluarkan anggota Family. Apabila mengubah jabatan Family, anggota Family tersebut akan mendapat privilege. Perhatikan tabel di bawah untuk melihat daftar privilege pada setiap jabatan di Family.

If tapping a button beside of a Family member’s nickname, a window that looks like the image above will show up. Can choose to change role or removing the Family member. If want to changing role, the Family member will obtaining privileges. Please pay attention to the table below for Family role privilege list.

Family Member Role Privilege



Undangan Bergabung

Invite to Join

Persetujuan Anggota Baru

Accepting Request to Join

Usir Anggota

Kick Member

Penggantian Mebel

Change Furniture

Penggunaan Family Ring

Family Ring Use

Perubahan Informasi Family

Family Info Change

Perubahan Role Anggota

Member Role Change

Family Raid

Family Raid

Member Biasa

Normal Member









Member Terbaik

Excellent Member









Sub Leader

Sub Leader



















Changing Family Member Role

Pada jendela perubahan jabatan anggota, cek pada jabatan yang ingin diberikan kepada anggota tersebut. Lalu ketuk tombol [Confirm] seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.

On Family member role change window, check on any role you wish to provide to the member. Then tap on [Confirm] button as showed on the image above.

Jendela konfirmasi seperti pada gambar di atas akan muncul. Ketuk tombol kuning untuk mengkonfirmasi perubahan jabatan anggota tersebut.

A confirmation prompt window that look like the image above will show up. Tap on yellow button to confirm role changes to the member.

Perubahan jabatan telah selesai diterapkan. Notifikasi ini akan muncul di layar sesaat.

Role changes has been applied. This notification will show up for a moment.

Expelling Family Member

Pada jendela perubahan jabatan anggota, ketuk tombol ungu [Expel] yang ditunjukkan pada gambar pada gambar untuk mengeluarkan anggota.

On Family member role change window, tap on purple [Expel] button as indicated on the image above to expel the member.

Jendela konfirmasi seperti pada gambar di atas akan muncul. Ketuk tombol kuning untuk mengkonfirmasi pengeluaran anggota tersebut.

A confirmation prompt window that look like the image above will show up. Tap on yellow button to confirm expelling the member.

Pengeluaran anggota telah selesai dilakukan. Notifikasi ini akan muncul di layar sesaat.

Member has been expelled. This notification will show up for a moment.

Editing Family Information

Pada menu ubah informasi Family, terdapat borang-borang dan tombol-tombol berikut ini.

  1. Nama Family terdiri dari 8 huruf alfabet, hangul, angka, atau huruf hiragana dan katakana. Nama Family wajib diisi dan tidak boleh menggunakan nama yang sama dengan Family lain. Jangan lupa untuk mengetuk tombol [Change Name] di sebelah kanan masukan untuk selesai mengubah nama Family.
  2. Pengumuman Family terdiri dari 60 huruf alfabet, hangul, angka, simbol, atau huruf hiragana dan katakana. Teks ini akan muncul di bagian atas Obrolan Family.
  3. Deskripsi Family terdiri dari 60 huruf alfabet, hangul, angka, simbol, atau huruf hiragana dan katakana. Deskripsi Family akan muncul di bagian Informasi Family.
  4. Pilih sistem bergabung anggota. Cek pada pilihan sebelah kiri untuk ‘Bebas Bergabung’ atau cek pada pilihan sebelah kanan untuk ‘Persetujuan Leader’.
  5. Tombol untuk membubarkan Family. Baca tentang ‘Membubarkan Family’ di seksi paling bawah.
  6. Desain emblem Family.
  7. Tombol untuk menyelesaikan perubahan informasi Family.

In Family information editing menu, there are some forms and buttons.

  1. Family name consists of 8 letters (alphanumeric, hangul, hiragana, katakana). Family name is required and cannot use duplicate name with other Family. Tap on [Change Name] button beside of the input to complete renaming.
  2. Family description consists of 60 letters (alphanumeric, hangul, hiragana, katakana). This text will show in upper section of Family Chat.
  3. Family description consists of 60 letters (alphanumeric, hangul, hiragana, katakana). This text will show in Family Information.
  4. Choose member joining system. Check on left option for ‘Free Join’ or check on right option for ‘Leader Approval’.
  5. Button to disband Family. Read about ‘Disbanding Family’ in the lower section.
  6. Family Emblem design.
  7. Button to complete Family information editing.

Family Ranking

Family Ranking adalah sistem pemeringkatan Family berdasarkan akumulasi RP yang diraih seluruh anggota Family. RP khusus Family dihitung dengan rumus berikut ini.

Akumulasi RP × 10%

Ranking Family berubah secara real time. Setiap hari Selasa jam 10:00 WIB / 11:00 WITA / 12:00 WIT, RP Family direset mengikuti reset RP pemain dan Family mendapat hadiah sesuai dengan peringkatnya. Untuk melihat status ranking Family, perhatikan rincian di bawah ini.

Family Ranking is a ranking system for Families based on accumulated RP of Family member. Family RP is counted with this formula.

RP Accumulation × 10%

Family Ranking fluctuates in real time. Every Tuesday at 10:00 ICT / 11:00 SGT / 12:00 KST, Family RP is reset following player’s RP reset and Family get rewards according to their rank. Please read the details below.

Informasi ranking Family dapat dilihat dengan menyentuh lemari trofi yang ada di lobi Family.

Family ranking information is accessible by tapping on trophy display in Family lobby.

