Table of Contents
Mebel Family adalah salah satu konten yang ada pada Family yang dapat mempercantik tampilan lobi Family serta memberikan beragam buff yang menguntungkan bagi anggota-anggota Family.
Terdapat 14 jenis Mebel yang terbagi dalam 4 kategori yang masing-masing memberikan buff yang berbeda-beda. Perhatikan rincian setiap Mebel di bawah ini!
Family Furniture is a content in a Family that beautify the Family lobby also provides various buff that is advantageous for Family members.
There are 14 kinds of Furniture that separated into 4 categories that each Furniture has its own buff. Please read the details below.
Furniture Variations
Wonderland Sofa
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 1.250 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 7 Hari
- Harga Buff: 250 Ring
- Efek Buff: Bonus 50 Ring setiap hari.
Wonderland Sofa
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 1,250 Rings
- Buff Duration: 7 Days
- Buff Price: 250 Rings
- Buff Effect: 50 RingsĀ BonusĀ every day.
Vintage Sofa
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 900 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 540 Ring
- Efek Buff: Gratis perlindungan RP 20 kali.
Vintage Sofa
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 900 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 540 Rings
- Buff Effect: Free RP Defense 20 times.
Antique Sofa
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 1.400 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 700 Ring
- Efek Buff: Diskon 10% biaya enhance Pendant
Antique Sofa
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 1,400 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 700 Rings
- Buff Effect: 10% off Pendant enhancement fee.
Wooden Table
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Raih
- Harga Mebel: 500 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 250 Ring
- Efek Buff: Gratis item Ganjil Genap. (5/User & 150/Family)
Wooden Table
- Furniture Buff Type: Collect
- Furniture Price: 500 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 250 Rings
- Buff Effect: Free Odd Even item. (5/User & 150/Family)
Triangle Table
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Raih
- Harga Mebel: 650 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 260 Ring
- Efek Buff: Raih 2000 Gold saat bermain bersama anggota Family. (50 kali)
Triangle Table
- Furniture Buff Type: Collect
- Furniture Price: 650 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 260 Rings
- Buff Effect: Get 2,000 Golds when playing with Family member. (50 times)
Antique Table
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Raih
- Harga Mebel: 1.000 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 500 Ring
- Efek Buff: Durasi perjalanan World Travel berkurang 10%.
Antique Table
- Furniture Buff Type: Collect
- Furniture Price: 1,000 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 500 Rings
- Buff Effect: Decrease travel time in World Travel by 10%.
Wonderland Console
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 1.500 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 700 Ring
- Efek Buff: Diskon 15% biaya enhance Karakter.
Wonderland Console
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 1,500 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 700 Rings
- Buff Effect: 15% off Character card enhancement fee.
Wooden Console
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 700 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 350 Ring
- Efek Buff: Gratis item Dice Double.
Wooden Console
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 700 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 350 Rings
- Buff Effect: Free Dice Double item.
Maple Bookshelf
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 900 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 7 Hari
- Harga Buff: 450 Ring
- Efek Buff: Saat anggota Family log in, Ring yang diperoleh 2 kali lipat.
Maple Bookshelf
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 900 Rings
- Buff Duration: 7 Days
- Buff Price: 450 Rings
- Buff Effect: When a Family member log in, obtained Ring is doubled.
Antique Console
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Install
- Harga Mebel: 1.400 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 3 Hari
- Harga Buff: 500 Ring
- Efek Buff: Diskon 10% biaya enhance Karakter.
Antique Console
- Furniture Buff Type: Install
- Furniture Price: 1,400 Rings
- Buff Duration: 3 Days
- Buff Price: 500 Rings
- Buff Effect: 10% off Character enhancement fee.
Wonderland Clock
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
- Harga Mebel: 600 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
- Harga Buff: 300 Ring
- Efek Buff: Saat menang match, Gold yang diperoleh meningkat 20%.
Wonderland Clock
- Furniture Buff Type: Progress
- Furniture Price: 600 Rings
- Buff Duration: 1 Days
- Buff Price: 300 Rings
- Buff Effect: When winning a match, obtained Gold increases 20%.
Vintage Lamp
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
- Harga Mebel: 500 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
- Harga Buff: 250 Ring
- Efek Buff: Saat menang match, Gold yang diperoleh meningkat 15%.
Vintage Lamp
- Furniture Buff Type: Progress
- Furniture Price: 500 Rings
- Buff Duration: 1 Days
- Buff Price: 250 Rings
- Buff Effect: When winning a match, obtained Gold increases 15%.
Wooden Hanger
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
- Harga Mebel: 650 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
- Harga Buff: 325 Ring
- Efek Buff: Gratis kartu Angel 5 kali.
Wooden Hanger
- Furniture Buff Type: Progress
- Furniture Price: 650 Rings
- Buff Duration: 1 Days
- Buff Price: 325 Rings
- Buff Effect: Free Angel card 5 times.
Tall Boy Speaker
- Tipe Buff Mebel: Progress
- Harga Mebel: 1.000 Ring
- Durasi Buff: 1 Hari
- Harga Buff: 600 Ring
- Efek Buff: Skill ‘Ketepatan kontrol dadu meningkat **%’ bertambah 2%.
Tall Boy Speaker
- Furniture Buff Type: Progress
- Furniture Price: 1,000 Rings
- Buff Duration: 1 Days
- Buff Price: 600 Rings
- Buff Effect: Adds ‘Dice control accuracy increases **%’ skill by 2%.
Pada setiap Mebel di atas, terdapat tipe buff yang berbeda-beda. Berikut ini penjelasannya.
- Install: Efek Buff dapat diterima hanya selama Mebel terpasang di lobi Family.
- Raih: Efek Buff dapat diterima apabila Mebel terpasang di lobi Family dan menerima buff tersebut secara manual.
- Progress: Efek Buff diterapkan ke semua anggota Family ketika Mebel tersebut dipasang dan tetap aktif walaupun Mebel tersebut diganti dengan mebel yang lain.
Within those Furnitures explained above, there are several types of Furniture buffs. Below are explanations of the Furniture buff type.
- Install: Buff Effect only applied while the Furniture is installed in the Family lobby.
- Collect: Buff Effect only applied while the Furniture is installed in the Family lobby and must be claimed manually.
- Progress: Buff Effect applies to all Family members if the Furniture is installed and the Buff Effect does not removed when the Furniture is changed.
Seperti itulah macam-macam Mebel Family yang ada di Modoo Marble.
So that was variations of Family Furnitures that existing in Modoo Marble.