Table of Contents
What is Champion League?
Champion League adalah salah satu liga atau class yang ada di Modoo Marble dimana pemain tingkat advanced menantang diri untuk meraih kemenangan sebanyak-banyaknya.
Champion League is a league or class that available in Modoo Marble where advanced player challenge themself to attain as much victory as possible.
Champion League Class Rules
- Maks. RP*: 60000 RP
- Maks. Gold*: 40000 Gold
- Batas Mobilitas: Tidak dibatasi
- Marble Awal: 15 Juta
- Penggunaan Karakter, Pendant, dan Gem: Tidak dibatasi
- Bayar marble tambahan saat upgrade area: Tidak
*) Jumlah dapat berbeda mengikuti situasi tertentu.
- Max. RP*: 60000 RP
- Max. Gold*: 40000 Gold
- Mobility limitation: No limitation
- Starting Marble: 15 Mio
- Character, Pendant, and Gem usage: No limitation
- Pay marble when upgrade landmark: No
*) Amount may different according to circumstances.
How to Enter
Baca panduan di bawah ini untuk memasuki Champion League.
Read instructions below carefully to find out how to enter Champion League.
Baca diagram berikut ini untuk mengetahui anatomi layar lobi Champion League.
Read the diagram below to find out about Champion League main screen.
- Status jumlah kemenangan dan kekalahan saat ini*
- Status level Champion League Challenge Box*
- Status progress kemenangan mingguan Champion League*
- Informasi nickname, pangkat, dan karakter yang digunakan.
- Tombol untuk memulai match.
*) Progress kemenangan dan level Champion League Challenge Box direset setiap hari Senin pukul 21:00 WIB / 22:00 WITA / 23:00 WIT.
- Current win and lose count status.
- Current Champion League Challenge Box level status.
- Cuurent Champion League weekly win count progress bar*
- My nickname, grade and current equipped character information.
- Button to start a match.
*) Current weekly win count progress bar and win lose count resets every Monday at 21:00 ICT / 22:00 SGT / 23:00 KST.
Untuk memulai match di Champion League, tiket Champion League diperlukan. Tiket Champion League dapat diperoleh secara gratis untuk 1 kali per pekan (reset setiap hari Senin pukul 21:00 WIB / 22:00 WITA / 23:00 WIT).
Satu tiket Champion League dapat digunakan untuk bermain di Champion League hingga pemain meraih 15 kemenangan atau 5 kekalahan.
Apabila ingin kembali bermain di Champion League di pekan yang sama, pemain harus membeli tiket Champion League lagi dengan 2 opsi: 200.000 Gold (1 kali/hari) atau 30 Diamond (tanpa batas).
To start playing in Champion League, Champion League entrance ticket is required. Champion League entrance ticket is free for once per week (resets every Monday at 21:00 ICT / 22:00 SGT / 23:00 KST.).
Each Champion League entrance ticket is usable to play in Champion League until a player reaches 15 victories or 5 defeats.
If the player wanted to continue playing within the same week, they must purchase new Champion League entrance ticket for 2 options: 200,000 Golds (once/day) or 30 Diamonds (unlimited).
Chance Matching?
Chance Matching adalah situasi di Champion League dimana pemain dan lawan memiliki pangkat yang terpaut jauh. Ketika pemain tersebut mendapat Chance Matching, ia akan memperoleh keuntungan baik saat menang maupun saat kalah.
Chance Matching is a circumstance in Champion League where a player matched with opponent who has wide rank gap. If a player got Chance Matching, they’ll receive advantages either when winning the match or when losing the match.
Champion League Chance Matching | ||
Situasi Circumstances | Selisih pangkat dengan lawan terpaut 5~9 tingkat My rank and my opponent's rank gap is within 5~9 stages | Selisih pangkat dengan lawan terpaut 10 tingkat atau lebih My rank and my opponent's rank gap is beyond 10 stages |
Apabila Menang If Winning | Memperoleh 2 kali lipat jumlah RP yang diperoleh (tidak melebihi batas maksimal) Obtain 2 times amount of obtained RP (not exceeding maximum amount) | Memperoleh 3 kali lipat jumlah RP yang diperoleh (tidak melebihi batas maksimal) Obtain 3 times amount of obtained RP (not exceeding maximum amount) |
Apabila Kalah If Losing | Tidak mengalami pengurangan RP (walau pangkatku di atas Platinum 3) Doesn't losing RP (even my rank is Platinum 3 and above) | Tidak menambah jumlah X pada status kekalahan Doesn't increase X on defeat count. |
Memperoleh 10% jumlah RP yang diperoleh lawan. Obtain 10% amount of RP that obtained by opponent. |
Champion League Challenge Box
Champion League Challenge Box | |
Jumlah Kemenangan Victory Count | Hadiah Reward |
0 Win | 600 Star Candy |
1 Win | 1000 Star Candy |
2 Win | 1300 Star Candy |
3 Win | 1700 Star Candy |
4 Win | 2200 Star Candy |
5 Win | 2600 Star Candy |
6 Win | 3000 Star Candy |
7 Win | 3400 Star Candy |
8 Win | 3800 Star Candy |
9 Win | 4200 Star Candy |
10 Win | 4500 Star Candy |
11 Win | 5300 Star Candy |
12 Win | 5700 Star Candy |
13 Win | 6100 Star Candy |
14 Win | 7000 Star Candy |
15 Win | 7500 Star Candy |
Champion League Weekly Victory Count
Champion League Weekly Victory Count | |
Jumlah Kemenangan Victory Count | Hadiah Reward |
1 Win | Champion Honor Light Box |
3 Win | Champion Honor Light Box |
5 Win | 600 Mystic Powder |
7 Win | Champion Honor Light Special Box |
10 Win | A+ [Evolution Light Piece] |
12 Win | 500 Diamond |
13 Win | Gold Star Ball |
15 Win | A+ [Evolution Honor Light Piece] |
Exchange Event
- Tukar: A+ [Evolution Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Light] (material hilang)
- Tukar: A+ [Evolution Honor Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Honor Light] (material hilang)
- Exchange: A+ [Evolution Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Light] (materials disappearing)
- Exchange: A+ [Evolution Honor Light Piece] ×4 → S [Evolution Honor Light] (materias disappearing)
Baca informasi tentang Pendant Evolusi di sini.
Read information about Evolution Pendant here.
Demikianlah panduan tentang Champion League di Modoo Marble. Semoga panduan ini dapat memudahkan kalian dalam bermain Modoo Marble.
So that was a guide about Champion League in Modoo Marble. i hope it could help you to play Modoo Marble easier.