  1. Sisa waktu reset ranking Family
  2. Informasi tentang ranking Family
  3. Daftar peringkat Family
  4. Borang pencarian Family
  5. Tombol untuk melihat peringkat Family sendiri
  1. Family ranking reset remaining time
  2. Family ranking information
  3. Family ranking list
  4. Family search input
  5. Button to see own Family ranking
Family Ranking Reward

Family Weekly Reward



Hadiah I

Reward I

Hadiah II

Reward II

Peringkat 1

Rank 1

1600 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+30]

Peringkat 2

Rank 2

1400 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+10]

Peringkat 3

Rank 3

1200 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+10]

Peringkat 4~10

Rank 4~10

1100 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+10]

Peringkat 11~20

Rank 11~20

1050 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 21~30

Rank 21~30

1000 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 31~40

Rank 31~40

950 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 41~50

Rank 41~50

900 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 51~60

Rank 51~60

850 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 61~70

Rank 61~70

800 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 71~80

Rank 71~80

750 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 81~90

Rank 81~90

700 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 91~100

Rank 91~100

650 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+5]

Peringkat 0%~10%

Rank 0%~10%

400 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+1]

Peringkat 11%~25%

Rank 11%~25%

375 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+1]

Peringkat 26%~45%

Rank 26%~45%

350 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+1]

Peringkat 46%~70%

Rank 46%~70%

325 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+1]

Peringkat 71%~100%

Rank 71%~100%

300 Family Ring

Premium Card Pack [+1]

Family Furniture

Silakan baca panduan tentang Mebel Family melalui tautan berikut ini.

Please read guide about Family Furniture by clicking the following link.

Family Box

Silakan baca panduan tentang Family Box melalui tautan berikut ini.

Please read guide about Family Box by clicking the following link.

Family Raid

Silakan baca panduan tentang Family Raid melalui tautan berikut ini.

Please read guide about Family Raid by clicking the following link.

Leaving or Disbanding Family

Seringkali seorang pemain merasa tidak cocok dengan Family yang ia masuki atau merasa ingin membubarkan Family yang ia kelola baik sengaja maupun tak sengaja karena berbagai penyebab dan alasan. Namun banyak yang tidak tahu cara untuk keluar dari Family maupun membubarkan Family. Simak penjelasan di bawah ini untuk cara keluar dari Family dan cara membubarkan Family.

Leaving a Family

1. Ketuk ikon [Social] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

1. Tap on [Social] icon on left corner side of the screen.

2. Ketuk ikon [Family] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

2. Tap on [Family] icon on left corner side of the screen.

3. Buka informasi Family yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.

3. Open Family Information as indicated on the image above.

4. Ketuk tombol [Leave] yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.

4. Tap on [Leave] button as indicated on the image above.

5. Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul seperti pada gambar di atas.

“Akan keluar dari Family. Kamu akan dibatasi agar tidak bisa bergabung ke Family dan membuat Family dalam 24 jam ke depan. Apakah yakin untuk keluar?”

Ketuk tombol kuning [Konfirmasi] yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas untuk konfirmasi keluar dari Family dan kamu akan kembali ke Lobi.

5. A confirmation window look like the image above will show up.

“Leaving the Family. You will be limited from joining a Family and creating a Family for next 24 hours. Are you sure to leave?”

Tap on yellow [Confirm] button to confirm leaving from the Family and you’ll be returned to Lobby.

6. Apabila telah keluar dari Family (atau dikeluarkan dari Family), ketika kamu memasuki menu Family, kamu akan darahkan ke menu pencarian Family. Apabila kamu mencoba masuk kembali ke Family manapun, jendela peringatan seperti pada gambar di atas akan muncul. Ini berarti kamu harus menunggu selama 24 jam.

6. If leaving from a Family (or expelled from Family), when entering Family menu, you’ll redirected to Family searching menu. If you’re trying to join a Family, a warning window that look like the image above will show up. This means you have to wait for 24 hours.

Disbanding a Family

1. Ketuk ikon [Social] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

1. Tap on [Social] icon on left corner side of the screen.

2. Ketuk ikon [Family] di sudut kiri bawah layar.

2. Tap on [Family] icon on left corner side of the screen.

3. Buka informasi Family yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.

3. Open Family Information as indicated on the image above.

4. Buka menu edit informasi Family dengan mengetuk tab yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.

4. Open Family information editing menu by tapping the tab as indicated on the image above.

5. Pada menu edit informasi Family, ketuk tombol [Disband Family] yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas. Pastikan anggota lain sudah dikeluarkan apabila masih ada anggota yang tersisa. Silakan baca tentang “Mengeluarkan Anggota Family

5. In Family information editing menu, tap [Disband Family] button as indicated on the image above. Make sure to expel remaining Family members. Read about “Expelling Family Member

6. Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul seperti pada gambar di atas.

“Akan membubarkan Family. Harap putuskan dengan hati-hati karena aksi ini tidak bisa dikembalikan. (Kamu juga tidak bisa bergabung ke Family dan membuat Family dalam 24 jam ke depan)”

Ketuk tombol kuning [Konfirmasi] untuk mengkonfirmasi pembubaran Family.

6. A confirmation window look like the image above will show up.

“Disbanding the Family. Please decide cautiously since this action cannot be undone. (You’ll also limited from joining a Family and creating a Family for next 24 hours)”

Tap on yellow [Confirm] button to confirm disband.

7. Jendela konfirmasi akan muncul sekali lagi untuk meyakinkan.

“Ini adalah konfirmasi terakhir. Apakah anda ingin membubarkan Family?”

Jika benar-benar yakin untuk membubarkan Family, ketuk tombol kuning [Confirm] yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.

7. One more confirmation window will show up to ensure your action.

“This is the last confirmation. Are you really sure to disband the Family?”

