Winter Attendance King Part 3 & Send Present Event START!

Send Present, Get Various Rewards

Event Period

~27 Desember 2024 (Jumat) 12:59 WIB / 13:59 WITA / 14:59 WIT.

~27 December 2024 (Friday) 12:59 ICT / 13:59 SGT / 14:59 KST.


How to Participate

Kirim hadiah kepada teman Kakao agar mereka log in dan raih beragam hadiah!

  • Dapat mengirim hadiah kepada 3 teman yang berbeda setiap harinya.
    • Dapat mengganti daftar teman sebanyak 10 kali.
  • Setiap mengirim hadiah kepada teman, akan memperoleh Super Premium Gacha Pack [+1] Selection Box.
  • Teman yang dikirimkan hadiah apabila log in:
    • Kamu akan memperoleh Super Premium Gacha Pack [+3] Selection Box
    • Teman akan memperoleh CHRISTMAS Powerful Pendant Box
  • Apabila ketiga teman yang dikirimkan hadiah log in semua:
    • Kamu akan memperoleh Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box

Send present to Kakao friend so they would log in and grab various rewards!

  • Can send present to 3 different friends every day.
    • Can refresh the friend list up to 10 times.
  • When sending present to a friend, get Super Premium Gacha Pack [+1] Selection Box.
  • When the friend who got the present logs in:
    • You obtain Super Premium Gacha Pack [+3] Selection Box
    • The friend obtain CHRISTMAS Powerful Pendant Box
  • When all of 3 friends who got the present logs in:
    • You obtain Super Premium Gacha Pack [+10] Selection Box

Winter Attendance King Part 3

Event Period

~27 Desember 2024 (Jumat) 21:59 WIB / 22:59 WITA / 23:59 WIT.

~27 December 2024 (Friday) 21:59 ICT / 22:59 SGT / 23:59 KST.


How to Participate

  • Log in → S [Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1 (1×/hari)

Pemain yang memiliki S [Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] berhak untuk memulai misi spesial.

  • Log in → S [Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1 (1×/day)

Players who own S [Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] are eligible to begin special mission.

Daftar Misi

  1. Log in →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Star Ball Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Raw Stone Box
  2. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Honor Light Box
    4. [Winter Attendance King] Fragment Box
  3. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Star Ball Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Raw Stone Box
  4. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Honor Light Box
    4. [Winter Attendance King] Fragment Box
  5. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Box
    4. [Winter Attendance King] Honor Light Box
    5. [Winter Attendance King] Fragment Box

Mission List

  1. Log in →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Star Ball Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Raw Stone Box
  2. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Honor Light Box
    4. [Winter Attendance King] Fragment Box
  3. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Star Ball Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Raw Stone Box
  4. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Honor Light Box
    4. [Winter Attendance King] Fragment Box
  5. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
    3. [Winter Attendance King] Diamond Box
    4. [Winter Attendance King] Honor Light Box
    5. [Winter Attendance King] Fragment Box

Target Partisipan

  • Pemain yang baru mendaftar di Modoo Marble setelah event dibuka pada 6 Desember 2024 (Jumat) 13:28 WIB langsung meraih S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1.
  • Pemain lama yang tidak log in Modoo Marble selama 1 bulan terakhir lalu log in Modoo Marble setelah event dibuka pada 6 Desember 2024 (Jumat) 13:28 WIB langsung meraih S [Returner Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1.

Pemain yang memiliki S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] atau S [Returner Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] berhak untuk memulai misi spesial.

Participant Target

  • New players who register to Modoo Marble after event opened at 6 December 2024 (Friday) 15:28 KST will obtain S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1 immediately.
  • Old players who did not log in to Modoo Marble for at least 1 month then log in to Modoo Marble after new event opened at 6 December 2024 (Friday) 15:28 KST will obtain S [Returner Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1 immediately.

Player who own S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] or S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] ×1 is eligible to begin the special mission.

Misi bagi pemilik S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)]

  1. Log in →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×2
  2. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
  3. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
  4. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×4
  5. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×6

Misi bagi pemilik S [Returner Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)]

  1. Log in →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×1
  2. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
  3. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
  4. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×2
  5. Log in besok →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×3

Mission for S [Newbie Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] owners

  1. Log in →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×2
  2. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
  3. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
  4. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×4
  5. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×6

Mission for S [Returner Winter Attendance King (27/12/24)] owners

  1. Log in →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×1
  2. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box
  3. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box
  4. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×2
  5. Log in tomorrow →
    1. [Winter Attendance King] Evolution Character Box ×1
    2. [Winter Attendance King] Awaken Pendant Box ×3