If you’re really sure to do so, tap on yellow [Confirm] button as ndicated o the image above.

8. Family berhasil dibubarkan. Ketika mengetuk tombol [Confirm], kamu akan dikembalikan ke Lobi.

8. The family has been disbanded. If tapping on [Confirm] button, you will redirected to Lobby.


Seperti itulah panduan tentang Family di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini membantu kalian agar dapat bermain Modoo Marble dengan lebih mudah,

So that was the guide about Family in Modoo Marble. I hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easily.

Mobility Limitation

Table of Contents


Pembatasan Mobilitas adalah fitur yang terdapat di Modoo Marble, khususnya di First League.

Fitur ini diterapkan agar menjaga keseimbangan permainan karena sebagian besar pemain pemula bermain di First League dimana terdapat kemungkinan bertemu dengan lawan yang memiliki spek yang jauh lebih tinggi dimana terdapat karakter dan pendant yang memiliki banyak mobilitas.

Dengan adanya pembatasan mobilitas ini, pemain tidak bisa mengaktifkan skill pergerakan terlalu sering.

Oleh karena itulah, pemain yang sudah memiliki spek yang bagus disarankan untuk bermain di Champion League dimana tidak ada pembatasan mobilitas.

Mobility limitation is a feature in Modoo Marble especially in First League.

This feature is applied in order to keep game balance because most of newbie plays in First League which they may meet advanced players who have Character and Pendant that has great mobility.

With the existence of mobility limitation, players cannot activate mobility skills too often.

So it is recommended for advanced players to play in Champion League which doesn’t have mobility limitation.

What is Mobility Limitation?

Tooltip saat menyentuh tombol jumlah batas pergerakan // Tooltip that showing up when tapping on mobility limit count.
Saat batas mobilitas 0, skill pergerakan tidak bisa aktif (perhatikan kotak merah) // When mobility limit reaches 0, mobility limit does not activated.

Pembatasan mobilitas maksudnya adalah batas suatu pemain untuk mengaktifkan skill pergerakan yang terdapat pada Karakter, Pendant, Costume, Second Ability Pendant, dan Gem yang digunakan.

Pembatasan mobilitas hanya diterapkan di First League. Setiap turnnya, pemain hanya bisa mengaktifkan skill pergerakan hingga 3 kali.

  • Batas pergerakan hanya berkurang ketika pemain memilih area untuk pindah saat skill perpindahan teleport/non-teleport aktif.
  • Batas pergerakan otomatis berkurang ketika pemain melempar dadu saat skill kesempatan dadu tambahan aktif.
  • Apabila jumlah batas pergerakan di turn tersebut habis, tidak dapat mengaktifkan skill pergerakan.
  • Jumlah batas pergerakan dipulihkan setiap turn dimulai.

Mobility limitation means a limit of a player to activate movement skills of Character, Pendant, Costume, Pendant Unique Ability, and Gems in use.

Mobility limitation only applies in First League. A player only able to activate movement skills up to 3 times each turn.

  • Mobility limit only consumed if the player selecting an area to move when teleport/non-teleport movement skill is activated.
  • Movement limit consumed automatically if the player rolls dice when additional dice chance skill is activated.
  • If mobility limit count is zero, unable to activate movement skill.
  • Mobility limit count replenishes if the player’s turn starts.

Included Skills

Di bawah ini adalah daftar skill yang dapat mengurangi batas mobilitas apabila aktif (pada beberapa skill perpindahan, batas mobilitas tidak berkurang apabila tidak memilih area untuk berpindah).

Below is the list of skills that consumes mobility limit if the skill is activated (for several movement skills, movement limit can be retain by canceling area selection).

Movement Limit Skills List

Skill Teleport

Teleport Skill

Skill Non-Teleport

Non-Teleport Skill

Teleport ke salah satu areaku yang dipilih

Teleport to selected area of my own

Pindah ke salah satu area yang dipilih

Move to selected area

Teleport ke salah satu area dalam line yang dipilih

Teleport to selected area within line

Pindah ke salah satu area dalam jangkauan tertentu

Move to selected area within designated range

Teleport ke blok sudut atau blok spesial map yang dipilih

Teleport to selected corner block or map special block

Pindah ke blok sudut atau blok spesial map yang dipilih

Move to selected corner block or map special block

Teleport ke posisi semula

Teleport to same position

Pindah secara otomatis ke blok START

Move automatically to START

Teleport ke salah satu area dalam jangkauan tertentu

Teleport to selected area within dice result range

Pindah secara otomatis ke blok Travel

Move automatically to Travel block

Teleport ke salah satu area kosong yang dipilih

Teleport to selected empty area

Pindah secara otomatis ke salah satu area kosong terdekat dalam line

Move automatically to nearest empty area within line

Teleport ke salah satu area kosong atau areaku yang dipilih

Teleport to selected empty area or area of my own

Pindah secara otomatis ke salah satu area kosong acak

Move automatically to a random empty area

Teleport secara otomatis ke salah satu areaku

Teleport to selected random empty area

Chance dadu tambahan (dengan efek dobel & tanpa efek dobel)

Dice additional chance (with and without dice double effect)


Beberapa skill di bawah ini walau termasuk skill pergerakan, namun tidak mengurangi batas mobilitas ketika aktif.

  • Pilih arah gerak maju/mundur ketika melempar dadu.
  • Pergerakan yang diaktifkan oleh pet (Catsy milik Carmen, Grenade milik Chaemin).
  • Pergerakan yang dilakukan atas perintah kartu kesempatan.
  • Pergerakan yang dilakukan melalui fitur map.
  • Pergerakan yang dilakukan melalui blok Travel/Super Travel.

These skills below even thought included as movement skill, it does not consumes mobility limit when activated.

  • Select movement direction front/back to roll dice.
  • Movement that triggered by pet (Carmen’s Catsy, Chaemin’s Grenade).
  • Movement that performed by chance card.
  • Movement that performed by map feature.
  • Movement that performed through Travel/Super Travel block.


Seperti itulah panduan tentang batas pergerakan khusus First League yang ada di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini membantu kalian agar lebih memahami fitur-fitur yang ada di Modoo Marble.

So that was a guide about movement limitation that specialized in Modoo Marble First League. I hope this guide helps you to understand features of Modoo Marble better.

How to Redeem Coupon

Table of Contents


Seringkali setiap ada event baru, Modoo Marble selalu memberikan kupon yang apabila kita input akan memberi kita hadiah tertentu. Kalian terutama player gratisan pasti SANGAT SENANG bisa dapat item gratisan, namun tidak tahu cara memasukkan kuponnya karena kendala bahasa dalam gim? Jangan risau, kalian cukup ikuti tahapan berikut ini!

Most of the time when Modoo Marble opens new event, they always give us some coupon that rewards us various rewards if we input them. As freebies, you must be FEELING HAPPY being able to get free items, but didn’t know where to input codes? Don’t worry, you just need to follow these steps!

Metode Redeem Kupon

Method 1

1. Dari lobi, pergi ke Shop yang berada di sisi kiri layar.

1. At lobby screen, click Shop button on the left side of screen.

2. Di Shop, klik tombol Coupon yang berada di bawah bar Star Candy.

2. At Shop, click Coupon button below Star Candy gauge bar.

3. Di laman Coupon, pilih pilihan yang ditunjuk.

3. At Coupon page, choose the indicated option.

4. Masukkan kupon yang diberikan lalu klik tombol [Konfirmasi]

4. Input the code then click [Confirm] button.

6. Apabila kupon masih sah dan selesai dimasukkan, hadiah akan dikirimkan ke mailbox kalian.

6. If the coupon is valid and successfully redeemed, rewards will be sent to your mailbox.

Method 2

1. Buka peramban di ponsel, maupun komputer. Silakan klik tautan ini.

1. Open browser from your phone or computer. Visit this link.

2. Masukkan “nomor keanggotaan” di kolom pertama lalu klik tombol “Confirm”. Kemudian masukkan kode kupon di kolom ketiga. Terakhir, klik tombol “Use”.

2. Input membership number in the first column then tap “Confirm” button. Next, input coupon code on third column. Last, tap “Use” button.

3. Klik tombol Konfirmasi yang berada di bawah munculan apabila semua masukan sudah benar.

3. Click Confirm button on the bottom of the pop up if you’re sure that inputted the form correctly.

4. Selamat, kupon berhasil diklaim. Silakan log in ke dalam game dan cek mailbox untuk menerima hadiahnya.

4. Congratulations, the coupon is successfully redeemed. Log in to the game and check the reward in the mailbox.

How to Find Membership Number

Kamu harus tahu “nomor keanggotaan” agar dapat memasukkan kupon melalui website.

You must know your account’s “membership number” in order to redeem code through website.

1. Dari lobi, buka pengaturan dengan menekan ikon titik-titik lalu pilih menu yang berlambang gir.

1. From lobby, open settings by tapping on dots icon then select gear icon.

2. Di menu pengaturan, pilih tab yang paling kanan untuk melihat informasi akun. Kalian dapat melihat nomor keanggotaan kalian, yaitu sekumpulan angka yang tertera di layar perangkat kalian. Jaga nomor ini tetap rahasia!

2. At settings menu, select most right side menu that shows your account information. You can check your “membership number” that shown as several numbers. Remember to keep this code secret!

Untuk panduan lengkap tentang “pengaturan permainan”, silakan ikuti tautan berikut ini.

For a complete guide of “game settings”, please refer to this link.


Perhatikan macam-macam masalah yang mungkin dapat dialami saat me-redeem kupon.

Please pay attention to those problems that might found when redeeming coupon.

Problem 1

Apabila muncul pop-up yang berbunyi “Please reconfirm Member code and try again.”, itu diakibatkan karena salah memasukkan nomor keanggotaan. Silakan cek kembali nomor keanggotaan di game lalu coba kembali.

If a pop-up that has message like “Please reconfirm Member code and try again.” shows up, it means you’ve inputted incorrect membership number. Please check your membership number then try again.

Problem 2

Apabila muncul pop-up yang berbunyi “Coupon entered is expired or previously used…”, itu diakibatkan karena kupon yang dimasukkan telah kedaluwarsa atau sudah digunakan sebelumnya. Silakan cek mas aktif kupon di pengumuman dan/atau cek hadiah redeem kupon apabila sudah me-redeem kupon.

If a pop up that has message “Coupon entered is expored or previously used…”, please check coupon availability period in announcement and/or check coupon redeem reward in game if already redeeming the coupon..


Demikianlah panduan cara mengklaim kupon di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini memudahkan kalian bermain Modoo Marble.

So, that’s been a guide of how to redeem coupon in Modoo Marble. Hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.

How to Change Game Settings

Table of Contents


Ingin menyala/matikan suara? Ingin mengubah kualitas grafik? Ingin mengganti nickname? Namun tidak tahu dimana dan bagaimana mengakses pengaturan permainan di Modoo Marble? Mari simak panduan berikut ini.

Wanted to switch audio on/off? Wanted to change graphic quality? Wanted to change nickname but don’t know where and how to access game settings in Modoo Marble? So, check this guide out.

Settings Menu Location

Cara membuka Pengaturan:

How to open Game Settings window:

  1. Klik tombol dot kecil di kanan atas layar lobi.
  2. Ketuk lambang gir yang berada di sisi bawah kanan layar.
  1. Click small dots button at top right of lobby screen.
  2. Click gear icon at right bottom screen.

Game Settings

  1. BGM : Menyalakan/matikan lagu latar belakang.
  2. Suara efek: Menyalakan/matikan suara efek.
  3. Mode hemat daya: Aktifkan untuk meminimalisir penggunaan daya baterai.
  4. Munculkan angka dadu: Aktifkan untuk dapat melihat angka dadu pada area di depan (atau belakang).
  5. Rekomendasi item otomatis: Aktifkan untuk mendapat rekomendasi pendant untuk karakter tertentu secara otomatis.
  6. Tampilkan VIP: Aktifkan untuk melihat status VIP.
  7. Perlihatkan foto profil: Atur kepada siapa foto profil kamu diperlihatkan.
    • Atas: semua orang
    • Tengah atas: hanya teman yang ditambah melalui Kakao Talk
    • Tengah bawah: hanya teman yang ditambah dalam game
    • Bawah: sembunyikan
  8. Kualitas grafik: Atur kualitas grafik sesuai dengan spek perangkat.
    • Atas: tinggi
    • Tengah: sedang
    • Bawah: rendah
  9. Rasio layar: Atur ukuran tampilan game sesuai dengan layar perangkat.
    • Atas: muatkan dengan layar
    • Bawah: rasio standar
  10. Perlihatkan bingkai pangkat: Aktifkan untuk dapat melihat bingkai sesuai pangkat di musim sebelumnya (berlaku bagi peraih pangkat Diamond keatas di musim sebelumnya).
  1. BGM: Turning on/off game background music.
  2. Sound effect: Turning on/off game sound effects.
  3. Power saving mode: Turn on to minimize power usage.
  4. Tell die number: Turn on to show number within area at front (or back).
  5. Auto recommend item: Turn on to automatically get pendant recommendations for selected character card.
  6. Show VIP appearance: Turn on to show VIP status.
  7. Show my picture: Set preference to whom your profile picture will be shown.
    • Top: show to everybody.
    • Upper Middle: show to Kakao Talk friends only.
    • Lower Middle: show to game friends only.
    • Bottom: hide profile picture.
  8. Graphic quality: Set graphic quality according to device performance.
    • Top: high quality.
    • Mid: meduim quality.
    • Bottom: low quality.
  9. Screen ratio: Set game display settings according to device screen.
    • Top: fit to device screen.
    • Bottom: basic ratio.
  10. Show rank border: Turn on to show rank border (applicable when attained Diamond rank or above on the last season)

Notification Settings

  1. Tolak undangan teman Kakao: Aktifkan untuk menolak undangan bermain dari teman didaftarkan dalam Kakao Talk.
  2. Tolak undangan teman non-Kakao: Aktifkan untuk menolak undangan bermain dari teman yang didaftarkan dalam game.
  3. Terima clover: Aktifkan untuk dapat menerima Clover beserta pesan yang masuk ke Kakao Talk.
  4. Pengingat upgrade Karakter: Aktifkan untuk mendapat pengingat untuk meng-upgrade karakter kamu menjadi Awaken/Evolution.
  5. Terima notifikasi umum: Aktifkan untuk dapat menerima notifikasi seputar event dari aplikasi.
  6. Pengingat waktu malam: Aktifkan untuk dapat menerima notifikasi saat malam hari tiba.
  7. Pengingat getaran: Aktifkan untuk mengaktifkan getaran saat turn dimulai.
  1. Refuse Kakao Friend Invitation: Turn on to refuse all match invitation sent by Kakao friendlist.
  2. Refuse Game Friend Invitation: Turn on to refuse all match invitation sent by Game friendlist.
  3. Receive clover: Turn on to receive Clovers including message via Kakao Talk.
  4. Awaken/Evolve notification: Turn on to show upgrade characters reminder.
  5. Notice Notification: Turn on to receive notifications about game events from app.
  6. Night time notification: Turn on to receive notifications during night time.
  7. Vibrate when my turn: Turn on to set vibration when your turn starts.

Game Information

  1. Ganti nama unik: Klik untuk mengganti nama unik. Biaya mengganti nama unik adalah 20 diamond. Nickname dibatasi dalam 8 digit alfanumerik, hangul, kana, dan simbol.
  2. Layanan pelanggan: klik untuk mendapat bantuan langsung dari layanan pelanggan Netmarble.
  3. Café resmi: klik untuk membuka Café Naver resmi Modoo Marble.
  4. S&K: klik untuk membaca syarat dan ketentuan pengguna.
  5. Item drop rate: klik untuk membaca daftar item dan drop rate dalam permainan.
  6. Nomor keanggotaan: ini adalah nomor unik yang digunakan untuk menginput kupon atau mengikuti event.
  7. versi aplikasi: Versi aplikasi saat ini.
  8. Log out: klik untuk mengeluarkan akun dari Modoo Marble. Berlaku apabila tidak menginstall Kakao Talk pada perangkat yang sama.
  9. Hapus akun: klik untuk menghapus akun Modoo Marble.
  1. Change nickname: Click to change nickname. Change nickname costs 20 diamond. Nickname is limited by 8 digit of alphanumeric, hangul, kana, and symbols.
  2. Cust Service: Click to get help directly from Netmarble Cust. Service
  3. Official café: click to go to Moma Naver Official Café
  4. Usage Policy: click to read end user agreement policy
  5. Item drop rate: click to read in game items and drop rate
  6. Membership number: this is unique number that usable to input coupon or participating into an event.
  7. Game version: Recent app version.
  8. Log out: Click to log out account from Modoo Marble. Applicable only when Kakao Talk app does not installed on same device.
  9. Erase account: Click to erase Modoo Marble account.


Demikianlah panduan cara mengakses dan mengubah pengaturan gim di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini memudahkan kalian bermain Modoo Marble.

So, that’s been a guide of how to access and changing game settings in Modoo Marble. Hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.

Character Growth System

Table of Contents


Sistem Pertumbuhan Karakter adalah fitur baru yang hadir di Modoo Marble sejak update hari jadi ke-8. Fitur ini memungkinkan pemain untuk mendapatkan karakter Evolution yang diinginkannya tanpa menghabiskan diamond. Meskipun nama asli fitur ini adalah ‘Sistem Pertumbuhan Gratis’, sebenarnya fitur ini tidak benar-benar gratis. Fitur ini membutuhkan gold dalam jumlah yang banyak karena tahapan-tahapan yang harus dijalankan hingga menumbuhkan sebuah karakter S+ menjadi karakter Evolution. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari simak panduan berikut ini.

Character Growth System is a new feature that came when Modoo Marble got 8th anniversary update. This feature allows a player to obtain their wanted Evolution Character without spending diamonds. Even thought the literal name of this feature is ‘Free Growth System’, this feature is not totally free. This features requires great amount of gold because of the steps that must go through until an S+ Character grown into an Evolution Character. Let’s check this guide to find out more.

Status Pertumbuhan Karakter / Character Growth Status

Menu ini memungkinkan pemain untuk melihat status Karakter¹ seperti status kepemilikan, status pertumbuhan, maupun status pertumbuhan maksimal².

¹) Silakan lihat daftar karakter yang dapat melalui proses pertumbuhan pada tabel di bawah.

²) Apabila memiliki lebih dari satu karakter S+ dengan nama yang sama, status yang ditampilkan adalah yang tertinggi.

  • Contoh: Jika kamu memiliki S+ Meriel dan S+ Evolution Meriel, maka jendela status akan menampilkan Meriel yang sudah mencapai status maksimum (Evolution).

This menu allows a player to check their Character’s¹ statuses such as ownership, growth on process, and maximum growth².

¹) Please check the list of Characters that allowed to grow on the table below.

²) If owning more than one S+ Character with the same name, the status window only shows their higher status.

  • Example: If you’re having S+ Meriel and S+ Evolution Meriel, then the status window will sown that your Meriel is laready on max growth (Evolution).

Not Owned

Status ini menunjukkan bahwa karakter S+ belum dimiliki. Karakter S+ dapat diperoleh melalui Card Pack, Play Cube, Star Ball, dan Combine.

This status indicates that the S+ Character is not yet owned. The S+ Character is obtainable through Card Pack, Play Cube, Star Ball, and Combining.

Need Level Up

Status ini menunjukkan bahwa karakter S+ sudah dimiliki namun belum mencapai level maksimum (Lv. 30).

This status indicates that the S+ Character is already owned but not on MAX Level (Lv. 30).

Growth on Progress

Status ini menunjukkan bahwa Karakter S+ sudah di-enhance hingga level MAX (Lv. 30) dan siap ditumbuhkan atau sedang dilakukan proses pertumbuhan.

  • Indikator kuning menunjukkan proses pertumbuhan Karakter S+ Biasa menuju Awaken.
  • Indikator ungu menunjukkan proses pertumbuhan Karakter S+ Awaken menuju Evolution.

This status indicates that the S+ Character has been enhanced to level MAX (Lv. 30) and ready to be grown, or ongoing growth.

  • Yellow bar indicates the growth of Normal S+ Character into Awaken.
  • Purple bar indicates the growth of Awaken S+ Character into Evolution.

Maximum Growth

Status ini menunjukkan bahwa Karakter S+ sudah mencapai pertumbuhan maksimal baik Awaken maupun Evolution.

This status indicates that the S+ Character has reached their maximum growth, either maximum Awaken and maximum Evolution.

Character List

Berikut ini adalah daftar Karakter-karakter S+ yang dapat melalui proses pertumbuhan untuk menjadi karakter Awaken dan Evolution.

The table below is a list of S+ Characters that allowed to grow into Awaken and Evolution character.

No Diamond Growth System Character List















Han Chaeryeong







Gold Caren



Han Chaeryeong























Destruction Death

Chaos Death
















Hopeful Seol-Ah

Wishful Seol-Ah












Future Dasom

Past Dasom

Harap diperhatikan bahwa karakter-karakter di bawah ini tidak tergolong karakter yang dapat diperoleh melalui Sistem Pertumbuhan Karakter walaupun memiliki nama yang mirip.

Please note that characters below does not included in the list of characters that obtainable through Character Growth System even they have similar name.

  • S+ Evolution Scientist Lulubel
  • S+ Evolution Abyss Yeonhee
  • S+ Evolution Charming Mina
  • S+ Evolution Count Khazad
  • S+ Evolution Petite Artemis
  • S+ Evolution Petite Elisé
  • S+ Evolution MINI Yeomra
  • S+ Evolution MINI Nike
  • S+ Evolution MINI Meriel
  • S+ Evolution Red Manwol
  • S+ Evolution Raincoat Puding
  • S+ Evolution Gothic Maid Seol-Ah
  • S+ Evolution Happy Kimoon
  • S+ Evolution Ultimate Hilda
  • S+ Evolution Ultimate Blossom
  • S+ Evolution Ultimate Spica
  • S+ Evolution Ultimate Summer
  • S+ Evolution Ultimate Nari
  • S+ Evolution Sweet Lily

Growing Character

Obtaining S Character

Karakter S dapat diperoleh melalui cara berikut ini.

  • Membuka Premium Card Pack
  • Membuka Super Premium Card Pack
  • Membuka Super Special Card Pack
  • Membuka Super Pick Up Card Pack
  • Membuka Costume Card Pack
  • Membuka Evolvable S Character Selection Box
    • Evolvable S Character Selection Box dapat diperoleh dari membuka Play Cube Lv. 4 & Lv. 5
  • Membuka Star Ball

S grade Characters are obtainable by these methods.

  • Opening Premium Card Pack
  • Opening Super Premium Card Pack
  • Opening Super Special Card Pack
  • Opening Super Pick Up Card Pack
  • Opening Costume Card Pack
  • Opening Evolvable S Character Selection Box
    • Evolvable S Character Selection Box is obtainable by opening Play Cube Lv. 4 & Lv. 5
  • Opening Star Ball

S Character Selection Box (Play Cube Lv. 4~5)





S Yoonrang

S Han Chaeryeong

S Ragon

Pilih salah satu

Choose one

S Artemis

S Fey

S Asha

S Ellony

S Ciel

S Saho

S Ava

S Elise

S Mnemion

S Gon

S Gaia

S Haryeong

S Lily

S Kimun

S Jewol

S Greta

S Yeomra

S Nike

S Meriel

S Ellin

S Hilda

S Destruction Death

S Chaos Death

S Crow

S Prill

S Janus

S Manwol

S Sandy

S Carmen

S Blossom

S Chaemin

S Iris

S Horus

S Summer

S Nari

S Spica

S Sirius

S Aurora

S Hopeful Seol-Ah

S Wishful Seol-Ah

S Cecil

S Bambina

S Melissa

S Schneider

S Dana

S Chrony

S Garam

S Harmony

Silver/Gold Star Ball Reward 1, Platinum Star Ball Reward 2



Persentase Kemunculan

Appearance Rate

S Future Dasom

S Past Dasom

S Veronica


S Dominy

S Kane

S Garam

S Chrony

S Harmony


S Schneider

S Melissa

S Dana

S Cecil

S Hopeful Seol-Ah

S Bambina

S Aurora

S Sirius

S Wishful Seol-Ah

S Nari

S Summer

S Spica

S Iris

S Chaemin

S Horus

S Carmen

S Sandy

S Blossom

S Janus

S Prill

S Manwol

S Chaos Death

S Destruction Death

S Crow

S Ellin

S Meriel

S Hilda

S Nike

S Yeomra

S Greta

S Jewol

S Kimoon

S Lily

S Haryeong

S+ Future Dasom

S+ Past Dasom

S+ Veronica


S+ Dominy

S+ Kane

S+ Harmony

S+ Garam

S+ Chrony


S+ Dana

S+ Schneider

S+ Melissa

S+ Bambina

S+ Cecil

S+ Hopeful Seol-Ah

S+ Wishful Seol-Ah

S+ Aurora

S+ Sirius

S+ Spica

S+ Nari

S+ Summer

S+ Horus

S+ Iris

S+ Chaemin

S+ Blossom

S+ Carmen

S+ Sandy

S+ Manwol

S+ Janus

S+ Prill

S+ Crow

S+ Chaos Death

S+ Destruction Death

S+ Hilda

S+ Ellin

S+ Meriel

S+ Nike

S+ Yeomra

S+ Greta

S+ Jewol

S+ Kimoon

S+ Lily

S+ Haryeong

Obtaining S+ Character

Untuk mulai menumbuhkan Karakter S+ yang diinginkan, perlu memiliki setidaknya satu Karakter S+ tersebut. Perhatikan cara meng-upgrade karakter S menjadi karakter S+ di bawah ini!

To begin growing the desired S+ Character, requires at least one S+ Character. Please pay attention to the procedure on how to upgrade S Character into S+ Character below!

Enhancing S Character

Karakter dapat dienhance dengan semua kelas karakter baik yang setara maupun tidak setara. Semakin tinggi kelas karakter, semakin cepat karakter mendapat EXP. Disarankan untuk menggunakan kartu “EXPx2” untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal.

Character Cards can be enhanced using any grade of Character Cards, using higher class than targeted Character Card gives higher rate to gain more EXP. Using “EXPx2” card is recommended to gain maximum result.

S Grade Character Enhancement

Material Target

Target Material

Material Enhance

Enhancement Material

Material Dibutuhkan

Material Dibutuhkan

Karakter S

S Character

Karakter S yang lain

Other S Character

Min: 8 | Max: 16

Karakter S yang sama

Same S Character

Min: 4 | Max: 8

S [EXP×2 Lv.1]

Min: 4 | Max: 8

S [EXP×2 Lv.10]

Min: 2 | Max: 4

Combining S Character

Semua jenis Karakter S dapat dijadikan material untuk kombinasi dengan Karakter S yang ingin ditingkatkan. Disarankan untuk menggunakan material S [EXP×2 Lv.25] sebagai bahan combine selagi ada.

Any S grade Character Cards can be material of combination with S Characters that you want to upgrade! If possible, it is recommended to use S [EXP×2 Lv.25] material as combining material.

Combine Success Rate

Berikut adalah daftar persentase keberhasilan dalam mendapatkan Karakter S+ yang sesuai dengan Karakter S yang dijadikan target. Persentase meningkat sesuai dengan jumlah combine yang dilakukan pada Karakter S.

Proses combine pada Karakter S target dapat dilakukan maksimal 10 kali untuk masing-masing jenis karakter. Apabila berhasil mendapatkan karakter S+ sebelum atau saat mencapai percobaan ke-10, angka tersebut akan diulang ke 0 pada karakter yang berhasil dijadikan S+.

Apabila proses combine gagal menghasilkan karakter S+ target, karakter S+ acak akan diberikan sebagai gantinya.

This is the success rate table of obtaining targeted S+ Character by combining certain S Character. The success rate increases according to combination times performed on certain S Character.

The process of combining on the target S Character can be done a maximum of 10 times for each character type. If you succeed in getting an S+ character before or when you reach the 10th try, the number will be repeated to 0 on the character that was successfully made into S+.

If the combine process fails to generate the target S+ character, a random S+ character will be given instead.

Combine 1×
Success Rate 6.2811%
Combine 2×
Success Rate 7.0599%
Combine 3×
Success Rate 7.8258%
Combine 4×
Success Rate 8.57925%
Combine 5×
Success Rate 68.0576%
Combine 6×
Success Rate 68.1486%
Combine 7×
Success Rate 68.2391%
Combine 8×
Success Rate 68.329%
Combine 9×
Success Rate 68.4184%
Combine 10×
Success Rate 100%

Enhancing S+ Character

Karakter S+ dapat dienhance dengan semua kelas karakter baik yang setara maupun tidak setara. Semakin tinggi kelas karakter, semakin cepat karakter mendapat EXP. Disarankan untuk menggunakan kartu “EXPx2” untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal.

S+ Character Card can be enhanced using any grade of Character Cards, using higher class than targeted Character Card gives higher rate to gain more EXP. Using “EXPx2” card is recommended to gain maximum result.

S+ Grade Character Enhancement

Material Target

Target Material

Material Enhance

Enhancement Material

Material Dibutuhkan

Material Dibutuhkan

Karakter S+

S+ Character

Karakter S

S Character

Min: 10 | Max: 20

Karakter S+

S+ Character

Min: 9 | Max: 18

S [EXP×2 Lv.1]

Min: 5 | Max: 10

S [EXP×2 Lv.10]

Min: 3 | Max: 6

Growing S+ Character Into Awaken

1. Pilih Karakter S+ yang ingin ditumbuhkan menjadi Awaken.

1. Choose an S+ Character that you wish to grow into Awaken.

Pilih Karakter S+ lain untuk melakukan pertumbuhan pada Karakter yang ditargetkan.

  • Karakter S+ apa saja selain Karakter S+ target akan menambah kemajuan sebesar 0,5%.
  • Karakter S+ yang sama dengan Karakter S+ target akan menambah kemajuan sebesar 20%
  • Karakter S+ Awaken yang bernama sama dengan Karakter S+ target akan menambah kemajuan sebesar 50%.

Select S+ Characters to start growing the targeted Character.

  • Any other S+ Characters outside targeted S+ Character will increase progress by 0,5%.
  • An S+ Character that has the same name with targeted S+ Character will increase progress by 20%.
  • An S+ Awaken Character that has same name with targeted S+ Character will increase progress by 50%.

3. Lakukan proses di atas hingga kemajuan mencapai 100% agar Karakter S+ yang ditargetkan tersebut menjadi Awaken.

Catatan: Apabila karakter S+ yang di-upgrade telah dipasang gem, gem yang sudah terpasang tetap akan terpasang pada karakter yang di-upgrade.

3. Do the process above until the progress reaches 100% to grow the targeted S+ Character into Awaken.

Note: If the upgraded S+ character already has gems equipped on it, the gems will be transferred into the upgraded character instead.

Growing Awaken Character Into Evolution

1. Pilih Karakter S+ Awaken yang ingin ditumbuhkan menjadi Evolution.

1. Choose an S+ Awaken Character that you wish to grow into Evolution.

Pada proses ini, hanya Karakter S+ dengan nama yang sama yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pertumbuhan pada Karakter Awaken yang ditargetkan.

  • Karakter S+ yang sama dengan Karakter S+ Awaken target akan menambah kemajuan sebesar 10%
  • Karakter S+ Awaken yang bernama sama dengan Karakter S+ target akan menambah kemajuan sebesar 25%.

On this process, only the same name S+ Characters with targeted S+ Awaken Character is allowed to use to grow the targeted Character.

  1. An S+ Character that has the same name with targeted S+ Character will increase progress by 10%.
  2. An S+ Awaken Character that has same name with targeted S+ Character will increase progress by 25%.

3. Lakukan proses di atas hingga kemajuan mencapai 100% agar Karakter S+ Awaken yang ditargetkan tersebut menjadi Evolution.


  • Apabila karakter S+ yang di-upgrade telah dipasang gem, gem yang sudah terpasang akan tetap terpasang pada karakter yang di-upgrade.
  • Saat mendapatkan karakter Evolusi, akan langsung mendapat Basic Costume (cek mailbox).

3. Do the process above until the progress reaches 100% to grow the targeted S+ Awaken Character into Evolution.


  • If the upgraded S+ character already has gems equipped on it, the gems will be transferred into the upgraded character instead.
  • When obtaining Evolution character, get Basic Costume immediately (check mailbox).


Demikianlah panduan sistem pertumbuhan karakter di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini memudahkan kalian bermain Modoo Marble.

So, that’s been a guide of character growth system in Modoo Marble. Hope this guide helps you to play Modoo Marble easier.